Estereotipos construidos socialmente sobre las nuevas masculinidades, en el grupo de los estudiantes de Trabajo Social en la Universidad Simón Bolívar
Bedoya Galvis, Bárbara Grey
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Desde la existencia del hombre y la mujer todos los comportamientos, actitudes, sentimientos y
pensamientos que posee cada persona principalmente se le atribuye a la cultura en la que han
convivido la mayor parte de su tiempo, por ellos la presente investigación sobre las nuevas
masculinidades pretendió conocer cuáles han sido todas esas influencias culturales que han
permeado en la ideología de la masculinidad y, por consiguiente, los estereotipos construidos
socialmente sobre las nuevas masculinidades. Se trabajó con una muestra de 10 hombres
estudiantes de trabajo social en la universidad simón bolívar. Como técnica de recolección de
datos se utilizó una entrevista semi estructurada. En los resultados arrojan unos resultados
significativos, donde el hombre actual se define con roles protectores, amorosos, responsables
con su rol paternal y en la que sus comportamientos y habilidades van más allá de la ideología de
género que ha estado presente en muchas generaciones. Por lo que el hombre dentro de sus
habilidades profesionales ya se encuentra que el hombre es más comprensivo, mediador de
conflictos, tolerante, emprendedores. Por otra parte, en las relaciones sentimentales se evidencia
un hombre con comportamientos más responsable afectivamente, protectores y proveedores con
sus parejas sentimentales. Esto permite afirmar que se ha dado un cambio y una transformación
en el hombre que de la misma manera son un aporte para la sociedad en general.
Since the existence of men and women, all the behaviors, attitudes, feelings and thoughts that each person possesses are mainly attributed to the culture in which they have lived most of their time. Therefore, this research on the new masculinities sought to learn about the cultural 7 influences that have permeated the ideology of masculinity and, consequently, the socially constructed stereotypes of the new masculinities. We worked with a sample of 10 male students of social work at the Simon Bolivar University. A semi-structured interview was used as a data collection technique. The results show significant results, where the current man is defined with protective, loving, responsible roles with his paternal role and in which his behaviors and abilities go beyond the gender ideology that has been present in many generations. So the man within their professional skills is already found that men are more understanding, conflict mediator, tolerant, enterprising. On the other hand, in sentimental relationships, it is evident that men behave in a more affectively responsible, protective, and caring manner with their sentimental partners. This allows us to affirm that there has been a change and a transformation in men that in the same way are a contribution to society in general.
Since the existence of men and women, all the behaviors, attitudes, feelings and thoughts that each person possesses are mainly attributed to the culture in which they have lived most of their time. Therefore, this research on the new masculinities sought to learn about the cultural 7 influences that have permeated the ideology of masculinity and, consequently, the socially constructed stereotypes of the new masculinities. We worked with a sample of 10 male students of social work at the Simon Bolivar University. A semi-structured interview was used as a data collection technique. The results show significant results, where the current man is defined with protective, loving, responsible roles with his paternal role and in which his behaviors and abilities go beyond the gender ideology that has been present in many generations. So the man within their professional skills is already found that men are more understanding, conflict mediator, tolerant, enterprising. On the other hand, in sentimental relationships, it is evident that men behave in a more affectively responsible, protective, and caring manner with their sentimental partners. This allows us to affirm that there has been a change and a transformation in men that in the same way are a contribution to society in general.
Palabras clave
Roles, Comportamientos, Habilidades y sociedad, Roles, Behaviors, Abilities and society