Valores familiares que asumen los jóvenes y su interacción social en el contexto del distrito de Barranquilla y su área metropolitana
Arguelles Duarte, Daniela Estefany
Cantillo Lara, Belsy Liliana
Rivera Martínez, Francis Alejandra
Rizo Lugo, Yajaira Estefania
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Los valores familiares desempeñan un papel fundamental en la formación de las interacciones sociales. Son los cimientos sobre los cuales se construyen las relaciones con los demás y guían en la interacción y relación con el mundo exterior. Transmiten principios morales, éticos y culturales que influyen en la conducta social de las personas. Esta investigación busca conocer los valores familiares que asumen los jóvenes con responsabilidad en procura del bienestar para relacionarlos con su interacción social en el contexto del distrito de Barranquilla y su Área Metropolitana, esto a través de una muestra conformada por 11 familias, las cuales son integrada por 25 personas, entre jóvenes y adultos de edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 69 años. Para llevar esto a cabo se utilizó una metodología hermenéutica y fenomenológica con un enfoque de corte cualitativo, para así poder conocer, comprender e interpretar las experiencias de vida de los participantes e interpretar lo relatado por ellos. De esta forma, se pudo constatar que cada joven tiene su propia forma de asumir los valores familiares, ya que son influenciados por múltiples factores individuales y contextuales. Sin embargo, se puede afirmar que los jóvenes están expuestos a diversas fuentes de influencia que les permiten asimilar y vivir los valores familiares en su vida cotidiana. Algunos mantienen los valores familiares tradicionales, mientras que otros cuestionan y adaptan estos valores a su propia identidad y contexto social. Existe una influencia creciente de los medios de comunicación y la globalización en la forma en que los jóvenes asumen los valores familiares.
Family values play an essential role in shaping social interactions. They transmit moral and ethical principles that influence the social behavior of individuals. This research seeks to know the family values assumed by young people with responsibility for their welfare in order to relate them to their social interaction in the context of the District of Barranquilla and its Metropolitan Area, this through a sample of 11 families, which are composed of 25 people, including young people and adults aged between 18 and 69 years old. To carry this out, a hermeneutic and phenomenological methodology was used with a qualitative approach, in order to know, understand and interpret the life experiences of the participants and interpret what they reported. In this way, it was possible to confirm that each young person has his or her own way of assuming family values, since they are influenced by multiple individual and contextual factors. However, it can be affirmed that young people are exposed to diverse sources of influence that allow them to assimilate and live family values in their daily lives. Some maintain traditional family values, while others question and adapt these values to their own identity and social context. There is a growing influence of the media and globalization in the way young people assume family values.
Family values play an essential role in shaping social interactions. They transmit moral and ethical principles that influence the social behavior of individuals. This research seeks to know the family values assumed by young people with responsibility for their welfare in order to relate them to their social interaction in the context of the District of Barranquilla and its Metropolitan Area, this through a sample of 11 families, which are composed of 25 people, including young people and adults aged between 18 and 69 years old. To carry this out, a hermeneutic and phenomenological methodology was used with a qualitative approach, in order to know, understand and interpret the life experiences of the participants and interpret what they reported. In this way, it was possible to confirm that each young person has his or her own way of assuming family values, since they are influenced by multiple individual and contextual factors. However, it can be affirmed that young people are exposed to diverse sources of influence that allow them to assimilate and live family values in their daily lives. Some maintain traditional family values, while others question and adapt these values to their own identity and social context. There is a growing influence of the media and globalization in the way young people assume family values.
Palabras clave
Valores familiares, Jóvenes, Interacción social, Influencia, Family values, Youth, Social interaction, Influence