Elaboración y validación de instrumento para caracterizar la contemplación e ideación suicida en los estudiantes de medicina de la Universidad Simón Bolívar de Barranquilla en el periodo 2019-1 al 2020-1
Barros, Bryan D.
Muñoz, Sthefany G.
Redondo, María D.
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
En la actualidad la contemplación e ideación suicida afecta a una gran cantidad de personas, de los cuales un alto porcentaje pertenece a los estudiantes de medicina y médicos, estos últimos presentan la tasa de suicidio más elevada a nivel mundial. A pesar de esto no hay los suficientes estudios acerca del tema, por tanto realizamos un instrumento de ideación y contemplación suicida en estudiantes de medicina. Se realizó una caracterización de la contemplación e ideación suicida en los estudiantes de medicina de la universidad Simón Bolívar, mediante un tamizaje y el empleo de las variables sociodemográficas y psicosociales asociadas a esta, en la cual se tomara una población aleatoria de los 1242 estudiantes matriculados, con el fin de realizar la prueba piloto y la validación del instrumento.
Currently, suicide contemplation and ideation affects a large number of people, of whom a high percentage belongs to medical students and doctors, the latter have the highest suicide rate worldwide. Despite this, there are not enough studies on the subject, therefore we carry out an instrument of suicidal ideation and contemplation in medical students. A characterization of suicide contemplation and ideation was performed in the medical students of the Simón Bolívar University, through a screening and the use of the sociodemographic and psychosocial variables associated with it, in which a random population of the 1242 enrolled students was taken. , in order to carry out the pilot test and validation of the instrument
Currently, suicide contemplation and ideation affects a large number of people, of whom a high percentage belongs to medical students and doctors, the latter have the highest suicide rate worldwide. Despite this, there are not enough studies on the subject, therefore we carry out an instrument of suicidal ideation and contemplation in medical students. A characterization of suicide contemplation and ideation was performed in the medical students of the Simón Bolívar University, through a screening and the use of the sociodemographic and psychosocial variables associated with it, in which a random population of the 1242 enrolled students was taken. , in order to carry out the pilot test and validation of the instrument
Palabras clave
Instrumento, Suicidio, Ideación suicida, Contemplación suicida, Instrument, Suicide, Suicidal ideation, Suicidal contemplation