Factores de riesgo asociados al desarrollo de diabetes tipo 2 en personas en edad productiva en Sabanalarga, Atlántico
Franco Sanabria, Yendri
Narvaéz Padilla, Maria
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Introducción: La diabetes, se encuentra dentro de un grupo heterogéneo de
trastornos, caracterizados por una hiperglucemia persistente; que puede ser de
origen multifactorial, constituyéndose como un problema de salud pública
prioritario, por su incidencia, prevalencia y su alta morbimortalidad.
Objetivo: Describir la prevalencia de factores de riesgo asociados al desarrollo de
diabetes tipo 2 en personas en edad productiva (20-64 años) en el municipio de
Sabanalarga, Atlántico.
Metodología: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. La población de estudio
incluyó personas no diabéticas, dentro del rango de edad productiva (20 a 64
años), residentes en el municipio de Sabanalarga en el departamento del Atlántico
(Colombia), durante el segundo semestre de 2019. Se realizó un muestreo
aleatorio sistemático. Se utilizó el test FINDRISC.
Resultados: Estudio realizado en 400 individuos, de ellos el 58% fue de sexo
femenino, solo 2% de la población encuestada no ha tenido ningún tipo de
formación académica. El 80% está en estrato bajo (nivel 1). Según el perímetro
abdominal, las mujeres 56,7% presentaron un resultado >90 cm, el IMC 28,3%
tienen sobrepeso. El 65% no realiza actividad física, el 55% no consumen frutas,
verduras y hortalizas diariamente. En los resultados de la escala FINDRISC, el
riesgo alto se evidencia con mayor frecuencia en el grupo etario mayor de 50
Conclusión: se corrobora que la información obtenida, aporta a las autoridades
de salud del municipio llevar a cabo planes de intervención, promoción y
prevención que ayuden tratar y disminuir la aparición de factores asociados al
desarrollo de la enfermedad.
Introduction: Diabetes is found within a heterogeneous group of disorders, characterized by persistent hyperglycemia; It may be of multifactorial origin, constituting itself as a priority public health problem, due to its incidence, prevalence, and high morbidity and mortality. Objective: To describe the prevalence of risk factors associated with the development of type 2 diabetes in people of productive age (20-64 years) in the municipality of Sabanalarga, Atlántico. Methodology: descriptive cross-sectional study. The study population included non-diabetic people, within the productive age range (20 to 64 years), residing in the municipality of Sabanalarga in the Atlántico department (Colombia), during the second semester of 2019. A systematic random sampling was carried out . FINDRISC test found. Results: Study carried out in 400 individuals, 58% of them were female, only 2% of the surveyed population has not had any type of academic training. 80% are in the lower stratum (level 1). According to the abdominal circumference, 56.7% of women had an outcome> 90 cm, BMI 28.3% were overweight. 65% do not carry out physical activity, 55% do not consume fruits, vegetables and vegetables daily. In the FINDRISC scale results, high risk is most frequently seen in the age group over 50 years. Conclusion: corroborates the information obtained, contributes to the municipal health authorities to carry out intervention, promotion and prevention plans that help to treat and reduce the appearance of factors associated with the development of the disease.
Introduction: Diabetes is found within a heterogeneous group of disorders, characterized by persistent hyperglycemia; It may be of multifactorial origin, constituting itself as a priority public health problem, due to its incidence, prevalence, and high morbidity and mortality. Objective: To describe the prevalence of risk factors associated with the development of type 2 diabetes in people of productive age (20-64 years) in the municipality of Sabanalarga, Atlántico. Methodology: descriptive cross-sectional study. The study population included non-diabetic people, within the productive age range (20 to 64 years), residing in the municipality of Sabanalarga in the Atlántico department (Colombia), during the second semester of 2019. A systematic random sampling was carried out . FINDRISC test found. Results: Study carried out in 400 individuals, 58% of them were female, only 2% of the surveyed population has not had any type of academic training. 80% are in the lower stratum (level 1). According to the abdominal circumference, 56.7% of women had an outcome> 90 cm, BMI 28.3% were overweight. 65% do not carry out physical activity, 55% do not consume fruits, vegetables and vegetables daily. In the FINDRISC scale results, high risk is most frequently seen in the age group over 50 years. Conclusion: corroborates the information obtained, contributes to the municipal health authorities to carry out intervention, promotion and prevention plans that help to treat and reduce the appearance of factors associated with the development of the disease.
Palabras clave
Diabetes Mellitus tipo2, FINDRISC, Factores de riesgo, Edad productiva, Hiperglucemia, Diabetes Mellitus type2, FINDRISC, Risk factor's, Productive age, Hyperglycemia