Propuesta de actualización al plan tecnológico del centro de formación para el desarrollo rural y minero CEDRUM - Sena regional Norte de Santander, desde la vigilancia tecnológica para la identificación de oportunidades de innovación
Álvarez Osorio, Linda Lorena
Rodríguez Carreño, Miguel Alejandro
Vera Jurado, José Giovanny
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA) ha sido reconocido por su oferta educativa gratuita
en áreas técnicas, tecnológicas y complementarias desde su creación en 1957, resultado de la
colaboración entre el estado, la iglesia católica y los trabajadores. A lo largo de los años, ha
experimentado reestructuraciones para adaptarse a las necesidades cambiantes, como la Ley 119
en 1994 y la creación de los Centros de Formación Profesional Integral en 2004.
El Centro de Formación para el Desarrollo Rural y Minero (CEDRUM) en la Regional Norte de
Santander es fundamental en la formación de profesionales integrales en áreas rurales, mineras y
transversales. El SENA ha mostrado un compromiso con la innovación y anticipación a través de
iniciativas como el Modelo PREVIOS, integrando la planificación con las realidades productivas
y tecnológicas.
El CEDRUM enfrenta el desafío de actualizar su Plan Tecnológico, especialmente después de la
pandemia de COVID-19 y la revolución de la inteligencia artificial. La falta de actualización
podría afectar la inserción laboral de los graduados y la competitividad de la institución. Por ello,
es crucial desarrollar un proceso de vigilancia tecnológica que identifique oportunidades de mejora
y ajustes al Plan Tecnológico, garantizando una formación relevante y de calidad.
Se propone una actualización respaldada por datos sólidos y argumentos convincentes derivados
de la investigación descriptiva. Esto incluye un diagnóstico del CEDRUM, la aplicación del Plan
Vigía del sistema PREVIOS para identificar avances, estrategias de capacitación para mantener al
personal actualizado y el desarrollo de alianzas con el sector productivo.
The National Learning Service (SENA) has been recognized for its free educational offer in technical, technological and complementary areas since its creation in 1957, the result of collaboration between the state, the Catholic Church and workers. Over the years, it has undergone restructuring to adapt to changing needs, such as Law 119 in 1994 and the creation of the Comprehensive Vocational Training Centers in 2004. 3 The Training Center for Rural and Mining Development (CEDRUM) in the Northern Regional of Santander is fundamental in the training of comprehensive professionals in rural, mining and transversal areas. SENA has shown a commitment to innovation and anticipation through initiatives such as the PREVIOS Model, integrating planning with productive and technological realities. CEDRUM faces the challenge of updating its Technology Plan, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic and the artificial intelligence revolution. The lack of updating could affect the job placement of graduates and the competitiveness of the institution. Therefore, it is crucial to develop a technological surveillance process that identifies opportunities for improvement and adjustments to the Technological Plan, guaranteeing relevant and quality training. An update supported by solid data and compelling arguments derived from descriptive research is proposed. This includes a detailed analysis of the current technology situation at CEDRUM, the application of the PREVIOS System Watch Plan to identify advances, training strategies to keep staff updated, and the development of alliances with the productive sector.
The National Learning Service (SENA) has been recognized for its free educational offer in technical, technological and complementary areas since its creation in 1957, the result of collaboration between the state, the Catholic Church and workers. Over the years, it has undergone restructuring to adapt to changing needs, such as Law 119 in 1994 and the creation of the Comprehensive Vocational Training Centers in 2004. 3 The Training Center for Rural and Mining Development (CEDRUM) in the Northern Regional of Santander is fundamental in the training of comprehensive professionals in rural, mining and transversal areas. SENA has shown a commitment to innovation and anticipation through initiatives such as the PREVIOS Model, integrating planning with productive and technological realities. CEDRUM faces the challenge of updating its Technology Plan, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic and the artificial intelligence revolution. The lack of updating could affect the job placement of graduates and the competitiveness of the institution. Therefore, it is crucial to develop a technological surveillance process that identifies opportunities for improvement and adjustments to the Technological Plan, guaranteeing relevant and quality training. An update supported by solid data and compelling arguments derived from descriptive research is proposed. This includes a detailed analysis of the current technology situation at CEDRUM, the application of the PREVIOS System Watch Plan to identify advances, training strategies to keep staff updated, and the development of alliances with the productive sector.
Palabras clave
Plan tecnológico, Vigilancia tecnológica, Prospectiva, Inteligencia organizacional, Innovación, Technological Plan, Technological Surveillance, Prospective, Organizational intelligence, Innovation