Gestión de estrategias didácticas orientadas a la promoción de las habilidades para la vida en los estudiantes de la Corporación Educativa Formar
Becerra Romero, Julieth
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Las habilidades para la vida (HPV) son un tema crucial dentro de las entidades educativas, su desarrollo permite al estudiante enfrentar los desafíos y retos que se le presenten, es por esto que las instituciones exponen en su Proyecto Educativo Institucional (PEI) como prioridad, la formación integral llevando al estudiante, a desarrollar competencias basado en los cuatro pilares de la educación; saber, saber hacer, saber ser y saber convivir (Cajiao & Uribe, 2016), de esta manera logre su aprendizaje en conocimiento, aptitud y actitud. Se tiene como objetivo general de investigación; Gestionar participativamente estrategias didácticas orientadas a la promoción de las habilidades para la vida en los estudiantes de la Corporación Educativa Formar. Es importante anotar que establecer estrategias didácticas que permitan a los docentes de las ETDH impartir HPV, permitirá incentivar en los estudiantes valores, hábitos y conductas, que se reflejen en la mejora de su actitud y la manera de afrontar las situaciones adversas. Este proceso llevado a cabo de manera constante y organizada, podría posibilitar a estas entidades educativas cumplir con la formación integral que exponen en sus documentos reglamentarios, de aquí la importancia de la presente investigación.
The skills for life (HPV) are a crucial issue within the educational entities, their development allows the student to face the challenges and challenges that arise, that is why the institutions expose in their Institutional Educational Project (PEI) as a priority , the integral formation leading the student to develop competences based on the four pillars of education; know, know how to do, know how to be and know how to live together (Cajiao & Uribe, 2016), in this way achieve your learning in knowledge, aptitude and attitude. It has the general objective of research; Participatively manage educational strategies aimed at promoting life skills in the students of the Formar Educational Corporation. It is important to note that establishing didactic strategies that allow ETDH teachers to impart HPV, will allow students to stimulate values, habits and behaviors, which are reflected in the improvement of their attitude and how to deal with adverse situations. This process carried out in a constant and organized manner, could enable these educational entities to comply with the comprehensive training set out in their regulatory documents, hence the importance of this research.
The skills for life (HPV) are a crucial issue within the educational entities, their development allows the student to face the challenges and challenges that arise, that is why the institutions expose in their Institutional Educational Project (PEI) as a priority , the integral formation leading the student to develop competences based on the four pillars of education; know, know how to do, know how to be and know how to live together (Cajiao & Uribe, 2016), in this way achieve your learning in knowledge, aptitude and attitude. It has the general objective of research; Participatively manage educational strategies aimed at promoting life skills in the students of the Formar Educational Corporation. It is important to note that establishing didactic strategies that allow ETDH teachers to impart HPV, will allow students to stimulate values, habits and behaviors, which are reflected in the improvement of their attitude and how to deal with adverse situations. This process carried out in a constant and organized manner, could enable these educational entities to comply with the comprehensive training set out in their regulatory documents, hence the importance of this research.
Palabras clave
Habilidades para la vida, Estrategias didácticas, Jóvenes en formación, Docentes, Skills for life, Didactic strategies, Youth in training, Teachers