La actuación del perito médico en los resultados del fallo judicial en Colombia desde un enfoque socio jurídico
De la Hoz Merlano, Eduardo José
Mora Ortiz, Judith Rubiela
Pérez Obredor, Grecia Lizeth
Sánchez Gómez, Paola Andrea
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El objetivo general de esta investigación fue estudiar la actuación del perito médico en los resultados del fallo judicial en Colombia, desde un enfoque socio jurídico, considerando que el perito como auxiliar del Juez, emite una opinión de naturaleza técnica, en este caso médica, que puede llegar a tener una relevancia fundamental en la decisión o sentencia. Siendo el enfoque socio jurídico el que integra el estudio normativo o dogmático con el análisis conceptual de las investigaciones sociológicas, así como el de las opiniones o percepciones de los mismos peritos, para poder entender en definitiva el funcionamiento efectivo de las instituciones jurídicas. En cuanto al aspecto metodológico, se llevó a cabo un estudio de enfoque cualitativo, bajo la técnica documental, sustentada en la revisión de algunas sentencias donde se observa la relevancia de la actuación del perito médico, y el método hermenéutico para el análisis de las mismas, así como la aplicación de la técnica de la entrevista semiestructurada, para obtener información de primera mano, sobre la percepción del perito médico y su actuación en los estrados judiciales. Los resultados obtenidos permiten demostrar que la opinión técnica de estos profesionales es trascendental en la decisión de los jueces, por cuanto sus argumentos son vistos como pruebas, que si bien no introducen hechos nuevos en el debate procesal si pueden cambiar o determinar el rumbo de dicha sentencia, al interpretar los hechos sobre una base científica o de carácter técnico.
The general objective of this investigation was to study the performance of the medical expert in the results of the judicial decision in Colombia, from a socio-legal perspective, considering that the expert as an assistant to the Judge, issues an opinion of a technical nature, in this case medical, that it can have a fundamental relevance in the decision or sentence. Being the socio-legal approach the one that integrates the normative or dogmatic study with the conceptual analysis of sociological research, as well as that of the opinions or perceptions of the same experts, in order to finally understand the effective functioning of legal institutions. Regarding the methodological aspect, a qualitative approach study was carried out, under the documentary technique, based on the review of some sentences where the relevance of the action of the medical expert is observed, and the hermeneutic method for the analysis of the same, as well as the application of the semi-structured interview technique, to obtain first-hand information, on the perception of the medical expert and his performance in the courtroom. The obtained results allow to demonstrate that the technical opinion of these professionals is transcendental in the decision of the judges, since their arguments are seen as evidence, that although they do not introduce new facts in the procedural debate if they can change or determine the course of said judgment, when interpreting the facts on a scientific or technical basis.
The general objective of this investigation was to study the performance of the medical expert in the results of the judicial decision in Colombia, from a socio-legal perspective, considering that the expert as an assistant to the Judge, issues an opinion of a technical nature, in this case medical, that it can have a fundamental relevance in the decision or sentence. Being the socio-legal approach the one that integrates the normative or dogmatic study with the conceptual analysis of sociological research, as well as that of the opinions or perceptions of the same experts, in order to finally understand the effective functioning of legal institutions. Regarding the methodological aspect, a qualitative approach study was carried out, under the documentary technique, based on the review of some sentences where the relevance of the action of the medical expert is observed, and the hermeneutic method for the analysis of the same, as well as the application of the semi-structured interview technique, to obtain first-hand information, on the perception of the medical expert and his performance in the courtroom. The obtained results allow to demonstrate that the technical opinion of these professionals is transcendental in the decision of the judges, since their arguments are seen as evidence, that although they do not introduce new facts in the procedural debate if they can change or determine the course of said judgment, when interpreting the facts on a scientific or technical basis.
Palabras clave
Enfoque Socio Jurídico, Fallo Judicial, Peritaje Médico, Relevancia, Socio Juridical Approach, Judicial Decision, Medical Expertise, Relevance