Currículo emergente para el desarrollo de las potencialidades humanas en educación básica primaria
Díaz Buitrago, Estela Mireya
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El objetivo de esta investigación es construir colectivamente una propuesta de currículo emergente que
coadyuve al desarrollo de las potencialidades humanas en estudiantes de educación básica primaria. En
este sentido, este informe de investigación se ha desarrollado con una introducción que pone en
contexto local, nacional e internacional informaciones empíricas que evidencian cómo los currículos,
particularmente en América Latina, desconocen las potencialidades humanas como principio para la
formación de la singularidad de los educandos. También se presenta un primer diagnóstico de la I.E. José
María Córdoba de Montería objeto de estudio de la investigación y que se focaliza principalmente en las
estadísticas de rendimiento académico y deserción del periodo 2019-2021. Información que se configura
como referencia para desarrollar un contexto problémico que justifica ontológica y
epistemológicamente la presente tesis. Referentes que se consolidan en un estado del arte que hace
uso del análisis sistemático para presentar investigaciones de todos los continentes del mundo en la
perspectiva de las dos categorías de estudio, a saber: currículo emergente y potencialidades humanas.
Categorías de estudio que se viabilizan en una ruta metodológica que parte del paradigma sociocrítico
con un enfoque cualitativo y cuyo diseño de investigación-acción educativa conduce a cumplir los
objetivos de la tesis doctoral. Finalmente son abordados los resultados del estudio en una ruta de
construcción de conocimiento que transita por lo teórico, epistémico y social para establecer los
fundamentos, propiedades y cualidades de un currículo emergente para el desarrollo de las
potencialidades humanas. De esta manera, el presente estudio se constituye en una nueva experiencia
curricular que favorece la transformación de las prácticas educativas y pedagógicas en el nivel microcurricular. Impacto esperado de una investigación cuyo propósito científico no se limitó a la
construcción de nuevo conocimiento, sino que a partir de sus itinerarios epistémicos y de sus
innovaciones metodológicas, coadyuvó a construir otras realidades educativas, más humanas y
The objective of this research is to collectively construct an emerging curriculum proposal that contributes to the development of human potentialities in elementary school students. In this sense, this research report has been developed with an introduction that places in local, national and international context empirical information that shows how curricula, particularly in Latin America, ignore human potentialities as a principle for the formation of the uniqueness of students. A first diagnosis of the I.E. José María Córdoba of Monteria, the object of study of the research, is also presented, focusing mainly on the statistics of academic performance and desertion for the period 2019- 2021. Information that is configured as a reference to develop a problematic context that ontologically and epistemologically justifies the present thesis. Referents that are consolidated in a state of the art that makes use of systematic analysis to present research from all continents of the world in the perspective of the two categories of study, namely: emerging curriculum and human potentialities. Categories of study that are made viable in a methodological route that starts from the socio-critical paradigm with a qualitative approach and whose educational action-research design leads to fulfill the objectives of the doctoral thesis. Finally, the results of the study are approached in a route of knowledge construction that goes through the theoretical, epistemic and social to establish the foundations, properties and qualities of an emerging curriculum for the development of human potentialities. Thus, this study constitutes a new curricular experience that favors the transformation of educational and pedagogical practices at the micro-curricular level. The expected impact of a research whose scientific purpose was not limited to the construction of new knowledge, but rather, based on its epistemic itineraries and methodological innovations, contributed to build other educational realities, more human and planetary.
The objective of this research is to collectively construct an emerging curriculum proposal that contributes to the development of human potentialities in elementary school students. In this sense, this research report has been developed with an introduction that places in local, national and international context empirical information that shows how curricula, particularly in Latin America, ignore human potentialities as a principle for the formation of the uniqueness of students. A first diagnosis of the I.E. José María Córdoba of Monteria, the object of study of the research, is also presented, focusing mainly on the statistics of academic performance and desertion for the period 2019- 2021. Information that is configured as a reference to develop a problematic context that ontologically and epistemologically justifies the present thesis. Referents that are consolidated in a state of the art that makes use of systematic analysis to present research from all continents of the world in the perspective of the two categories of study, namely: emerging curriculum and human potentialities. Categories of study that are made viable in a methodological route that starts from the socio-critical paradigm with a qualitative approach and whose educational action-research design leads to fulfill the objectives of the doctoral thesis. Finally, the results of the study are approached in a route of knowledge construction that goes through the theoretical, epistemic and social to establish the foundations, properties and qualities of an emerging curriculum for the development of human potentialities. Thus, this study constitutes a new curricular experience that favors the transformation of educational and pedagogical practices at the micro-curricular level. The expected impact of a research whose scientific purpose was not limited to the construction of new knowledge, but rather, based on its epistemic itineraries and methodological innovations, contributed to build other educational realities, more human and planetary.
Palabras clave
Currículo, Potencialidades humanas, Pensamiento emergente, Pensamiento complejo, Investigación acción educativa, Educación básica, Curriculum, Human potentialities, Emerging thinking, Complex thinking, Educational action research, Basic education