Inteligencia artificial como herramienta jurídica en los procesos de jurisdicción voluntaria
Güette Vivanco, Melanie Sofia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente trabajo de investigación analiza el uso de la inteligencia artificial (IA) como una herramienta jurídica para optimizar los procesos de jurisdicción voluntaria, que, a pesar de ser no contenciosos, presentan serias dificultades debido a la congestión del sistema judicial, generando demoras y afectando el acceso a la justicia y la percepción ciudadana sobre su eficiencia. Se propone que la IA puede automatizar tareas repetitivas, reducir los tiempos procesales, mejorar la uniformidad en las decisiones y aliviar la carga de trabajo de los jueces. En este contexto, se abordan conceptos clave como la jurisdicción voluntaria, que comprende procesos donde no existe controversia entre partes, y se exploran los beneficios potenciales de la IA en estos trámites, incluyendo ejemplos como "Pretoria", un sistema de IA implementado en Colombia por la Corte Constitucional para seleccionar tutelas. Asimismo, se destaca la necesidad de superar retos técnicos, éticos y legales, como la creación de una infraestructura tecnológica adecuada, la capacitación de los operadores judiciales y la regulación del uso de IA para garantizar transparencia, seguridad jurídica y eliminación de sesgos. Esta investigación concluye que la inteligencia artificial representa una herramienta indispensable para enfrentar las limitaciones estructurales del sistema judicial en la actualidad. Su implementación permitiría no solo agilizar y optimizar los procesos, sino también garantizar un acceso más equitativo a la justicia, ofreciendo soluciones que, sin sustituir el papel humano, fortalecen la administración judicial con mayor precisión, eficiencia y confianza pública.
This research paper analyzes the use of artificial intelligence (AI) as a legal tool to optimize voluntary jurisdiction processes, which, despite being non-contentious, present serious difficulties due to the congestion of the judicial system, generating delays and affecting access to justice and citizen perception of its efficiency. It is proposed that AI can automate repetitive tasks, reduce procedural times, improve uniformity in decisions and alleviate the workload of judges. In this context, key concepts such as voluntary jurisdiction are addressed, which includes processes where there is no controversy between parties, and the potential benefits of AI in these procedures are explored, including examples such as "Pretoria", an AI system implemented in Colombia by the Constitutional Court to select tutelas. Likewise, the need to overcome technical, ethical and legal challenges is highlighted, such as the creation of an adequate technological infrastructure, the training of judicial operators and the regulation of the use of AI to guarantee transparency, legal certainty and the elimination of bias. This research concludes that artificial intelligence represents an indispensable tool to address the structural limitations of the current judicial system. Its implementation would not only allow for streamlining and optimizing processes, but also guarantee more equitable access to justice, offering solutions that, without replacing human role, strengthen judicial administration with greater precision, efficiency and public trust.
This research paper analyzes the use of artificial intelligence (AI) as a legal tool to optimize voluntary jurisdiction processes, which, despite being non-contentious, present serious difficulties due to the congestion of the judicial system, generating delays and affecting access to justice and citizen perception of its efficiency. It is proposed that AI can automate repetitive tasks, reduce procedural times, improve uniformity in decisions and alleviate the workload of judges. In this context, key concepts such as voluntary jurisdiction are addressed, which includes processes where there is no controversy between parties, and the potential benefits of AI in these procedures are explored, including examples such as "Pretoria", an AI system implemented in Colombia by the Constitutional Court to select tutelas. Likewise, the need to overcome technical, ethical and legal challenges is highlighted, such as the creation of an adequate technological infrastructure, the training of judicial operators and the regulation of the use of AI to guarantee transparency, legal certainty and the elimination of bias. This research concludes that artificial intelligence represents an indispensable tool to address the structural limitations of the current judicial system. Its implementation would not only allow for streamlining and optimizing processes, but also guarantee more equitable access to justice, offering solutions that, without replacing human role, strengthen judicial administration with greater precision, efficiency and public trust.
Palabras clave
Inteligencia artificial, Jurisdicción voluntaria, Optimización jurídica, Automatización, Celeridad procesal, Economía procesal