Neurodiversidad e inclusión en primera infancia: abordaje desde la musicoterapia en el contexto educativo
Moya Pérez, Martha Patricia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación emergió a partir de las observaciones y reflexiones realizadas en aulas de primera infancia, donde se identificaron falencias en el proceso de inclusión educativa centrada en la neurodiversidad. Desde una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura y la experiencia docente, estas dificultades se asociaron con un distanciamiento entre las políticas educativas y las prácticas pedagógicas, resaltando la carencia de elementos esenciales para la capacitación docente en atención a la diversidad. Paralelamente, tanto desde el ámbito terapéutico como desde el educativo, se constató una brecha significativa en la articulación de saberes necesarios para una inclusión educativa con equidad, calidad y pertinencia. En consecuencia, el objetivo general de este estudio se estableció en religar, mediante la musicoterapia, los fundamentos epistemológicos, teóricos y
metodológicos de los saberes educativos y terapéuticos para favorecer la inclusión educativa desde la perspectiva de la neurodiversidad en el aula de primera infancia. Para alcanzar el objetivo propuesto, se adoptó metodológicamente un enfoque bajo el paradigma Emergente desde la Investigación Acción Participativa Compleja. Este enfoque implicó la realización de observaciones, entrevistas semiestructuradas y un grupo de diálogo, organizado en un método recursivo dividido en dos ciclos que incluyeron fases de observación, deconstrucción, reconstrucción y complejización.
La investigación se llevó a cabo en la Institución Educativa Ricaurte (IED), ubicada en Bogotá. Los participantes incluyeron docentes y terapeutas que trabajan con niños en los niveles de jardín y transición. Siguiendo la lógica del tercero incluido, se integraron los padres de familia en el proceso investigativo, lo cual enriqueció la perspectiva del estudio. Inicialmente, la investigación se centró en la categoría de inclusión educativa, la cual, bajo la luz del marco teórico y los resultados obtenidos, evolucionó hacia el concepto de Educación inclusiva. Este cambio refleja no sólo una transformación terminológica, sino también una reorientación conceptual desde los principios de la complejidad hacia una educación centrada en la neurodiversidad. Este enfoque culminó en la propuesta creada colectivamente, que constituye el principal aporte de esta investigación, marcando un paso significativo hacia nuevas propuestas en el ámbito educativo. A partir del grupo de diálogo entre docentes, terapeutas y padres de familia, se construyó una estrategia colectiva denominada “Sintonizados: Una propuesta colectiva en educación para la neurodiversidad en primera infancia”. Esta propuesta surge de los saberes provistos entre el hogar, la salud y la educación, abordando una realidad latente presente en estos entornos. La inclusión de perspectivas diversas facilitó la participación en una dinámica dialógica mediada por la musicoterapia, lo cual incentivó la exploración de metodologías no lineales a lo largo del proceso investigativo, reforzando la necesidad de un enfoque integrador en la educación para la neurodiversidad
The present research emerged from observations and reflections conducted in early childhood classrooms, where shortcomings were identified in the process of educational inclusion centered on neurodiversity. Through a thorough review of the literature and teaching experience, these difficulties were associated with a disconnect between educational policies and pedagogical practices, highlighting the lack of essential elements for teacher training in attention to diversity. Simultaneously, from both therapeutic and educational perspectives, a significant gap was found in the integration of necessary knowledge for equitable, quality, and relevant educational inclusion. Consequently, the general objective of this study was established as reconnecting, through music therapy, the epistemological, theoretical, and methodological foundations of educational and therapeutic knowledge to promote educational inclusion from a neurodiversity perspective in early childhood classrooms. To achieve the proposed objective, a methodological approach was adopted under the Emergent paradigm from Complex Participatory Action Research. This approach involved conducting observations, semi-structured interviews, and a dialogue group, organized into a recursive method divided into two cycles that included phases of observation, deconstruction, reconstruction, and complexification. The research was carried out at Ricaurte Educational Institution, located in Bogotá. The participants included teachers and therapists working with children at the preschool and kindergarten levels. Following the logic of the included third, parents were integrated into the research process, which enriched the study's perspective.Initially, the research focused on the category of educational inclusion, which, in light of the theoretical framework and the results obtained, evolved into the concept of inclusive education. This shift reflects not only a terminological transformation but also a conceptual reorientation from the principles of complexity toward an education centered on neurodiversity. This approach culminated in the collectively created proposal, which constitutes the main contribution of this research, marking a significant step toward new proposals in the educational field.From the dialogue group between teachers, therapists, and parents, a collective strategy was developed called "Tuned In: A Collective Proposal in Education for Neurodiversity in Early Childhood." This proposal emerges from the knowledge provided among the home, health, and education, addressing a latent reality present in these environments. The inclusion of diverse perspectives facilitated participation in a dialogic dynamic mediated by music therapy, which encouraged the exploration of non-linear methodologies throughout the research process, reinforcing the need for an integrative approach in education for neurodiversity
The present research emerged from observations and reflections conducted in early childhood classrooms, where shortcomings were identified in the process of educational inclusion centered on neurodiversity. Through a thorough review of the literature and teaching experience, these difficulties were associated with a disconnect between educational policies and pedagogical practices, highlighting the lack of essential elements for teacher training in attention to diversity. Simultaneously, from both therapeutic and educational perspectives, a significant gap was found in the integration of necessary knowledge for equitable, quality, and relevant educational inclusion. Consequently, the general objective of this study was established as reconnecting, through music therapy, the epistemological, theoretical, and methodological foundations of educational and therapeutic knowledge to promote educational inclusion from a neurodiversity perspective in early childhood classrooms. To achieve the proposed objective, a methodological approach was adopted under the Emergent paradigm from Complex Participatory Action Research. This approach involved conducting observations, semi-structured interviews, and a dialogue group, organized into a recursive method divided into two cycles that included phases of observation, deconstruction, reconstruction, and complexification. The research was carried out at Ricaurte Educational Institution, located in Bogotá. The participants included teachers and therapists working with children at the preschool and kindergarten levels. Following the logic of the included third, parents were integrated into the research process, which enriched the study's perspective.Initially, the research focused on the category of educational inclusion, which, in light of the theoretical framework and the results obtained, evolved into the concept of inclusive education. This shift reflects not only a terminological transformation but also a conceptual reorientation from the principles of complexity toward an education centered on neurodiversity. This approach culminated in the collectively created proposal, which constitutes the main contribution of this research, marking a significant step toward new proposals in the educational field.From the dialogue group between teachers, therapists, and parents, a collective strategy was developed called "Tuned In: A Collective Proposal in Education for Neurodiversity in Early Childhood." This proposal emerges from the knowledge provided among the home, health, and education, addressing a latent reality present in these environments. The inclusion of diverse perspectives facilitated participation in a dialogic dynamic mediated by music therapy, which encouraged the exploration of non-linear methodologies throughout the research process, reinforcing the need for an integrative approach in education for neurodiversity
Palabras clave
Inclusión educativa, Neurodiversidad, Musicoterapia, Diálogo de saberes, Primera infancia.