Construcción de ideas infantiles sobre la Paz en el contexto escolar: relaciones entre las ideas infantiles y las representaciones sociales de los docentes
Pérez Prada, Mónica Patricia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Desde la creación de instituciones internacionales como la Organización de Naciones
Unidas (ONU) en el periodo de posguerra, la Paz se ha constituido en un interés para los estados
y en un objeto de estudio para la comunidades científicas y académicas; en Colombia, esta
situación ha estado permeada por el mantenimiento de un estado de conflicto armado permanente
y dinámico; así como por el periodo de posacuerdo, originado por las negociaciones de paz entre
el Gobierno y las fuerzas armadas Revolucionarias Colombia (FARC) en el año 2016. Las
investigaciones desarrolladas en este campo incluyen posturas cuantitativas y cualitativas,
orientadas a la explicación, comprensión y cambio de los fenómenos mencionados con
La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo analizar la construcción de ideas infantiles sobre
la Paz y su relación con las Representaciones Sociales de los docentes como parte constitutiva
del conocimiento social en el contexto escolar, para lo anterior se desarrolló una investigación
cualitativa con diseño evolutivo trasversal, desde los postulados teóricos del constructivismo
crítico, en el cual se afirma que las unidades de análisis deben contemplar las relaciones
dialécticas establecidas entre el sujeto, el objeto y las condiciones sociales, a partir de la
conjugación de las construcciones infantiles, las prácticas sociales y el objeto de conocimiento.
Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se contó con l participación de 30 niños y niñas entre 7 y
12 años y 14 docentes de la Institución Educativa Trinidad Camacho Pinzón, seleccionados por
medio de un muestreo intencional no probabilístico por cuotas. Entre las técnicas para la
recolección de información se utilizó la entrevista Clínico – crítica, la Carta asociativa y las
elecciones sucesivas por bloques, el primero para explorar las ideas infantiles sobre Paz y los dos
siguientes para conocer el contenido y la estructura de las representaciones sociales de los
Los resultados del proceso investigativo permitieron la identificación de 4 núcleos
representacionales construidos por un corpus de 215 palabras, donde priman los contenidos
vinculados con la paz positiva y estructuran el núcleo de las Representaciones Sociales de los
docentes. De igual manera, en las ideas construidas por los niños y niñas sobre la Paz se
encontraron contenidos similares a los anteriores, es decir, entienden la Paz como la atención a
las necesidades de desarrollo del ser humano, e incorporan elementos que se ubican en la paz
negativa y la imperfecta, lo cual permite sugerir discusiones y/o controversias frente al desarrollo
de este tipo de conocimiento en la población estudiada frente a la edad y el contexto de interacción
de los participantes.
Since the post-war period and the creation of international institutions such as the United Nations (UN), Peace has become a matter of interest for states and therefore an object of study for the scientific and academic communities. Quantitative and qualitative research has been carried out mainly oriented to the explanation, comprehension, and evolution of the phenomena. For instance, Colombian peace aim has fluctuated by the maintenance of a state of permanent and dynamic armed conflict joined by the post-agreement period, originated by the signature of the peace agreement between the Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in 2016. Consequently, the present research aimed to analyze the children's ideas construction about peace and its relationship with the Social Representations of teachers as a constitutive part of social knowledge in the school context. Qualitative research with a transverse evolutionary design was developed based on the theoretical postulates of critical constructivism. Critical constructivism states that the units of analysis must contemplate the dialectical relationships established between the subject, the object, and the social conditions from the conjugation of children's constructions, social practices, and the object of knowledge. Thus, thirty boys and girls between 7 and 12 years old and 14 teachers of the Trinidad Camacho Pinzón Educational Institution participated in the study, selected through a non-probabilistic intentional sampling by quotas. Data collection techniques included Clinical-critical interviews, the associative chart, and the successive choices by blocks; the first one to realize the children's ideas and the following two to figure out the content and structure of the teachers' social representations. As a result, four representational cores were identified, constructed by a corpus of 215 words, where the contents linked to positive peace prevail and structure the core of the teachers' constructions. In this relation, the children's ideas also include this type of content, as well as elements of negative and imperfect peace suggesting discussions and/or controversies regarding the development of this type of knowledge in the population studied concerning interaction context and the age of the participants.
Since the post-war period and the creation of international institutions such as the United Nations (UN), Peace has become a matter of interest for states and therefore an object of study for the scientific and academic communities. Quantitative and qualitative research has been carried out mainly oriented to the explanation, comprehension, and evolution of the phenomena. For instance, Colombian peace aim has fluctuated by the maintenance of a state of permanent and dynamic armed conflict joined by the post-agreement period, originated by the signature of the peace agreement between the Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in 2016. Consequently, the present research aimed to analyze the children's ideas construction about peace and its relationship with the Social Representations of teachers as a constitutive part of social knowledge in the school context. Qualitative research with a transverse evolutionary design was developed based on the theoretical postulates of critical constructivism. Critical constructivism states that the units of analysis must contemplate the dialectical relationships established between the subject, the object, and the social conditions from the conjugation of children's constructions, social practices, and the object of knowledge. Thus, thirty boys and girls between 7 and 12 years old and 14 teachers of the Trinidad Camacho Pinzón Educational Institution participated in the study, selected through a non-probabilistic intentional sampling by quotas. Data collection techniques included Clinical-critical interviews, the associative chart, and the successive choices by blocks; the first one to realize the children's ideas and the following two to figure out the content and structure of the teachers' social representations. As a result, four representational cores were identified, constructed by a corpus of 215 words, where the contents linked to positive peace prevail and structure the core of the teachers' constructions. In this relation, the children's ideas also include this type of content, as well as elements of negative and imperfect peace suggesting discussions and/or controversies regarding the development of this type of knowledge in the population studied concerning interaction context and the age of the participants.
Palabras clave
Ideas infantiles, Conocimiento social, Paz, Representaciones sociales, Children's ideas, Social knowledge, Peace, Social representations