Análisis epidemiológico descriptivo de pacientes diagnosticados de tuberculosis y comorbilidades asociadas, que asisten a una institución proveedora de salud en Colombia, entre 2016 y 2019
Bryan Ruíz, Michael
González Sanjuan, Stephanie
Sánchez Sánchez, Yuli
Villa Comas, Jeimy
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
La Tuberculosis (TB) es una enfermedad endémica, la cual puede generar un ambiente propicio para que se produzcan coinfecciones con VIH o para que ésta se desarrolle en presencia de comorbilidades, favorecidas por los diversos factores de riesgo que están directamente relacionadas con la presencia de inmunosupresión del huésped. La incidencia de esta enfermedad se ha mantenido en nuestro país, siendo notificados en los últimos 43 años cerca de 500.000 casos de tuberculosis con un promedio anual de 11.571. Además, se ha evidenciado que en Colombia la coinfección tuberculosis/VIH se presenta en 20 de cada 100 casos notificados de tuberculosis. Objetivo: Describir el comportamiento epidemiológico de comorbilidades en pacientes diagnosticados con tuberculosis de una institución prestadora de servicios de salud (IPS) de Colombia, durante 2016 a 2019. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal descriptivo, con 161 pacientes entre los 12 a 80 años. Se analizaron variables sociodemográficas y variables clínicas. Las variables cuantitativas fueron analizadas usando las medidas de tendencia central y las cualitativas se presentan como proporciones en formas de porcentajes, acompañadas de su frecuencia absoluta. Resultados: Las comorbilidades y coinfecciones con TB se presentaron con mayor proporción en hombres, teniendo este 107 de los 161 casos que se manejaron, representando el 66,45% del total de casos. Conclusión: Se pudo evidenciar que prevaleció el género masculino en la relación existente entre la coinfección TB-VIH y la comorbilidad con Diabetes, así mismo, en la presentación extrapulmonar de tipo pleural, la cual sobresale del resto. Finalmente, de acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos podemos decir que la coinfección TB-VIH representó el mayor número de casos a lo largo del periodo de recolección de datos, lo cual evidencia que la relación estrecha de esta coinfección permanece a pesar de las estrategias de promoción, prevención y tratamientos establecidos.
Tuberculosis (TB) is an endemic disease, which can create an environment conducive to coinfections with HIV or for it to develop in the presence of comorbidities, favored by the various risk factors that are directly related to HIV. presence of host immunosuppression. The incidence of this disease has been maintained in our country, with nearly 500,000 cases of tuberculosis having been reported in the last 43 years with an annual average of 11,571. In addition, it has been shown that in Colombia tuberculosis / HIV coinfection occurs in 20 out of every 100 notified cases of tuberculosis. Objective: To describe the epidemiological behavior of comorbidities in patients diagnosed with tuberculosis from a health service provider institution (IPS) in Colombia, during 2016 to 2019. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, with 161 patients between 12 and 80 years of age. . Sociodemographic variables and clinical variables were analyzed. The quantitative variables were analyzed using the measures of central tendency and the qualitative ones are presented as proportions in percentage forms, accompanied by their absolute frequency. Results: Comorbidities and co-infections with TB were presented with a higher proportion in men, with this being 107 of the 161 cases that were managed, representing 66.45% of the total cases. Conclusion: It was possible to show that the male gender prevailed in the relationship between TB-HIV coinfection and comorbidity with Diabetes, likewise, in the extrapulmonary presentation of the pleural type, which stands out from the rest. Finally, according to the results obtained, we can say that TB-HIV coinfection represented the highest number of cases throughout the data collection period, which shows that the close relationship of this co infection remains despite the promotion strategies , prevention and established treatments.
Tuberculosis (TB) is an endemic disease, which can create an environment conducive to coinfections with HIV or for it to develop in the presence of comorbidities, favored by the various risk factors that are directly related to HIV. presence of host immunosuppression. The incidence of this disease has been maintained in our country, with nearly 500,000 cases of tuberculosis having been reported in the last 43 years with an annual average of 11,571. In addition, it has been shown that in Colombia tuberculosis / HIV coinfection occurs in 20 out of every 100 notified cases of tuberculosis. Objective: To describe the epidemiological behavior of comorbidities in patients diagnosed with tuberculosis from a health service provider institution (IPS) in Colombia, during 2016 to 2019. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, with 161 patients between 12 and 80 years of age. . Sociodemographic variables and clinical variables were analyzed. The quantitative variables were analyzed using the measures of central tendency and the qualitative ones are presented as proportions in percentage forms, accompanied by their absolute frequency. Results: Comorbidities and co-infections with TB were presented with a higher proportion in men, with this being 107 of the 161 cases that were managed, representing 66.45% of the total cases. Conclusion: It was possible to show that the male gender prevailed in the relationship between TB-HIV coinfection and comorbidity with Diabetes, likewise, in the extrapulmonary presentation of the pleural type, which stands out from the rest. Finally, according to the results obtained, we can say that TB-HIV coinfection represented the highest number of cases throughout the data collection period, which shows that the close relationship of this co infection remains despite the promotion strategies , prevention and established treatments.
Palabras clave
Tuberculosis, Coinfección, Comorbilidad, Inmunosupresión, Epidemiología, Tuberculosis, Coinfection, Comorbidity, Immunosuppression, Epidemiology