Religación de las TIC desde el paradigma emergente para la formación universitaria
Cavieles Rojas, Nairo José
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Albán et al. (2017) y Núñez et al. (2019) sugieren que la realidad de los
docentes en los campus universitarios, respecto de los avances de las tecnologías
de la información y las telecomunicaciones - TIC, han impulsado una movilización
en la educación superior hacia la emergencia en la transformación de los procesos
de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Organismos como el Departamento Administrativo
Nacional de Estadística (DANE, 2018) en Colombia y la Organización de las
Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO, 2013), dan
cuenta sobre la evolución en cuanto al uso de las TIC en las instituciones educativas
en todos los niveles de escolaridad, haciendo énfasis en los estudiantes. En
contraste, autores como Lombillo et al. (2018); Fernández (2010) y García et al.
(2016) sugieren la formación de docentes para que propicien las competencias
digitales necesarias a los futuros profesionales esperando un mejor desempeño
laboral. Como objetivo general se propuso, configurar una propuesta didáctica
desde el paradigma emergente, que transforme la realidad de los docentes
universitarios en su acción formativa mediada por TIC. La presente Tesis Doctoral
centra su objeto de estudio en la didáctica, y se encuentra relacionada con la línea
de investigación, pedagogía, educación y complejidad; la propuesta se desarrolla a
través de la metodología de Investigación Acción Educativa IAE de Elliott (1989),
incorporando técnicas e instrumentos diseñados por el investigador y validados por
expertos, con un enfoque cualitativo, enmarcado en el paradigma emergente. Se
propuso una nueva didáctica consensuada con los docentes coinvestigadores,
denominada DETIC – Didáctica Emergente para el uso adecuado de las TIC, a partir
de la religación de las categorías principales de la Tesis y las categorías
emergentes, basada en la Teoría General de Sistemas de Bertalanffy (1981) y
Luhmann (1997), en contraste con las teorías de Control Moderno. Como un producto adicional se desarrolló un banco de recursos digitales, en donde el docente
puede seleccionar los que considere pertinentes para cada momento didáctico de
la clase. Como conclusión, a través de la tesis se logró proponer la creación de una
nueva didáctica para el uso adecuado de las TIC, la cual pretende transformar la
realidad docente y propiciar una mejor formación universitaria.
Albán et al. (2017) and Núñez et al. (2019) suggest that the reality of teachers on university campuses, with respect to the advances in information technologies and telecommunications - ICT, have driven a mobilization in higher education towards the emergency in the transformation of teaching processes and learning. Organizations such as the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE, 2018) in Colombia and the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO, 2013), report on the evolution regarding the use of ICT in educational institutions at all levels of schooling, with an emphasis on students. In contrast, authors such as Lombillo et al. (2018); Fernández (2010) and García et al. (2016) suggest the training of teachers so that they provide the necessary digital skills to future professionals hoping for better job performance. As a general objective, it was proposed to configure a didactic proposal from the emerging paradigm, which transforms the reality of university teachers in their training action mediated by ICT. This Doctoral Thesis focuses its object of study on didactics, and is related to the line of research, pedagogy, education and complexity; The proposal is developed through the IAE Educational Action Research methodology by Elliott (1989), incorporating techniques and instruments designed by the researcher and validated by experts, with a qualitative approach, framed in the emerging paradigm. A new didactics agreed with the co-investigating teachers was proposed, called DETIC - Emergent Didactics for the proper use of ICT, based on the religation of the main categories of the Thesis and the emerging categories, based on Bertalanffy's General Theory of Systems (1981) and Luhmann (1997), in contrast to the theories of Modern Control. As an additional product, a bank of digital resources was developed, where the teacher can select those that he considers pertinent for each didactic moment of the class. As a conclusion, through the thesis it was possible to propose the creation of a new didactics for the proper use of ICT, which aims to transform the teaching reality and promote better university training.
Albán et al. (2017) and Núñez et al. (2019) suggest that the reality of teachers on university campuses, with respect to the advances in information technologies and telecommunications - ICT, have driven a mobilization in higher education towards the emergency in the transformation of teaching processes and learning. Organizations such as the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE, 2018) in Colombia and the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO, 2013), report on the evolution regarding the use of ICT in educational institutions at all levels of schooling, with an emphasis on students. In contrast, authors such as Lombillo et al. (2018); Fernández (2010) and García et al. (2016) suggest the training of teachers so that they provide the necessary digital skills to future professionals hoping for better job performance. As a general objective, it was proposed to configure a didactic proposal from the emerging paradigm, which transforms the reality of university teachers in their training action mediated by ICT. This Doctoral Thesis focuses its object of study on didactics, and is related to the line of research, pedagogy, education and complexity; The proposal is developed through the IAE Educational Action Research methodology by Elliott (1989), incorporating techniques and instruments designed by the researcher and validated by experts, with a qualitative approach, framed in the emerging paradigm. A new didactics agreed with the co-investigating teachers was proposed, called DETIC - Emergent Didactics for the proper use of ICT, based on the religation of the main categories of the Thesis and the emerging categories, based on Bertalanffy's General Theory of Systems (1981) and Luhmann (1997), in contrast to the theories of Modern Control. As an additional product, a bank of digital resources was developed, where the teacher can select those that he considers pertinent for each didactic moment of the class. As a conclusion, through the thesis it was possible to propose the creation of a new didactics for the proper use of ICT, which aims to transform the teaching reality and promote better university training.
Palabras clave
Didáctica, TIC, Formación docente, Didactics, ICT, Teacher training