Riesgo cardiovascular en trabajadores de una empresa de alimentos
Mendinueta-Martínez, Martha
Herazo-Beltrán, Yaneth
Rebolledo-Cobos, Roberto
Polo-Gallardo, Raúl
Barrios-Pertuz, Yadira
Naranjo-Africano, Gloria
Lechuga-Perez, Alexis
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Cooperativa servicios y suministros 212518 RS
Objetivo: Determinar y analizar el riesgo cardiovascular
en los trabajadores de una empresa de aceite y grasas vegetales
en la ciudad de Barranquilla, asociando los principales
factores físicos y fisiológicos con las concentraciones
de lípidos en la sangre.
Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal en
200 trabajadores de una empresa que produce aceite y
grasas vegetales. Se aplicaron cuestionarios sociodemográficos
y de niveles de actividad física, adicionalmente se
realizó una evaluación antropométrica y finalmente, una
determinación de la glicemia y las concentraciones plasmáticas
de lípidos.
Resultados: de la totalidad de la población evaluada
(n=200) el 11,5% fueron mujeres y 88,5% hombres. El
59,5% de la población presentó un estado nutricional por
encima de lo recomendado, además solo el 23,5% de la
población presentaba niveles aceptables de actividad física.
Se encontró niveles más altos de VLDL en la agrupación
de sujetos con sobrepeso y obesidad en comparación
al grupo de peso normal (p=0,04).
Conclusiones: factores como el sobrepeso y la inactividad
física presentan altas prevalencia en la población de
una empresa del sector de aceites y grasas naturales. Las
concentraciones de lípidos sanguíneos estuvieron influenciadas
principalmente por el estado nutricional y en segundo
plano, por el nivel de actividad física.
Objective: To determine and analyze cardiovascular risks on the workers of a vegetable oil and fat company in the city of Barranquilla-Colombia, by associating the main physical and physiological factors with the concentration of lipids in blood. Materials and methods: A transversally- cut study was made with a sample of 200 workers of a vegetable oil and fat producing company. In the survey some socio-demographic and physical activity level questionnaires were applied. Additionally, an anthropometric evaluation was performed, and finally, some tests for the glycemia levels and plasma concentration on lipids were made. Results: From the total of the evaluated sample (n=200), a percentage of 11,5% were women and 88.5% were men. Also, 59,5% of the population presented a nutritional state above the recommended level, besides, only 23.5% of the population presented acceptable levels of physical activity. Higher levels of VLDL were found on male groups with overweight and obesity compared with the normal weight group (p=0,04). Conclusions: Factors such as overweight and physical inactivity present high effects on the population of a vegetable oil and fat company. The concentrations of lipids in blood were mainly influenced by nutrition or feeding, and secondly, by the level of physical activity.
Objective: To determine and analyze cardiovascular risks on the workers of a vegetable oil and fat company in the city of Barranquilla-Colombia, by associating the main physical and physiological factors with the concentration of lipids in blood. Materials and methods: A transversally- cut study was made with a sample of 200 workers of a vegetable oil and fat producing company. In the survey some socio-demographic and physical activity level questionnaires were applied. Additionally, an anthropometric evaluation was performed, and finally, some tests for the glycemia levels and plasma concentration on lipids were made. Results: From the total of the evaluated sample (n=200), a percentage of 11,5% were women and 88.5% were men. Also, 59,5% of the population presented a nutritional state above the recommended level, besides, only 23.5% of the population presented acceptable levels of physical activity. Higher levels of VLDL were found on male groups with overweight and obesity compared with the normal weight group (p=0,04). Conclusions: Factors such as overweight and physical inactivity present high effects on the population of a vegetable oil and fat company. The concentrations of lipids in blood were mainly influenced by nutrition or feeding, and secondly, by the level of physical activity.
Palabras clave
Enfermedades cardiovasculares, Actividad física, Sobrepeso, Dislipidemias, Factores de Riesgo, Cardiovascular diseases, Physical activity, Overweight, Dyslipidemias, Risk factors