Percepciones de los estudiantes de la Universidad Simón Bolívar del programa Trabajo Social de primer semestre frente al Suicidio presentado en Cúcuta
Mercado Oñate, Mary Anyela
Romero Contreras, María Fernanda
Lizcano, Sayra Alejandra
Uribe Rincón, Silvia Juliana
Vega Lozano, Julitza
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En el presente proyecto investigativo se abordaron las percepciones sociales de los jóvenes acerca de la problemática social del suicidio, la cual, se ha convertido en un acontecimiento de salud pública que no ha tenido la atención pertinente, más cuando las situaciones terminan en la decisión de terminar con la vida, por lo tanto, se planteó como objetivo analizar las percepciones de los estudiantes de la Universidad Simón Bolívar del programa Trabajo Social de primer semestre frente al fenómeno del suicidio presentado en Cúcuta.
Las categorías trabajadas fueron experiencias de vida, imaginarios sociales y suicidio, dentro de esta se utilizó la metodología del paradigma interpretativo, con un enfoque cualitativo y un diseño fenomenológico, además, se aplicaron técnicas como entrevista semiestructurada, observación participante y grupo focal, donde por medio de estas se recopilo información que sirvió para realizar un análisis sobre las percepciones de los jóvenes frente al suicidio.
Dicha investigación permitió recopilar hallazgos como la importancia del buen manejo de la inteligencia emocional, la falta de apoyo emocional por parte de las relaciones familiares y la necesidad que tiene una persona con pensamientos suicidas de recurrir a un profesional experto para tratar dicha problemática social
This research project addressed the social perceptions of young people about the social problem of suicide, which has become a public health event that has not had the relevant attention, especially when the situations end in the decision to end life, therefore, the objective was to analyze the perceptions of the students of the Universidad Simón Bolívar of the Social Work program of the first semester regarding the phenomenon of suicide presented in Cúcuta. The categories worked on were life experiences, social imaginaries and suicide, within this the methodology of the interpretative paradigm was used, with a qualitative approach and a phenomenological design, in addition, techniques such as semi-structured interview, participant observation and focus group were applied, where by means of these information was collected that served to make an analysis on the perceptions of young people about suicide. This research allowed to compile findings such as the importance of good management of emotional intelligence, the lack of emotional support from family relationships and the need for a person with suicidal thoughts to turn to a professional expert to treat this social problem.
This research project addressed the social perceptions of young people about the social problem of suicide, which has become a public health event that has not had the relevant attention, especially when the situations end in the decision to end life, therefore, the objective was to analyze the perceptions of the students of the Universidad Simón Bolívar of the Social Work program of the first semester regarding the phenomenon of suicide presented in Cúcuta. The categories worked on were life experiences, social imaginaries and suicide, within this the methodology of the interpretative paradigm was used, with a qualitative approach and a phenomenological design, in addition, techniques such as semi-structured interview, participant observation and focus group were applied, where by means of these information was collected that served to make an analysis on the perceptions of young people about suicide. This research allowed to compile findings such as the importance of good management of emotional intelligence, the lack of emotional support from family relationships and the need for a person with suicidal thoughts to turn to a professional expert to treat this social problem.
Palabras clave
Suicidio, Jóvenes, Percepciones, Suicide, Young people, Perceptions