Relación del talento humano con la gestión ambiental en las empresas industriales: una revisión sistemática de la literatura
Salgado Sotelo, María José
Villanueva Hurtado, Andrea Valentina
Alvear Ariza, Michael Antonio
Marriaga Rico, Lastenia Julieth
Fray Guillot, Giovanny Alexander
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
El talento humano y la gestión ambiental se han conocido como un factor importante en el desarrollo de todo sistema
empresarial, industrial y organizacional. El talento humano como aquel factor que permite el cumplimiento de todas
las actividades de una empresa, con el fin de obtener mejores resultados y garantizar el éxito de cualquier compañía.
y en la gestión ambiental permite la realización de todas las labores empresariales manteniendo un orden y
sostenibilidad del medio ambiente. Además, esta gestión permite que muchas empresas sin importar su
posicionamiento en la industria sean conscientes del impacto sobre el medio en que desarrollan todas sus labores.
Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior. el objetivo principal de esta investigación es establecer la relación existente entre el
talento humano y sus prácticas de gestión ambiental mediante una investigación descriptiva, de diseño documental.
La revisión sistemática se realizó en los últimos diez años con el fin de conocer el estado del arte de la temática
aplicando una ecuación de búsqueda con palabras clave y criterios de exclusión, obteniéndose un total de 175
publicaciones de la base de datos Scopus. Este portafolio fue analizado cuantitativamente con el apoyo de las
herramientas Bibliometrix y VOSviewer. Los resultados indican que la mayor parte de las publicaciones provienen de
países como China, Brasil e India. Así mismo, se destaca Jabbour CJC como el de mayor relevancia autoral con
investigaciones en esta temática. Finalmente, teniendo en cuenta la situación medioambiental actual, se puede
predecir que este tipo de investigaciones y artículos aumentarán exponencialmente dada la relación estrecha entre el
talento humano y la gestión ambiental, ya que la implementación de una gestión ambiental permite aumentar la
eficiencia operativa y es el talento humano el que debe de encargarse de promoverla, para llegar a este objetivo.
Human talent and environmental management have been known as an important factor in the development of any business, industrial and organizational system. Human talent as that factor that allows the fulfillment of all activities of a company, in order to obtain better results and ensure the success of any company. and in environmental management allows the realization of all business tasks while maintaining order and sustainability of the environment. In addition, this management allows many companies, regardless of their positioning in the industry, to be aware of the impact on the environment in which they develop all their work. Taking into account the above, the main objective of this research is to establish the relationship between human talent and its environmental management practices through a descriptive research of documentary design. The systematic review was carried out in the last ten years in order to know the state of the art of the subject by applying a search equation with key words and exclusion criteria, obtaining a total of 175 publications from the Scopus database. This portfolio was analyzed quantitatively with the support of Bibliometrix and VOSviewer tools. The results indicate that most of the publications come from countries such as China, Brazil and India. Likewise, Jabbour CJC stands out as the most relevant author with research on this topic. Finally, taking into account the current environmental situation, it can be predicted that this type of research and articles will increase exponentially given the close relationship between human talent and environmental management, since the implementation of environmental management increases operational efficiency and it is human talent that must be in charge of promoting it, in order to achieve this objective.
Human talent and environmental management have been known as an important factor in the development of any business, industrial and organizational system. Human talent as that factor that allows the fulfillment of all activities of a company, in order to obtain better results and ensure the success of any company. and in environmental management allows the realization of all business tasks while maintaining order and sustainability of the environment. In addition, this management allows many companies, regardless of their positioning in the industry, to be aware of the impact on the environment in which they develop all their work. Taking into account the above, the main objective of this research is to establish the relationship between human talent and its environmental management practices through a descriptive research of documentary design. The systematic review was carried out in the last ten years in order to know the state of the art of the subject by applying a search equation with key words and exclusion criteria, obtaining a total of 175 publications from the Scopus database. This portfolio was analyzed quantitatively with the support of Bibliometrix and VOSviewer tools. The results indicate that most of the publications come from countries such as China, Brazil and India. Likewise, Jabbour CJC stands out as the most relevant author with research on this topic. Finally, taking into account the current environmental situation, it can be predicted that this type of research and articles will increase exponentially given the close relationship between human talent and environmental management, since the implementation of environmental management increases operational efficiency and it is human talent that must be in charge of promoting it, in order to achieve this objective.
Palabras clave
Análisis bibliométrico, Gestión del talento humano, Gestión ambiental, Desarrollo sostenible, Bibliometric analysis, Human talent management, Environmental management, Sustainable development