Currículo Sociocrítico - discursivo de inglés: entretejido dialógico para el desarrollo de la capacidad de agencia humana en entornos escolares
Noriega Díaz, Luis Fernando
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Esta investigación se orienta a la construcción, desde la acción colectiva, de un currículo de Idioma
Extranjero - inglés, que religa los principios del Enfoque Sociocrítico y la Pedagogía de Géneros
Discursivos, de tal cuenta que se constituya en un entretejido dialógico tendiente al desarrollo de la
capacidad de Agencia Humana en estudiantes y docentes de básica secundaria y media. En ese sentido,
a partir de un primer acercamiento diagnóstico, se configura el contexto problémico que justifica
ontológica y epistemológicamente la inserción investigativa. Seguidamente, se realiza una indagación
georreferenciada de información empírica antecedente que estructura el Estado del Arte de las
categorías objeto de estudio en el ámbito internacional, nacional y local y que evidencia como los
entramados curriculares de idioma extranjero inglés se han anclado a una visión técnica y
descontextualizada que asume a los individuos como ingenuos actores ejecutantes y no como agentes
sentipensantes, dinámicos y promotores de transformación y cambio social. Articuladamente, se aborda
una aproximación a los fundamentos teóricos que subyacen a las categorías de la investigación para
finalmente, ilustrar la ruta metodológica que desde el paradigma sociocrítico y la óptica de la
Investigación Acción-Participativa (IAP) se orienta al logro de los objetivos propuestos. De esta manera,
se propone una visión del currículo de Idioma Extranjero – inglés como actividad consciente, creativa,
contextualizada y comprometida con el entramado saber académico - saber cotidiano que resulta de un
proceso de socioconstrucción, autoformación y transformación bio-antropo-sociológica de docentes y
estudiantes y que los potencia como agentes para actuar deliberadamente guiados por propósitos y
metas comunes.
This research seeks to build, from the collective action, English as a Foreign Language curriculum, which combines the principles of the Sociocritical Approach and Genre Pedagogy, in such a way that it becomes a dialogic interweaving oriented to the development of the capacity of Human Agency in secondary and middle school. In this sense, from a first diagnostic approach, the problematic context that ontologically and epistemologically justifies the research insertion is configured. Next, a georeferenced inquiry of empirical background information that structures the State of the Art of the categories under study at the international, national, and local levels is carried out, which evidences how the curricular frameworks of the English foreign language have been anchored to a technical and decontextualized vision that assumes individuals as naïve executing actors and not as thinking, dynamic and promoting agents of transformation and social change. Articulately, an approach to the theoretical foundations that underlie the categories of the research is approached to finally illustrate the methodological route that from the sociocritical paradigm and the optics of the Participatory Action Research (PAR) is oriented to the achievement of the proposed objectives. In this way, it proposes a vision of the Foreign Language - English curriculum as a conscious, creative, contextualized and committed activity with the academic knowledge - everyday knowledge framework that results from a process of socio-construction, self-education and bio-anthropo-sociological transformation of teachers and students and that empowers them as agents to act deliberately guided by common purposes and goals.
This research seeks to build, from the collective action, English as a Foreign Language curriculum, which combines the principles of the Sociocritical Approach and Genre Pedagogy, in such a way that it becomes a dialogic interweaving oriented to the development of the capacity of Human Agency in secondary and middle school. In this sense, from a first diagnostic approach, the problematic context that ontologically and epistemologically justifies the research insertion is configured. Next, a georeferenced inquiry of empirical background information that structures the State of the Art of the categories under study at the international, national, and local levels is carried out, which evidences how the curricular frameworks of the English foreign language have been anchored to a technical and decontextualized vision that assumes individuals as naïve executing actors and not as thinking, dynamic and promoting agents of transformation and social change. Articulately, an approach to the theoretical foundations that underlie the categories of the research is approached to finally illustrate the methodological route that from the sociocritical paradigm and the optics of the Participatory Action Research (PAR) is oriented to the achievement of the proposed objectives. In this way, it proposes a vision of the Foreign Language - English curriculum as a conscious, creative, contextualized and committed activity with the academic knowledge - everyday knowledge framework that results from a process of socio-construction, self-education and bio-anthropo-sociological transformation of teachers and students and that empowers them as agents to act deliberately guided by common purposes and goals.
Palabras clave
Currículo Sociocrítico, Pedagogía de géneros discursivos, Agencia humana, Enseñanza - aprendizaje del inglés, Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP), Sociocritical Curriculum, Discursive genres pedagogy, Human agency, English teaching-learning, Participatory Action Research (PAR)