La accidentalidad: siniestros viales en la ruta Caribe
Zarate Salas, Alberto Miguel
Torregroza Amaris, Omar
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El ser humano desde que nace se encuentra en constante peligro de arriesgar su vida cuando
se encuentra expuesto ante factores que se salen de su control, la constante accidentalidad no
puede ser excluida de las acciones que tarde o temprano sucederán en la vida cotidiana, y no es
la excepción en la Zona Caribe de Colombia.• Objetivo: realizar un análisis de los índices de
accidentalidad en las zonas críticas del caribe colombiano, se detectan las vías urbanas y las
características de diseño de la infraestructura que inciden en siniestros viales, sus causas y
frecuencias en las que se incurre en los últimos periodos anuales 2019-2020. • Método: Diseño
Correlacional y Tipo experimental, se analizan 236 accidentes de tránsito ocurridos en los tramos
de Santa Marta, Bolivar y Barranquilla • Resultados: en las zonas monitoreadas de la zona
Caribe se tiene que la zona de mayores riesgos ocurren en la ciudad de Cartagena y el factor
prevalente es el factor humano. • Conclusiones: Se concluye que la mortalidad y morbilidad en
los accidentes de tránsito es controlable, que se puede hacer algo para mitigar las muertes y que
actualmente sirve todo el esfuerzo que se hace estando la respuesta en el ser humano y que a
través del cambio de este se puede lograr cualquier propósito
Palabras Claves. Siniestros, Seguridad Vial, Factores en Vía, Accidentalidad, Accidentes de
The human being from birth is in constant danger of risking his life when he is exposed to factors that are out of his control, the constant accident rate cannot be excluded from the actions that sooner or later will happen in daily life, and not it is the exception in the Caribbean Zone of Colombia. • Objective: to carry out an analysis of accident rates in critical areas of the Colombian Caribbean, detecting urban roads and infrastructure design characteristics that affect road accidents, their causes and frequencies incurred in the latter annual periods 2019-2020. • Method: Correlational Design and Experimental Type, 236 traffic accidents occurred in the sections of Santa Marta, Bolívar and Barranquilla are analyzed. • Results: in the monitored areas of the Caribbean area, the area with the greatest risks occurs in the city of Cartagena and the prevailing factor is the human factor. • Conclusions: It is concluded that mortality and morbidity in traffic accidents is controllable, that something can be done to mitigate deaths and that currently all the effort that is made in response state in the human being is useful and that through the changing this can be achieved any purpose
The human being from birth is in constant danger of risking his life when he is exposed to factors that are out of his control, the constant accident rate cannot be excluded from the actions that sooner or later will happen in daily life, and not it is the exception in the Caribbean Zone of Colombia. • Objective: to carry out an analysis of accident rates in critical areas of the Colombian Caribbean, detecting urban roads and infrastructure design characteristics that affect road accidents, their causes and frequencies incurred in the latter annual periods 2019-2020. • Method: Correlational Design and Experimental Type, 236 traffic accidents occurred in the sections of Santa Marta, Bolívar and Barranquilla are analyzed. • Results: in the monitored areas of the Caribbean area, the area with the greatest risks occurs in the city of Cartagena and the prevailing factor is the human factor. • Conclusions: It is concluded that mortality and morbidity in traffic accidents is controllable, that something can be done to mitigate deaths and that currently all the effort that is made in response state in the human being is useful and that through the changing this can be achieved any purpose
Palabras clave
Siniestros, Seguridad Vial, Factores en vía, Accidentalidad, Accidentes de tránsito, Claims, Road Safety, Accidents, Traffic accidents