Lectura digital con literacidad en estudiantes de noveno grado: una apuesta desde la integración didáctica de las TIC
Colmenares López, Jaquelinne
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Esta investigación de tipo acción-educativa, con enfoque cualitativo, paradigma
sociocrítico y analizada mediante modelos descriptivos apoyados en datos, en dos
momentos: uno descriptivo y uno relacional con codificación abierta y axial; tiene
por objetivo principal construir una estrategia didáctica que integre las TIC para el
desarrollo de la lectura digital con literacidad en estudiantes de noveno grado de la
básica secundaria. El cumplimiento de este objetivo se realiza desde la
caracterización del nivel de literacidad crítica y la indagación sobre el proceso lector,
hábitos lectores y manejo de las TIC de los estudiantes de noveno grado, y la
manera en que los docentes se encuentran desarrollando sus prácticas educativas
en torno a estas categorías; la reflexión a partir de las deficiencias y características
percibidas dentro del proceso de diagnóstico tanto de los docentes como
estudiantes; la aplicación de una estrategia didáctica que integre las TIC para el
desarrollo de la lectura digital con literacidad crítica en estudiantes de noveno grado
y, finalmente, la evaluación de los avances de la aplicación de una estrategia
didáctica que integre las TIC para el desarrollo de la lectura digital con literacidad
crítica en estudiantes de noveno grado.
Mediante etapas de caracterización socioeducativa y metodológica de estudiantes
y docentes, reflexión de la información recolectada, diseño de la estrategia,
implementación y análisis de los resultados. De este modo, se lleva a cabo un
proceso de triangulación con fuentes y teorías sobre literacidad y uso de las
tecnologías digitales en el proceso lector, teniendo en cuenta entrevistas iniciales
dirigidas estudiantes y docentes, la aplicación de una estrategia didáctica usando
Moodle y la observación docente. Los resultados de la investigación reconocen la
importancia de integrar metodologías más dinámicas e interactivas dentro del
proceso lector para el fortalecimiento de la literacidad y criticidad en los estudiantes
de noveno grado. La plataforma Moodle fue un aplicativo AVA idóneo para el
desarrollo de las actividades con los estudiantes dado que gracias a su
funcionalidad y diversidad recursiva los estudiantes podían acceder e interactuar
con diferentes herramientas multimedia para el desarrollo de sus actividades.
Adicionalmente, la plataforma se convirtió en un espacio de interacción con sus
pares donde los estudiantes iban midiendo su nivel de avance en comparación con
sus compañeros; también fue un elemento clave para que el estudiante se apropiara
de sus tareas y de la evolución de su aprendizaje a medida que iba realizando cada
una de las unidades dispuestas.
De esta forma, se pueden destacar los beneficios de las plataformas educativas no
sólo para facilitar la información frente a las temáticas, sino que además son muy
útiles para que los estudiantes se interesen y motiven por su propio aprendizaje.
Además, se instala como un aporte teórico y metodológico los postulados de Freire,
la teoría constructivista social y el aprendizaje significativo para el desarrollo de
estrategias didácticas que mejoren las habilidades lectoras de los estudiantes. La
lectura crítica y la comprensión lectora tienen que desarrollarse a partir del diálogo
con lo otro, con la otredad, con los silenciados, con las voces acalladas y con la
diversidad de puntos de vista que allí nacen y convergen con nuevas perspectivas.
The main objective of this action-educational research, with qualitative approach, socio-critical paradigm and based on grounded theory, is to build a didactic strategy that integrates ICT for the development of digital reading with literacy in ninth grade high school students. This objective is achieved by characterizing the level of critical literacy and inquiring about the reading process, reading habits and ICT management of ninth grade students, and the way in which teachers are developing their educational practices around these categories; the reflection based on the deficiencies and characteristics perceived within the diagnostic process of both teachers and students; the application of a didactic strategy that integrates ICT for the development of digital reading with critical literacy in ninth grade students and, finally, the evaluation of the progress of the application of a didactic strategy that integrates ICT for the development of digital reading with critical literacy in ninth grade students. Through stages of socio-educational and methodological characterization of students and teachers, reflection of the information collected, design of the strategy, implementation and analysis of the results. In this way, a triangulation process is carried out with sources and theories on literacy and the use of digital technologies in the reading process, taking into account initial interviews with students and teachers, the application of a didactic strategy using Moodle and teacher observation. The results of the research recognize the importance of integrating more dynamic and interactive methodologies within the reading process to strengthen literacy and critical thinking in ninth grade students. The Moodle platform was an ideal AVA application for the development of the activities with the students since, thanks to its functionality and recursive diversity, the students could access and interact with different multimedia tools for the development of their activities. Additionally, the platform became a space for interaction with their peers where students could measure their level of progress in comparison with their peers; it was also a key element for students to take ownership of their tasks and the evolution of their learning as they completed each of the units provided. In this way, it is possible to highlight the benefits of educational platforms not only to facilitate information on the topics, but also to be very useful for students to be interested and motivated by their own learning. In addition, Freire's postulates, the social constructivist theory and meaningful learning are installed as a theoretical and methodological contribution for the development of didactic strategies that improve students' reading skills. Critical reading and reading comprehension have to be developed from the dialogue with the other, with the otherness, with the silenced, with the silenced voices and with the diversity of points of view that are born there and converge with new perspectives.
The main objective of this action-educational research, with qualitative approach, socio-critical paradigm and based on grounded theory, is to build a didactic strategy that integrates ICT for the development of digital reading with literacy in ninth grade high school students. This objective is achieved by characterizing the level of critical literacy and inquiring about the reading process, reading habits and ICT management of ninth grade students, and the way in which teachers are developing their educational practices around these categories; the reflection based on the deficiencies and characteristics perceived within the diagnostic process of both teachers and students; the application of a didactic strategy that integrates ICT for the development of digital reading with critical literacy in ninth grade students and, finally, the evaluation of the progress of the application of a didactic strategy that integrates ICT for the development of digital reading with critical literacy in ninth grade students. Through stages of socio-educational and methodological characterization of students and teachers, reflection of the information collected, design of the strategy, implementation and analysis of the results. In this way, a triangulation process is carried out with sources and theories on literacy and the use of digital technologies in the reading process, taking into account initial interviews with students and teachers, the application of a didactic strategy using Moodle and teacher observation. The results of the research recognize the importance of integrating more dynamic and interactive methodologies within the reading process to strengthen literacy and critical thinking in ninth grade students. The Moodle platform was an ideal AVA application for the development of the activities with the students since, thanks to its functionality and recursive diversity, the students could access and interact with different multimedia tools for the development of their activities. Additionally, the platform became a space for interaction with their peers where students could measure their level of progress in comparison with their peers; it was also a key element for students to take ownership of their tasks and the evolution of their learning as they completed each of the units provided. In this way, it is possible to highlight the benefits of educational platforms not only to facilitate information on the topics, but also to be very useful for students to be interested and motivated by their own learning. In addition, Freire's postulates, the social constructivist theory and meaningful learning are installed as a theoretical and methodological contribution for the development of didactic strategies that improve students' reading skills. Critical reading and reading comprehension have to be developed from the dialogue with the other, with the otherness, with the silenced, with the silenced voices and with the diversity of points of view that are born there and converge with new perspectives.
Palabras clave
Literacidad, TIC, Estrategia, Didáctica, Lectura digital, Constructivismo, Literacy, ICT, Strategy, Didactics, Digital, Reading, Constructivism