Cocreación curricular: un proceso dialógico y reflexivo movilizador de la autogestión del aprendizaje en el entorno escolar de básica y media.
Arrieta Rivero, Shirly
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La investigación doctoral denominada “Cocreación curricular: un proceso
dialógico y reflexivo movilizador de la gestión del aprendizaje en el entorno escolar de
básica y media”, que recoge este documento, entreteje las cosmovisiones, acciones,
relaciones y procesos llevados a cabo en el entorno de educación básica y media para la
construcción colectiva del currículo a partir de la reflexión-acción y la apuesta
autotransformadora de una comunidad educativa. En este sentido, su objetivo principal
se orientó en construir, con la participación de los actores educativos, una metodología
de Cocreación del currículo a partir de procesos dialógicos y reflexivos sobre sus
prácticas curriculares como elemento movilizador de la autogestión del aprendizaje. Esta
pesquisa, con enfoque cualitativo, asumió la forma de una Investigación Acción Educativa
en el marco del paradigma investigativo crítico social. En virtud de lo anterior, la inserción
investigativa asumió tres fases a saber: indagación, movilización y concertación,
imbricadas por técnicas como: los grupos focales, el análisis documental y los talleres de
construcción y reflexión pedagógica, tendientes a identificar y analizar las relaciones inter
retroactivas de cada uno de los elementos constitutivos de cómo se construye el currículo
desde la cocreación y la movilización de la autogestión del aprendizaje. La población
estuvo constituida por actores educativos de la Institución Educativa El Dorado, de ellos
se tomó como muestra dos directivos, cuatro docentes con asignación académica en las
áreas de: tecnología (1), matemáticas (1), ética y religión (2) y cuatro estudiantes
pertenecientes al consejo de estudiantes quienes voluntariamente decidieron movilizarse
y ser parte del proceso investigativo. Al final, dentro de los resultados investigativos se
pudo articular a partir de los aportes y experiencias de los actores educativos una ruta
del proceso de construcción del currículo materializada en la Metodología C-Cu-A o
Metodología de Cocreación Curricular Movilizadora de la Autogestión del Aprendizaje
para el entorno de básica secundaria y media. En este sentido, se construyeron un
soporte teórico, metodológico y epistemológico constituido por los elementos
constituyentes de las prácticas curriculares cocreativas (Liderazgo transformacional, las
creencias de autoeficacia y la mentalidad abierta al cambio) movilizadoras de la
cocreación del currículo; así como por las características de la autogestión del
aprendizaje en estos procesos cocreativos (Acciones autónomas, Auto gerencia y
Autoorganización). Para finalmente con base en dichos fundamentos establecer cuatro
fases: la primera denominada R-A-P(Reflexión-Análisis-Proyección), la segunda o de
empoderamiento, la tercera o de cambios, mejoras o transformaciones y, por último, la
de retroalimentación, todo bajo el sustento de principios como la corresponsabilidad,
confianza, empatía, respeto y negociación.
The doctoral research entitled "Curriculum co-creation: a dialogic and reflexive process mobilizing learning management in the elementary and middle school environment", which is included in this document, interweaves the worldviews, actions, relationships, and processes carried out in the elementary and middle school environment for the collective construction of the curriculum based on the reflection-action and the selftransforming commitment of an educational community. In this sense, its main objective was oriented to build, with the participation of the educational actors, a methodology of co-creation of the curriculum from dialogic and reflective processes on their curricular practices as a mobilizing element of self-management of learning. This research, with a qualitative approach, took the form of an Educational Action Research within the framework of the social-critical research paradigm. By virtue of the above, the research insertion assumed three phases: inquiry, mobilization, and agreement, intertwined by techniques such as: focus groups, documentary analysis and pedagogical construction and reflection workshops, aimed at identifying and analyzing the inter-retroactive relationships of each of the constitutive elements of how the curriculum is constructed from the co-creation and mobilization of self-management of learning. The population consisted of educational actors of the El Dorado Educational Institution, of whom two directors, four teachers with academic assignment in the areas of: technology (1), mathematics (1), ethics and religion (2) and four students belonging to the student council who voluntarily decided to mobilize and be part of the research process were taken as a sample. In the end, within the research results, it was possible to articulate, based on the contributions and experiences of the educational actors, a route of the curriculum construction process materialized in the C-Cu-A Methodology or Methodology of Curricular Co-creation Mobilizing the Self-Management of Learning for the secondary and middle school environment. In this sense, a theoretical, methodological, and epistemological support was built, constituted by the constituent elements of the cocreative curricular practices (transformational leadership, self-efficacy beliefs and the 14 mentality open to change) mobilizing the co-creation of the curriculum; as well as by the characteristics of the self-management of learning in these co-creative processes (autonomous actions, self-management, and self-organization). Finally, based on these foundations, four phases are established: the first one called R-A-P (Reflection-AnalysisProjection), the second or empowerment phase, the third or changes, improvements, or transformations, and finally, the feedback phase, all under the support of principles such as co-responsibility, trust, empathy, respect, and negotiation.
The doctoral research entitled "Curriculum co-creation: a dialogic and reflexive process mobilizing learning management in the elementary and middle school environment", which is included in this document, interweaves the worldviews, actions, relationships, and processes carried out in the elementary and middle school environment for the collective construction of the curriculum based on the reflection-action and the selftransforming commitment of an educational community. In this sense, its main objective was oriented to build, with the participation of the educational actors, a methodology of co-creation of the curriculum from dialogic and reflective processes on their curricular practices as a mobilizing element of self-management of learning. This research, with a qualitative approach, took the form of an Educational Action Research within the framework of the social-critical research paradigm. By virtue of the above, the research insertion assumed three phases: inquiry, mobilization, and agreement, intertwined by techniques such as: focus groups, documentary analysis and pedagogical construction and reflection workshops, aimed at identifying and analyzing the inter-retroactive relationships of each of the constitutive elements of how the curriculum is constructed from the co-creation and mobilization of self-management of learning. The population consisted of educational actors of the El Dorado Educational Institution, of whom two directors, four teachers with academic assignment in the areas of: technology (1), mathematics (1), ethics and religion (2) and four students belonging to the student council who voluntarily decided to mobilize and be part of the research process were taken as a sample. In the end, within the research results, it was possible to articulate, based on the contributions and experiences of the educational actors, a route of the curriculum construction process materialized in the C-Cu-A Methodology or Methodology of Curricular Co-creation Mobilizing the Self-Management of Learning for the secondary and middle school environment. In this sense, a theoretical, methodological, and epistemological support was built, constituted by the constituent elements of the cocreative curricular practices (transformational leadership, self-efficacy beliefs and the 14 mentality open to change) mobilizing the co-creation of the curriculum; as well as by the characteristics of the self-management of learning in these co-creative processes (autonomous actions, self-management, and self-organization). Finally, based on these foundations, four phases are established: the first one called R-A-P (Reflection-AnalysisProjection), the second or empowerment phase, the third or changes, improvements, or transformations, and finally, the feedback phase, all under the support of principles such as co-responsibility, trust, empathy, respect, and negotiation.
Palabras clave
Cocreación curricular, Autogestión del aprendizaje, Prácticas curriculares cocreativas, Currículo., Curriculum co-creation, Self-management of learning, Co-creative curriculum practices, Curriculum