Transformación digital en las empresas PYMES del sector de comercio exterior de la ciudad de Barranquilla
Arciniegas Manco, Gonzalo Javier
González Pérez, José Antonio
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolivar
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Acerca de la transformación digital y las PYMES se encontraron estudios que muestran las diferentes dimensiones que contextualizan las necesidades de las tecnologías en los negocios, enfocados hacia los clientes, Martínez (2016), expresa en su investigación el objetivo de establecer y conocer las ideas más importantes acerca de las nuevas tecnologías digitales y presentar herramientas de gestión empresarial.
Al mismo tiempo, Fernández (2020), en el que planteó como objetivo definir y formular un modelo que facilitará el proceso de transformación digital en las organizaciones, y como resultado creo el modelo de tipo genérico que podría ser
utilizado por cualquier organización, el cual se caracterizó por tener cuatro enfoques, los cuales estaban orientados hacia los clientes, negocios, organizaciones y los trabajadores.
Los anteriores antecedentes ratifican y demuestran la relevancia que tiene la transformación digital y su relación con las PYMES, debido al impacto que representa para el crecimiento de la economía en los diferentes sectores donde se ubiquen, de acuerdo con su actividad.
Regarding digital transformation and SMEs, studies were found that show the different dimensions that contextualize the needs of technologies in business, focused on customers, Martínez (2016), expresses in his research the objective of establishing and knowing the most important ideas important information about new digital technologies and present business management tools. At the same time, Fernández (2020), in which he proposed as an objective to define and formulate a model that will facilitate the process of digital transformation in organizations, and as a result he created a generic type model that could be used by any organization, which It was characterized by having four approaches, which were oriented towards clients, businesses, organizations and workers. The previous antecedents ratify and demonstrate the relevance of digital transformation and its relationship with SMEs, due to the impact it represents for the growth of the economy in the different sectors where they are located, according to their activity.
Regarding digital transformation and SMEs, studies were found that show the different dimensions that contextualize the needs of technologies in business, focused on customers, Martínez (2016), expresses in his research the objective of establishing and knowing the most important ideas important information about new digital technologies and present business management tools. At the same time, Fernández (2020), in which he proposed as an objective to define and formulate a model that will facilitate the process of digital transformation in organizations, and as a result he created a generic type model that could be used by any organization, which It was characterized by having four approaches, which were oriented towards clients, businesses, organizations and workers. The previous antecedents ratify and demonstrate the relevance of digital transformation and its relationship with SMEs, due to the impact it represents for the growth of the economy in the different sectors where they are located, according to their activity.
Palabras clave
Transformación digital, PYMES, Digitalización, Habilitadores, Modelo de madurez, Digital transformation, SMEs, Digitization, Enablers, Maturity model