Metodologías alternativas para el involucramiento efectivo de la ciudadanía en la gestión pública
Carvajal Suárez, Jorge Andrés
Sánchez Castañeda, Fernando Mario
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
A pesar de la evaluación de múltiples factores socioeconómicos, el bajo
rendimiento del indicador de "Participación ciudadana en la gestión pública" dentro del
Modelo Integrado de Planeación y Gestión (MIPG), podría tener consecuencias
significativas para la competitividad de San José de Cúcuta.
La presente consultoría fue ejecutada con el objetivo de investigar y crear
servicios que fomenten un mayor grado de involucramiento ciudadano en la gestión
pública. Para respaldar esta necesidad, se comparan los resultados del indicador en
Cúcuta (67,9%) con las tres principales ciudades del índice de competitividad de
ciudades (ICC) en 2022: Bogotá y Medellín y Tunja.
Durante el proceso se identificaron las debilidades de la Secretaría de Prensa y
Comunicaciones de la alcaldía de San José de Cúcuta, al momento de diseñar e
implementar espacios creativos e innovadores en el espacio público. Estos espacios son
claves para comunicar los resultados de la administración municipal, generar conciencia
ciudadana y aumentar los niveles de involucramiento efectivo en la gestión pública.
El trabajo se estructura en tres secciones principales: la importancia y pertinencia
del estudio, la aplicación en campo y la discusión basada en los resultados obtenidos.
También, se incorporaron entrevistas como herramienta para obtener información oral y
personalizada sobre las percepciones, voces y sentires de la ciudadanía en relación con
la gestión pública y la participación ciudadana.
En última instancia, se aboga por un cambio cualitativo en los procesos de
votación a cargos de elección popular y se sugiere que la retórica participativa debe ser
superada por resultados concretos.
Despite the evaluation of multiple socioeconomic factors, the low performance of the indicator of "Citizen participation in public management" within the Integrated Planning and Management Model (MIPG), could have significant consequences for the competitiveness of San José de Cúcuta. This consultancy was executed with the aim of investigating and creating services that promote a greater degree of citizen involvement in public management. To support this need, the results of the indicator in Cúcuta (67.9%) are compared with the three main cities of the city competitiveness index (ICC) in 2022: Bogotá and Medellín and Tunja. During the process, the weaknesses of the Secretariat of Press and Communications of the mayor's office of San José de Cúcuta were identified, at the time of designing and implementing creative and innovative spaces in public space. These spaces are key to communicating the results of the municipal administration, generating citizen awareness and increasing the levels of effective involvement in public management. The work is structured in three main sections: the importance and relevance of the study, the application in the field and the discussion based on the results obtained. Also, interviews were incorporated as a tool to obtain oral and personalized information about the perceptions, voices and feelings of citizens in relation to public management and citizen participation. Ultimately, it is advocated for a qualitative change in the processes of voting for popularly elected positions and it is suggested that participatory rhetoric must be surpassed by concrete results.
Despite the evaluation of multiple socioeconomic factors, the low performance of the indicator of "Citizen participation in public management" within the Integrated Planning and Management Model (MIPG), could have significant consequences for the competitiveness of San José de Cúcuta. This consultancy was executed with the aim of investigating and creating services that promote a greater degree of citizen involvement in public management. To support this need, the results of the indicator in Cúcuta (67.9%) are compared with the three main cities of the city competitiveness index (ICC) in 2022: Bogotá and Medellín and Tunja. During the process, the weaknesses of the Secretariat of Press and Communications of the mayor's office of San José de Cúcuta were identified, at the time of designing and implementing creative and innovative spaces in public space. These spaces are key to communicating the results of the municipal administration, generating citizen awareness and increasing the levels of effective involvement in public management. The work is structured in three main sections: the importance and relevance of the study, the application in the field and the discussion based on the results obtained. Also, interviews were incorporated as a tool to obtain oral and personalized information about the perceptions, voices and feelings of citizens in relation to public management and citizen participation. Ultimately, it is advocated for a qualitative change in the processes of voting for popularly elected positions and it is suggested that participatory rhetoric must be surpassed by concrete results.
Palabras clave
Ciudadanía, Participación, Comunicación, Gestión pública, Citizenship, Participation, Communication, Public management