Estudio de caso: perspectiva psicosocial y teorías integradoras de Elliot a la luz de un caso de reinserción en Barranquilla
Muñoz Urueta, Luis Antonio
Moscarella, Antonio
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El objetivo general de este estudio de caso la revisión de las teorías integradoras de Elliot y probar hasta qué grado se cumplen en un caso de reinserción voluntaria en la ciudad de Barranquilla. A partir de allí, busca acercarse a un entendimiento de factores asociados. la génesis de la conducta delictiva del participante y proponer pautas que logren una mejora en los procesos de resocialización o socialización (Restrepo Fontalvo, 2014, p. 517). El estudio de caso se basa en una metodología cualitativa y la técnica utilizada fue la revisión bibliográfica sobre las teorías de Control Social de Hirschi, la Teoría de la Frustración de Cohen, la Teoría de Asociación Diferencial de Sutherland y la integración de las mismas por Elliot. Respecto a los instrumentos, con la información obtenida, se diseñaron entrevistas semiestructuradas que fueron aplicadas al participante, buscando una narración en primera persona que permitiera alcanzar los objetivos propuestos y la aplicación de cuestionarios como el Inventario Clínico Multiaxial de Millón-III, el PCL-R y el Cuestionario DUKE-UNC. Los resultados muestran una gran consistencia de los constructos teóricos con la revisión longitudinal de la vida del señor “D” y evidentes rasgos de personalidad antisocial, rasgos psicopáticos y una percepción de apoyo social normal congruentes con su biografía.
The general objective of this case study is to review Elliot's integrative theories and test to what degree they are fulfilled in a case of voluntary reintegration in the city of Barranquilla. From there, it seeks to get closer to an understanding of associated factors. the genesis of the participant's criminal behavior and propose guidelines that achieve an improvement in the processes of re-socialization or socialization (Restrepo Fontalvo, 2014, p. 517). The case study is based on a qualitative methodology and the technique used was the bibliographic review on Hirschi's theories of Social Control, Cohen's Theory of Frustration, Sutherland's Differential Association Theory and their integration by Elliot. Regarding the instruments, with the information obtained, semi-structured interviews were designed that were applied to the participant, seeking a first-person narration that would allow the proposed objectives to be achieved and the application of questionnaires such as the Millón-III Multiaxial Clinical Inventory, the PCL- R and the DUKE-UNC Questionnaire. The results show a great consistency of the theoretical constructs with the longitudinal review of the life of Mr. “D” and evident antisocial personality traits, psychopathic traits and a perception of normal social support congruent with his biography.
The general objective of this case study is to review Elliot's integrative theories and test to what degree they are fulfilled in a case of voluntary reintegration in the city of Barranquilla. From there, it seeks to get closer to an understanding of associated factors. the genesis of the participant's criminal behavior and propose guidelines that achieve an improvement in the processes of re-socialization or socialization (Restrepo Fontalvo, 2014, p. 517). The case study is based on a qualitative methodology and the technique used was the bibliographic review on Hirschi's theories of Social Control, Cohen's Theory of Frustration, Sutherland's Differential Association Theory and their integration by Elliot. Regarding the instruments, with the information obtained, semi-structured interviews were designed that were applied to the participant, seeking a first-person narration that would allow the proposed objectives to be achieved and the application of questionnaires such as the Millón-III Multiaxial Clinical Inventory, the PCL- R and the DUKE-UNC Questionnaire. The results show a great consistency of the theoretical constructs with the longitudinal review of the life of Mr. “D” and evident antisocial personality traits, psychopathic traits and a perception of normal social support congruent with his biography.
Palabras clave
Aprendizaje, Control, Frustración y reinserción, Learning, Control, Frustration and reintegration