Adherencia al lavado de manos del profesional de enfermería en unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatal
De Alba Martínez, Zharick
De La Hoz Fuentes, Yudi
García Rodríguez, Dayana
Melgarejo Jiménez, Yaquelin
Navas Díaz, Lizeht
Rincón Pérez, Diana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
El profesional de enfermería desempeña un papel fundamental en la atención del paciente recién nacido que se encuentra enfermo en las unidades de cuidados intensivos neonatales. Es rol del enfermero brindar un cuidado seguro a los pacientes, por tanto, la adherencia al lavado de manos es fundamental para cumplir con el objetivo de evitar transmisión de enfermedades en el ámbito hospitalario. Las manos del personal de salud es un instrumento en la transmisión de las infecciones nosocomiales que puede evitar con la buena práctica de higiene de manos, la cual es una medida universal, sencilla, de bajo costo y efectiva. La higiene de las manos puede realizarse frotando las manos con un preparado de base alcohólica o lavándolas con agua y jabón. Usando la técnica adecuada, se disminuye microorganismos patógenos de las manos y se logra una segura atención al paciente. La aplicación práctica de “los cinco momentos para la higiene de las manos”, incumbe a todos los profesionales sanitarios que se encuentran en contacto directo o indirecto con los pacientes y su entorno durante sus respectivas actividades. Realizar una higiene de manos no es simplemente una opción, una cuestión de sentido común o una mera oportunidad, durante la atención en salud, responde a indicaciones que están justificadas por el riesgo de transmisión de gérmenes. La higiene de las manos, especialmente el lavado de manos, es la medida universal y reconocida como la más efectiva y económica que se conoce para prevenir la transmisión de enfermedades infecciosas asociadas a la atención sanitaria. El profesional de enfermería debe cumplir con 12 pasos establecidos por la OMS para brindar un cuidado seguro y así disminuir riesgo de contraer enfermedades que afecte la vida de las personas en especial en este caso en el paciente neonatal.
The nursing professional plays a fundamental role in the care of the newborn patient who is ill in neonatal intensive care units. It is the role of the nurse to provide safe care to patients, therefore, adherence to hand washing is essential to meet the objective of avoiding disease transmission in the hospital setting. The hands of health personnel is an instrument in the transmission of nosocomial infections that can be avoided with good hand hygiene practice, which is a universal, simple, low-cost and effective measure. Hand hygiene can be done by rubbing your hands with an alcohol-based preparation or by washing them with soap and water. Using the appropriate technique, pathogenic microorganisms on the hands are reduced and safe patient care is achieved. The practical application of "the five moments for hand hygiene" is the responsibility of all health professionals who are in direct or indirect contact with patients and their environment during their respective activities. Carrying out hand hygiene is not simply an option, a matter of common sense or a mere opportunity, during health care, it responds to indications that are justified by the risk of germ transmission. Hand hygiene, especially hand washing, is the universal measure and recognized as the most effective and economical known to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases associated with health care. The nursing professional must comply with 12 steps established by the WHO to provide safe care and thus reduce the risk of contracting diseases that affect people's lives, especially in this case in the neonatal patient.
The nursing professional plays a fundamental role in the care of the newborn patient who is ill in neonatal intensive care units. It is the role of the nurse to provide safe care to patients, therefore, adherence to hand washing is essential to meet the objective of avoiding disease transmission in the hospital setting. The hands of health personnel is an instrument in the transmission of nosocomial infections that can be avoided with good hand hygiene practice, which is a universal, simple, low-cost and effective measure. Hand hygiene can be done by rubbing your hands with an alcohol-based preparation or by washing them with soap and water. Using the appropriate technique, pathogenic microorganisms on the hands are reduced and safe patient care is achieved. The practical application of "the five moments for hand hygiene" is the responsibility of all health professionals who are in direct or indirect contact with patients and their environment during their respective activities. Carrying out hand hygiene is not simply an option, a matter of common sense or a mere opportunity, during health care, it responds to indications that are justified by the risk of germ transmission. Hand hygiene, especially hand washing, is the universal measure and recognized as the most effective and economical known to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases associated with health care. The nursing professional must comply with 12 steps established by the WHO to provide safe care and thus reduce the risk of contracting diseases that affect people's lives, especially in this case in the neonatal patient.
Palabras clave
Lavado de manos, Profesional de enfermería, UCI neonatal, Handwashing, Nursing professional, Neonatal ICU