Revolucionando la salud mental: el impacto de la inteligencia artificial en la psicoterapia
Zapata Ortiz, Andrea Carolina
Ospino Sara, Jessica Paola
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas
Introducción: La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) y la psicología son unas disciplinas o
áreas que están enlazadas entre sí, debido a que si estudiamos un poco la
psicología se estudian algunos conceptos de la inteligencia artificial en la rama de
la psicología del pensamiento; por consiguiente, en la inteligencia artificial como es
muy notorio se debe estudiar áreas relacionadas a la cognición humana; por ende,
estas dos disciplinas guardan relación entre si aunque muchos difieran que no la
existe. Objetivo: estudiar como la inteligencia artificial puede afectar el proceso
terapéutico del paciente. Método: La metodología que se verá desarrollada a lo
largo del artículo, este es de tipo integrador basado en revisiones teóricas de
artículos cualitativos, experimentales, sistemáticos, transversales y meta-análisis.
Resultados: la IA puede afectar la relación terapéutica debido al trato poco
humanizado que puede tener la inteligencia artificial, además que se puede ver
afectado la privacidad y confiabilidad de los datos del paciente, aunque ha habido
grandes avances aún falta mucho para que la IA pueda establecer un vínculo
terapéutico que remplace el ser humano. Discusión: La inteligencia artificial (IA)
puede tener un impacto positivo en la relación terapéutica al ser utilizada como una
herramienta para mejorar la terapia, incluyendo el uso de realidad virtual. Sin
embargo, también puede tener impactos negativos, especialmente en la privacidad
y confiabilidad de los datos del paciente. Aunque la IA ha avanzado, aún no puede
reemplazar completamente la conexión humana en la terapia.
Introduction: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and psychology are interconnected disciplines, as the study of psychology encompasses some concepts of AI within the branch of cognitive psychology. Consequently, AI must delve into areas related to human cognition. Hence, these two disciplines are related, although many may argue otherwise. Objective: To examine how artificial intelligence can impact the therapeutic process of the patient. Method: The methodology employed throughout the article is integrative, based on theoretical reviews of qualitative, experimental, systematic, cross-sectional, and meta-analytical articles. Results: AI can affect the therapeutic relationship due to the potentially dehumanizing treatment it may provide. Additionally, the privacy and reliability of patient data may be compromised. Although significant advances have been made, much remains to be accomplished before AI can establish a therapeutic bond that replaces human interaction. Discussion: Artificial intelligence (AI) can have a positive impact on the therapeutic relationship when used as a tool to enhance therapy, including the use of virtual reality. However, it can also have negative impacts, particularly concerning patient data privacy and reliability. While AI has advanced, it cannot fully replace human connection in therapy
Introduction: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and psychology are interconnected disciplines, as the study of psychology encompasses some concepts of AI within the branch of cognitive psychology. Consequently, AI must delve into areas related to human cognition. Hence, these two disciplines are related, although many may argue otherwise. Objective: To examine how artificial intelligence can impact the therapeutic process of the patient. Method: The methodology employed throughout the article is integrative, based on theoretical reviews of qualitative, experimental, systematic, cross-sectional, and meta-analytical articles. Results: AI can affect the therapeutic relationship due to the potentially dehumanizing treatment it may provide. Additionally, the privacy and reliability of patient data may be compromised. Although significant advances have been made, much remains to be accomplished before AI can establish a therapeutic bond that replaces human interaction. Discussion: Artificial intelligence (AI) can have a positive impact on the therapeutic relationship when used as a tool to enhance therapy, including the use of virtual reality. However, it can also have negative impacts, particularly concerning patient data privacy and reliability. While AI has advanced, it cannot fully replace human connection in therapy
Palabras clave
Inteligencia artificial, Psicoterapia, Psicología, Cyberterapia