Propiedades psicométricas de la escala de bienestar PERMA para adolescentes: alternativas para su medición
García-Álvarez, Diego
Hernández-Lalinde, Juan
Soler, María José
Cobo-Rendón, Rubia
Espinosa-Castro, Jhon-Franklin
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Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF)
La adolescencia es una etapa del ciclo vital que implica grandes cambios en todas las facetas de la vida. En dicha etapa, la persona está expuesta a múltiples factores de riesgo y de protección que pueden incidir en su salud, por lo que estudiar el constructo del bienestar se hace necesario para comprender a mayor profundidad la salud mental en este periodo. A pesar de lo anterior, se ha observado en el contexto latinoamericano una ausencia importante de instrumentos diseñados para tal fin,de modo que el objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala de bienestar psicológico adolescente diseñada por Soler, sustentada en la teoría PERMA de Seligman y presentar alternativas a la estructura factorial original. Se realizó una investigación instrumental en la que participaron 779 adolescentes de Montevideo, muestra que fue dividida aleatoriamente en dos partes para efectuar una validación cruzada. En la muestra de entrenamiento (n=390) se llevó a cabo un análisis factorial exploratorio que reveló opciones de cuatro y cinco dimensiones. Posteriormente, se evaluaron cuatro modelos en la muestra de prueba (n=389) mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio, destacándose dos estructuras pentadimensionales, la original (35 ítems) y la abreviada (20 ítems). En ambas se encontraron correlaciones positivas con bienestar, autoestima y autoeficacia, y negativas con síntomas depresivos y malestar psicológico; sin embargo, la validez convergente y discriminante del modelo abreviado fue superior. La consistencia interna de cada factor varió desde inaceptable hasta excelente, aunque en promedio puede considerarse adecuada. Se concluye que la escala formulada por Soler en su versión abreviada posee mejores propiedades psicométricas que la original, constituyéndose en un instrumento válido y confiable que puede ser administrado en la población adolescente montevideana para evaluar el bienestar psicológico multidimensional.
Adolescence is a stage in the life cycle that involves great changes in all facets of life. In this stage, the person isexposed to multiple risk and protective factors that can affect their health, so studying the construct of well-being is necessaryto understand more deeply the mental health in this period. Despite the above, an important absence of instruments designedfor this purpose has been observed in the Latin American context, so the aim of this research was to evaluate the psychometricproperties of the adolescent psychological well-being scale designed by Soler, based on Seligman’s PERMA theory, and topresent alternatives to the original factor structure. An instrumental investigation was carried out in which 779 adolescentsfrom Montevideo participated, a sample that was randomly divided into two parts to carry out a cross-validation. An exploratoryfactor analysis was carried out in the training sample (n = 390), which revealed four and five dimensional options. Subsequently,four models were evaluated in the test sample (n=389) by means of a confirmatory factor analysis, highlighting twopentadimensional structures, the original (35 items) and the abbreviated (20 items). In both, positive correlations were foundwith well-being, self-esteem and self-efficacy, and negative correlations with depressive symptoms and psychological distress;however, the convergent and discriminant validity of the abbreviated model was superior. The internal consistency of eachfactor ranged from unacceptable to excellent, although on average it can be considered adequate. It is concluded that the scaleformulated by Soler in its abbreviated version has better psychometric properties than the original one, constituting a valid andreliable instrument that can be administered in the Montevidean adolescent population to assess psychological well-being.Keywords: psychological well-being, adolescents, factor analysis, factor structure, validation, Montevideo.
Adolescence is a stage in the life cycle that involves great changes in all facets of life. In this stage, the person isexposed to multiple risk and protective factors that can affect their health, so studying the construct of well-being is necessaryto understand more deeply the mental health in this period. Despite the above, an important absence of instruments designedfor this purpose has been observed in the Latin American context, so the aim of this research was to evaluate the psychometricproperties of the adolescent psychological well-being scale designed by Soler, based on Seligman’s PERMA theory, and topresent alternatives to the original factor structure. An instrumental investigation was carried out in which 779 adolescentsfrom Montevideo participated, a sample that was randomly divided into two parts to carry out a cross-validation. An exploratoryfactor analysis was carried out in the training sample (n = 390), which revealed four and five dimensional options. Subsequently,four models were evaluated in the test sample (n=389) by means of a confirmatory factor analysis, highlighting twopentadimensional structures, the original (35 items) and the abbreviated (20 items). In both, positive correlations were foundwith well-being, self-esteem and self-efficacy, and negative correlations with depressive symptoms and psychological distress;however, the convergent and discriminant validity of the abbreviated model was superior. The internal consistency of eachfactor ranged from unacceptable to excellent, although on average it can be considered adequate. It is concluded that the scaleformulated by Soler in its abbreviated version has better psychometric properties than the original one, constituting a valid andreliable instrument that can be administered in the Montevidean adolescent population to assess psychological well-being.Keywords: psychological well-being, adolescents, factor analysis, factor structure, validation, Montevideo.
Palabras clave
Bienestar psicológico, Adolescentes, Análisis factorial, Estructura factorial, Validación, Montevideo, Psychological well-being, Adolescents, Factor analysis, Factor structure