Elección directa del procurador general de la nación y el principio de autonomía funcional de la entidad a partir de la constitución de 1991
Hernandez Pichón, Nadin Jaime
Duque Jordan, José
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El artículo de revisión de literatura aquí abordado tuvo como finalidad poder
encontrar la relación lesiva e incoherente entre la modalidad de elección directa del
Procurador General de la Nación y el principio de autonomía funcional de la entidad,
como ente de control preventivo y sancionador disciplinariamente desde la
Constitución de 1991. Para ello, fue necesario revisar los antecedentes de elección
del Procurador General de la Nación; luego se determinó la importancia de la
función disciplinaria de la Procuraduría General de la Nación de acuerdo a la misma
Carta política y; se halló el punto de quiebre o de lesión del principio de autonomía
funcional e institucional de la Procuraduría General de la Nación como
consecuencia de la elección directa del Procurador, específicamente en el caso de
Alejandro Ordoñez. De esta forma, se utilizó un paradigma socio – crítico y un
método inductivo para extraer las conclusiones que se basaron en la incoherencia
e inadecuación de la modalidad de elección del Procurador General, toda vez que
irrumpe con el principio de autonomía funcional porque puede en la mayoría de los
casos, responder a intereses intersubjetivos, lo cual nubla la imparcialidad de un
juez natural en la esfera disciplinaria de las conductas de funcionarios públicos en
The research work addressed here was aimed at finding the harmful and incoherent relationship between the direct election modality of the Attorney General and the principle of functional autonomy of the entity, as an entity of preventive control and disciplinary sanctioning since the Constitution of 1991. For this, it was necessary to review the background of the election of the Attorney General; then the importance of the disciplinary function of the Attorney General's Office was determined according to the same political Charter and; the point of breakage or injury of the principle of functional and institutional autonomy of the Office of the Attorney General was found as a result of the direct election of the Attorney General. In this way, a socio-critical paradigm and an inductive method were used to draw the conclusions that were based on the inconsistency and inadequacy of the modality of election of the Attorney General, since it breaks into the principle of functional autonomy because it can in the In most cases, responding to intersubjective interests, which clouds the impartiality of a natural judge in the disciplinary sphere of the behavior of public officials in Colombia.
The research work addressed here was aimed at finding the harmful and incoherent relationship between the direct election modality of the Attorney General and the principle of functional autonomy of the entity, as an entity of preventive control and disciplinary sanctioning since the Constitution of 1991. For this, it was necessary to review the background of the election of the Attorney General; then the importance of the disciplinary function of the Attorney General's Office was determined according to the same political Charter and; the point of breakage or injury of the principle of functional and institutional autonomy of the Office of the Attorney General was found as a result of the direct election of the Attorney General. In this way, a socio-critical paradigm and an inductive method were used to draw the conclusions that were based on the inconsistency and inadequacy of the modality of election of the Attorney General, since it breaks into the principle of functional autonomy because it can in the In most cases, responding to intersubjective interests, which clouds the impartiality of a natural judge in the disciplinary sphere of the behavior of public officials in Colombia.
Palabras clave
Elección directa, Principio, Autonomía funcional, Autonomía institucional, Procurador, Direct choice, Principle, Functional autonomy, Institutional autonomy, Attorney