Estudio de caso: factores de riesgo que inciden en la delincuencia juvenil
Coba Echeverry, Shanick Loraine
Moreno Jimenez, Maria Fernanda
Castilla Jaraba, Yirley
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La delincuencia juvenil es un fenómeno social que pone en riesgo la seguridad pública por su progresiva peligrosidad. El objetivo general del presente estudio de caso es identificar los distintos factores de riesgo de un adolescente homicida, de acuerdo con el autor Hans Joachim Schneider propone que “la delincuencia juvenil es un comportamiento que se denominaría delito en el sentido jurídico-penal, si hubiera sido cometido por un adulto”. El objetivo específico del presente artículo consiste en el análisis de un caso de parricidio cometido por un adolescente. técnica empleada fue la revisión bibliográfica de la literatura nacional e intencional en materia de factores de riesgo y delincuencia juvenil, como resultado se identificaron factores de riesgo: individuales, familiares, sociales, escolares.
The general objective of this case study is to identify the different risk factors of a homicidal adolescent, according to the author Hans Joachim Schneider proposes that “juvenile delinquency is a behavior that would be called a crime in the legal-criminal sense, if there were been committed by an adult ”. The specific objective of this article consists in the analysis of a case of parricide committed by an adolescent. The technique used was the bibliographic review of the national and intentional literature on risk factors and juvenile delinquency, as a result, risk factors were identified: individual, family, social, school.
The general objective of this case study is to identify the different risk factors of a homicidal adolescent, according to the author Hans Joachim Schneider proposes that “juvenile delinquency is a behavior that would be called a crime in the legal-criminal sense, if there were been committed by an adult ”. The specific objective of this article consists in the analysis of a case of parricide committed by an adolescent. The technique used was the bibliographic review of the national and intentional literature on risk factors and juvenile delinquency, as a result, risk factors were identified: individual, family, social, school.
Palabras clave
Adolescente, Delincuencia juvenil, Estudio de caso y parricidio, Adolescent, Juvenile delinquency, Case study and parricide