Responsabilidad patrimonial del estado por privación injusta de la libertad frente a los criterios jurisprudenciales de unificación del consejo de estado
Vega Gutiérrez, Carolina Rocío
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Se estudió el concepto de responsabilidad patrimonial del Estado por privación injusta de la libertad desde la doctrina y los criterios jurisprudenciales de altas cortes, sobre todo del Consejo de Estado. El objetivo principal de este artículo es Identificar los puntos clave a tener en cuenta según el Consejo de Estado y sus criterios de unificación para determinar patrimonialmente responsable al Estado por causa de una privación injusta de la libertad en una persona. En conclusión, se encontró que han existido cuatro posturas diferentes del Consejo de Estado, de la cuales dos de las últimas son complementarias pues establecen el origen del régimen de responsabilidad del Estado en el articulado 90 constitucional y en el no desvirtuar la presunción de inocencia del tercero afectado, ya que no estaba obligado a soportar la carga de una investigación penal o una eventual condena. Por lo tanto, se logró identificar con claridad los límites punitivos del Estado pero quedando una tremenda preocupación, pues el efecto preventivo de esta figura no está siendo muy eficaz.
The concept of patrimonial responsibility of the State for unjust deprivation of liberty was studied from the doctrine and the jurisprudential criteria of high courts, especially the Council of State. The main objective of this article is to identify the key points to take into account according to the Council of State and its unifying criteria to determine the State as financially responsible due to an unjust deprivation of liberty in a person. In conclusion, it was found that there have been four different positions of the Council of State, of which two of the last are complementary since they establish the origin of the State's responsibility regime in article 90 of the Constitution and in not disproving the presumption of innocence of the affected third party, since he was not obliged to bear the burden of a criminal investigation or a possible conviction. Therefore, it was possible to clearly identify the punitive limits of the State, but there remains a tremendous concern, since the preventive effect of this figure is not being very effective.
The concept of patrimonial responsibility of the State for unjust deprivation of liberty was studied from the doctrine and the jurisprudential criteria of high courts, especially the Council of State. The main objective of this article is to identify the key points to take into account according to the Council of State and its unifying criteria to determine the State as financially responsible due to an unjust deprivation of liberty in a person. In conclusion, it was found that there have been four different positions of the Council of State, of which two of the last are complementary since they establish the origin of the State's responsibility regime in article 90 of the Constitution and in not disproving the presumption of innocence of the affected third party, since he was not obliged to bear the burden of a criminal investigation or a possible conviction. Therefore, it was possible to clearly identify the punitive limits of the State, but there remains a tremendous concern, since the preventive effect of this figure is not being very effective.
Palabras clave
Responsabilidad patrimonial, Estado, Privación injusta, Libertad, Consejo de estado, Daño antijurídico, Patrimonial responsibility, State, Unjust deprivation, Freedom, Council of State, Unlawful damage