MORA: Metodología de la memoria, orientación, resiliencia y aprendizaje
Caicedo Ocampo, Ismael
Hernández Gutiérrez, Jihde Tatiana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El informe subraya la crítica relevancia de la consultoría en el panorama actual de desafíos que
enfrentan las organizaciones públicas. La Metodología MORA se presenta como un faro
orientador, ofreciendo herramientas y estrategias fundamentales para el desarrollo y crecimiento
La aplicación de la Metodología MORA se explora en el marco de la Secretaría de Posconflicto y
Cultura de Paz de la Alcaldía de San José de Cúcuta. Su objetivo principal es abordar los desafíos
que enfrentan NNA y J en medio del conflicto armado y el desplazamiento.
La Metodología MORA se destaca por su enfoque integral, donde la Memoria se erige como
piedra angular para comprender y enfrentar las complejidades inherentes al conflicto. El reporte
de consultoría se sumerge en un análisis detallado de los cuatro pilares: Memoria, Orientación,
Resiliencia y Aprendizaje.
La consultoría profundiza especialmente en el análisis de la violencia sexual, resaltando la
asimetría de poder que la caracteriza. Se explora la definición legal de la violencia sexual contra
NNA, reconociendo la importancia de comprender las condiciones de vulnerabilidad.
Dentro del marco teórico, se entrelazan tres categorías clave que enriquecen la reflexión:
"Tejiendo comunidad para el cuidado de niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes en nuestra
frontera", "El camino de la resiliencia: Reconocimiento, liderazgo, prevención y transformación
comunitaria", y "Enhebrar las memorias".
El diseño metodológico potencia las metodologías existentes, evaluando sus fortalezas y
debilidades. El reporte de consultoría concluye con una reflexión profunda sobre la importancia
de fortalecer la resiliencia comunitaria en entornos afectados por el conflicto armado.
The report highlights the critical relevance of consulting in the current landscape of challenges facing public organizations. The MORA Methodology is presented as a guiding light, offering fundamental tools and strategies for sustainable development and growth. The application of the MORA Methodology is explored within the framework of the Post-Conflict and Culture of Peace Secretariat of the Mayor's Office of San José de Cúcuta. Its main objective is to address the challenges that children and adolescents face in the midst of armed conflict and displacement. The MORA Methodology stands out for its comprehensive approach, where the Memory stands as a cornerstone to understand and confront the complexities inherent to the conflict. The consulting report dives into a detailed analysis of the four pillars: Memory, Orientation, Resilience and Learning. The consultancy especially delves into the analysis of sexual violence, highlighting the asymmetry of power that characterizes it. The legal definition of sexual violence against children and adolescents is explored, recognizing the importance of understanding the conditions of vulnerability. Within the theoretical framework, three key categories are intertwined that enrich the reflection: "Weaving community to care for girls, boys, adolescents and young people on our border", "The path of resilience: Recognition, leadership, prevention and community transformation" , and "Threading the memories." The methodological design enhances existing methodologies, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses. The consulting report concludes with a deep reflection on the importance of strengthening community resilience in environments affected by armed conflict.
The report highlights the critical relevance of consulting in the current landscape of challenges facing public organizations. The MORA Methodology is presented as a guiding light, offering fundamental tools and strategies for sustainable development and growth. The application of the MORA Methodology is explored within the framework of the Post-Conflict and Culture of Peace Secretariat of the Mayor's Office of San José de Cúcuta. Its main objective is to address the challenges that children and adolescents face in the midst of armed conflict and displacement. The MORA Methodology stands out for its comprehensive approach, where the Memory stands as a cornerstone to understand and confront the complexities inherent to the conflict. The consulting report dives into a detailed analysis of the four pillars: Memory, Orientation, Resilience and Learning. The consultancy especially delves into the analysis of sexual violence, highlighting the asymmetry of power that characterizes it. The legal definition of sexual violence against children and adolescents is explored, recognizing the importance of understanding the conditions of vulnerability. Within the theoretical framework, three key categories are intertwined that enrich the reflection: "Weaving community to care for girls, boys, adolescents and young people on our border", "The path of resilience: Recognition, leadership, prevention and community transformation" , and "Threading the memories." The methodological design enhances existing methodologies, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses. The consulting report concludes with a deep reflection on the importance of strengthening community resilience in environments affected by armed conflict.
Palabras clave
Prevención, Tejido social, Liderazgo adaptativo, Resiliencia, Memoria, Prevention, Social fabric, Adaptive leadership, Resilience, Memory