Práctica pedagógica en el contexto metatecnológico para la educación inclusiva en el ámbito de la formación básica secundaría
Lorduy Castro, Gil
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Esta investigación abordó la relación de la Práctica pedagógica, como práctica social y por ende compleja que vincula tres dimensiones, la macro, meso y micro pedagógica; El contexto metatecnológico, como referencia a la nueva matriz social permeada por las tecnologías, a la actual época en la que el aprendizaje ha sido impactado por lo digital, donde se ha reorganizado la forma en la que vivimos, nos comunicamos y aprendemos; y la educación inclusiva, mirada más allá de la educación especial, desde una mirada reflexiva e investigativa, que reconoce las singularidades de los agentes educativos que posibilitan los diferentes modos de enseñar y aprender. De tal forma, que a partir de un ejercicio de deconstrucción, construcción y reconstrucción de la anterior triada emerjan factores y concepciones religantes para contrarrestar prácticas tradicionales, homogéneas e
instrumentales que se apoyan en teorías pedagogías que van en contraposición con la exigencia de la sociedad actual.
La presente tesis doctoral incita resignificar la práctica pedagógica en contexto metatecnológico para el desarrollo de procesos de educación inclusiva en básica secundaria, en consecuencia se despliega objetivos específicos que cimentaron la investigación, develar la práctica pedagógica, interpretar los factores y concepciones y la configuración colectiva de una nueva practica emergente.
El paradigma socio crítico, el enfoque cualitativo y el tipo investigación acción educativa (IAE), a la luz de tres (3) Caminos Neuronales, desarrollo de teorías explicativas (Camino Neuronal I), Formulación de hipótesis científicas (Camino Neuronal II) y Evaluación de la estrategia de acción (Camino Neuronal III). Fueron los faros metodológicos que guiaron todo el camino investigativo, posibilitando la conformación de un equipo de trabajo y participación activa de la comunidad de la Institución Educativa del corregimiento de Gambote, municipio de Arjona, Bolívar; a quienes se aplicaron como técnicas e instrumentos de recolección de datos la Entrevista semiestandarizada a los actores educativos, Revisión documental del Proyecto Educativo Institucional, la Observación participante de la práctica de aula, los Grupos de discusión y el Taller Reflexivo como devolución sistemática, cuyos datos se procesaron a través de dos técnicas de análisis, de contenido y estructural con el apoyo de los software Atlas Ti y Micmac, respectivamente.
La investigación presentó una propuesta que vincula dialécticamente criterios religantes para transformar la práctica pedagógica en respuesta a las necesidades socioculturales y ancestrales del contexto educativo. Las conclusiones destacan factores y concepciones desde la dimensión social (macro), dimensión escuela (meso) desde el favorecimiento de didácticas flexibles e innovadoras y dimensión ser - sujeto docente (micro) para el reconocimiento de lo humano, para el logro de una verdadera educación inclusiva. Además, concluye que cada práctica pedagógica es única e irrepetible por tanto, la que se presenta en este documento es construida aquí en Latinoamérica por y para el territorio negro de Gambote.
Que la práctica pedagógica hacia procesos de inclusión debe abordarse desde la interseccionalidad y la interculturalidad con enfoque crítico y como categoría de lo decolonial para un real reconocimiento de los pueblos. Finalmente, es importante visionar la continuidad de la investigación desde las siguientes líneas de trabajo: Participación parental en la dinámica escolar para el establecimiento de alianzas inclusivas con respecto a los aprendizajes de los estudiantes. Posibilidad de las tecnologías inmersivas para construir escenarios inclusivos de aprendizajes con el apoyo de didácticas flexibles e innovadoras. Análisis crítico de la interseccionalidad en educación a través del dialogo de saberes y el respeto por los conocimientos y valores ancestrales. Por último, la práctica pedagógica desde un nuevo paradigma que considere a estudiantes que aprenden mediante otros procesos cognitivos que no responden a la normatividad dominante del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje.
