Abordaje de rehabilitación pulmonar fase 1 en paciente adulto post COVID candidato a trasplante de pulmones. Reporte de un caso
De la Rosa Vergara, María Alejandra
Torregrosa Sanjuanero, Andrea
Salas Ramos, Meyerlin
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
El síndrome respiratorio agudo severo coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) es un nuevo coronavirus, miembro de la familia de los β-coronavirus, que puede causar múltiples complicaciones. Este informe de caso describe principalmente la rehabilitación de un paciente de 46 años el cual resulta positivo para el virus, quien ingresa a un centro médico con cuadro clínico caracterizado por malestar general, astenia adinamia, picos febriles, tos seca y disnea a pequeños esfuerzos, presentando al examen físico, tórax simétrico, normo expansible, hipoventilación en ambas bases pulmonares, estertores, por lo que presenta alto riesgo de claudicación respiratoria y progresión de la enfermedad, deciden remitir a centro de mayor complejidad. El presente estudio de caso se ha realizado con el objetivo de evidenciar la rehabilitación pulmonar como herramienta fundamental en el aporte de conocimientos relacionados con el manejo oportuno y adecuado dentro de la intervención del paciente adulto post covid, no solo para el uso de los fisioterapeutas que jugaran un papel central en su rehabilitación, sino para todo el personal de salud que interviene interdisciplinariamente.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a new coronavirus, a member of the β-coronavirus family, which can cause multiple complications. This case report mainly describes the rehabilitation of a 46-year-old patient who tested positive for the virus, who was admitted to a medical center with a clinical picture characterized by general malaise, asthenia, adynamia, fever spikes, dry cough and dyspnea on slight exertion, presenting On physical examination, symmetrical chest, normally expandable, hypoventilation in both lung bases, rales, for which he presents a high risk of respiratory claudication and progression of the disease, they decide to refer to a more complex center. This case study has been carried out with the aim of being a fundamental tool in the provision of knowledge related to timely and adequate management within the intervention for pulmonary rehabilitation in post-covid adult patients, not only for the use of physiotherapists. that will play a central role in their rehabilitation, but for all the health personnel who intervene interdisciplinarily.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a new coronavirus, a member of the β-coronavirus family, which can cause multiple complications. This case report mainly describes the rehabilitation of a 46-year-old patient who tested positive for the virus, who was admitted to a medical center with a clinical picture characterized by general malaise, asthenia, adynamia, fever spikes, dry cough and dyspnea on slight exertion, presenting On physical examination, symmetrical chest, normally expandable, hypoventilation in both lung bases, rales, for which he presents a high risk of respiratory claudication and progression of the disease, they decide to refer to a more complex center. This case study has been carried out with the aim of being a fundamental tool in the provision of knowledge related to timely and adequate management within the intervention for pulmonary rehabilitation in post-covid adult patients, not only for the use of physiotherapists. that will play a central role in their rehabilitation, but for all the health personnel who intervene interdisciplinarily.
Palabras clave
Covid-19, Rehabilitación, Trasplante pulmón y rehabilitación física, DeCS/MESH, Rehabilitation, Lung transplant and physical rehabilitation, DeCS/MESH