Dependencia emocional en las relaciones de pareja en jóvenes de la facultad de ciencias jurídicas y sociales en la universidad Simón Bolívar
Ahumada Viloria, María Camila
Arroyo Berrio, Amairani
Llinás Torres, María Carolina
Rodríguez Rodríguez, Kathleen Yulieth
Tilano Araujo, Luz Adriana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La dependencia emocional es “una necesidad extrema de carácter afectivo que una persona siente hacia su pareja a lo largo de sus diferentes relaciones” (Castelló, como se cita en Rocha et al, p.288, 2019). Siendo el vínculo afectivo que se vuelve excesivo generando conductas dañinas y dependientes hacia la otra persona. Por consiguiente, la proferida investigación parte de la importancia de describir la dependencia emocional en las relaciones de pareja en jóvenes de la facultad de ciencias jurídicas y sociales en la Universidad Simón Bolívar conformado por los distintos programas como lo son psicología, derecho, trabajo social cursando sexto a décimo semestre. Partiendo desde un paradigma empírico analítico, con un enfoque metodológico descriptivo. La población como mínimo debía tener un año de relación. Por lo que se utilizó el instrumento “CDE: Cuestionario de dependencia emocional”, creado y validado por Lemos M. & Londoño, N. H. (2006) compuesto por 23 ítems y conformado por 6 factores o subescalas: ansiedad por separación, expresión afectiva de la pareja, modificación de planes, miedo a la soledad, expresión límite y búsqueda de atención. Los resultados obtenidos del estudio realizado se logró dar validez a objetivos trazados en el marco del desarrollo de la investigación, permitiendo llegar a la conclusión de que no persiste una dependencia emocional a gran escala en los estudiantes, es decir, de manera dañina para ambas partes una dependencia que impida el buen desenvolvimiento y crecimiento personal, pero esto no quiere decir que no se pueda aumentar con el paso del tiempo.
Emotional dependence is "an extreme need of affective character that a person feels towards their partner throughout their different relationships" (Castelló, as cited in Rocha et al, p.288, 2019). Being the affective bond that becomes excessive generating harmful and dependent behaviors towards the other person. Therefore, this research is based on the importance of describing the emotional dependence in couple relationships in young people of the faculty of legal and social sciences at the Universidad Simón Bolívar, formed by different programs such as psychology, law, and social work from the sixth to the tenth semester. Starting from an analytical empirical paradigm, with a descriptive methodological approach. The population had to have at least one year of relationship. Therefore, the instrument "CDE: Emotional Dependency Questionnaire" was used, created and validated by Lemos M. & Londoño, N. H. (2006), composed of 23 items and made up of 6 factors or subscales: separation anxiety, affective expression of the partner, modification of plans, fear of loneliness, borderline expression and attention seeking. The results obtained from the study made it possible to validate the objectives outlined in the framework of the development of the research, allowing the conclusion to be reached that there is no large-scale emotional dependence in the students, that is, in a harmful way for both parties, dependence that prevents good development and personal growth, but this does not mean that it cannot increase with the passage of time.
Emotional dependence is "an extreme need of affective character that a person feels towards their partner throughout their different relationships" (Castelló, as cited in Rocha et al, p.288, 2019). Being the affective bond that becomes excessive generating harmful and dependent behaviors towards the other person. Therefore, this research is based on the importance of describing the emotional dependence in couple relationships in young people of the faculty of legal and social sciences at the Universidad Simón Bolívar, formed by different programs such as psychology, law, and social work from the sixth to the tenth semester. Starting from an analytical empirical paradigm, with a descriptive methodological approach. The population had to have at least one year of relationship. Therefore, the instrument "CDE: Emotional Dependency Questionnaire" was used, created and validated by Lemos M. & Londoño, N. H. (2006), composed of 23 items and made up of 6 factors or subscales: separation anxiety, affective expression of the partner, modification of plans, fear of loneliness, borderline expression and attention seeking. The results obtained from the study made it possible to validate the objectives outlined in the framework of the development of the research, allowing the conclusion to be reached that there is no large-scale emotional dependence in the students, that is, in a harmful way for both parties, dependence that prevents good development and personal growth, but this does not mean that it cannot increase with the passage of time.
Palabras clave
Apego, Dependencia emocional, Juventud, Relaciones de pareja, Attachment, Emotional dependence, Youth, Couple relationships