This research addressed the relationship of pedagogical practice, as a social practice and therefore complex that links three dimensions, the macro, meso and micro pedagogical; The metatechnological context, as a reference to the new social matrix permeated by technologies, to the current era in which learning has been impacted by the digital, where the way we live, communicate and learn has been reorganized; and inclusive education, a look beyond special education, from a reflective and investigative perspective, which recognizes the singularities of the educational agents that make possible the different ways of teaching and learning. In such a way that, from an exercise of deconstruction, construction and reconstruction of the previous triad, religious factors and conceptions emerge to counteract traditional, homogeneous and instrumental practices that are based on pedagogical theories that go against the demands of today's society. The present doctoral thesis incites to resignify the pedagogical practice in a meta-technological context for the development of inclusive education processes in basic secondary education, consequently, specific objectives are unfolded to unveil the pedagogical practice, to interpret the factors and conceptions and the collective configuration of a new emerging practice. The socio-critical paradigm, the qualitative approach and the type of educational action research (IAE), in the light of three (3) Neuronal Pathways, development of explanatory theories (Neuronal Pathway I), Formulation of scientific hypotheses (Neuronal Pathway II) and Evaluation of the action strategy (Neuronal Pathway III). These were the methodological beacons that guided the entire research path, making possible the formation of a work team and the active participation of the community of the Educational Institution of the village of Gambote, municipality of Arjona, Bolivar; to whom were applied as techniques and instruments for data collection the semi-standardized interview to the educational actors, documentary review of the Institutional Educational Project, participant observation of classroom practice, discussion groups and the Reflective Workshop as systematic feedback, whose data were processed through two analysis techniques, content and structural with the support of Atlas Ti and Micmac software, respectively. The research presented a proposal that dialectically links religious criteria to transform pedagogical practice in response to the sociocultural and ancestral needs of the educational context. The conclusions highlight factors and conceptions from the social dimension (macro), school dimension (meso) from the favoring of flexible and innovative didactics and dimension being - teaching subject (micro) for the recognition of the human, for the achievement of a true inclusive education. In addition, it concludes that each pedagogical practice is unique and unrepeatable, therefore, the one presented in this document is built here in Latin America by and for the black territory of Gambote. That the pedagogical practice towards inclusion processes must be approached from intersectionality and interculturality with a critical approach and as a decolonial category for a real recognition of the peoples. Finally, it is important to envision the continuity of the research from the following lines of work: Parental participation in school dynamics for the establishment of inclusive alliances with respect to student learning, which technologies. Possibility of immersive technologies to build inclusive learning scenarios with the support of flexible and innovative didactics. Critical analysis of intersectionality in education through the dialogue of knowledge and respect for ancestral knowledge and values. Finally, the pedagogical practice from a new paradigm that considers students who learn through other cognitive processes that do not respond to the dominant normativity of the teaching-learning process.
This research addressed the relationship of pedagogical practice, as a social practice and therefore complex that links three dimensions, the macro, meso and micro pedagogical; The metatechnological context, as a reference to the new social matrix permeated by technologies, to the current era in which learning has been impacted by the digital, where the way we live, communicate and learn has been reorganized; and inclusive education, a look beyond special education, from a reflective and investigative perspective, which recognizes the singularities of the educational agents that make possible the different ways of teaching and learning. In such a way that, from an exercise of deconstruction, construction and reconstruction of the previous triad, religious factors and conceptions emerge to counteract traditional, homogeneous and instrumental practices that are based on pedagogical theories that go against the demands of today's society. The present doctoral thesis incites to resignify the pedagogical practice in a meta-technological context for the development of inclusive education processes in basic secondary education, consequently, specific objectives are unfolded to unveil the pedagogical practice, to interpret the factors and conceptions and the collective configuration of a new emerging practice. The socio-critical paradigm, the qualitative approach and the type of educational action research (IAE), in the light of three (3) Neuronal Pathways, development of explanatory theories (Neuronal Pathway I), Formulation of scientific hypotheses (Neuronal Pathway II) and Evaluation of the action strategy (Neuronal Pathway III). These were the methodological beacons that guided the entire research path, making possible the formation of a work team and the active participation of the community of the Educational Institution of the village of Gambote, municipality of Arjona, Bolivar; to whom were applied as techniques and instruments for data collection the semi-standardized interview to the educational actors, documentary review of the Institutional Educational Project, participant observation of classroom practice, discussion groups and the Reflective Workshop as systematic feedback, whose data were processed through two analysis techniques, content and structural with the support of Atlas Ti and Micmac software, respectively. The research presented a proposal that dialectically links religious criteria to transform pedagogical practice in response to the sociocultural and ancestral needs of the educational context. The conclusions highlight factors and conceptions from the social dimension (macro), school dimension (meso) from the favoring of flexible and innovative didactics and dimension being - teaching subject (micro) for the recognition of the human, for the achievement of a true inclusive education. In addition, it concludes that each pedagogical practice is unique and unrepeatable, therefore, the one presented in this document is built here in Latin America by and for the black territory of Gambote. That the pedagogical practice towards inclusion processes must be approached from intersectionality and interculturality with a critical approach and as a decolonial category for a real recognition of the peoples. Finally, it is important to envision the continuity of the research from the following lines of work: Parental participation in school dynamics for the establishment of inclusive alliances with respect to student learning, which technologies. Possibility of immersive technologies to build inclusive learning scenarios with the support of flexible and innovative didactics. Critical analysis of intersectionality in education through the dialogue of knowledge and respect for ancestral knowledge and values. Finally, the pedagogical practice from a new paradigm that considers students who learn through other cognitive processes that do not respond to the dominant normativity of the teaching-learning process.
Palabras clave
Práctica pedagógica, Educación inclusiva, Contexto metatecnológico, Era digital