Apuntes sobre la comprensión en los jóvenes universitarios sobre la participación ciudadana democrática en el distrito de Barranquilla Colombia
Leal Pérez, Wilver
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Establecer que tanto conocimiento poseen los jóvenes estudiantes entre catorce—14— y veintiocho —28— años sobre los mecanismos de participación ciudadana, es el tema de este documento académico, cuyo objetivo general propende por evidenciar el conocimiento que poseen los jóvenes estudiantes de nivel bachillerato y universitario de Barranquilla sobre estos en Colombia.
De la mano de la metodología con enfoque mixto de corte descriptivo se parte de recolección de datos por medio de análisis documental y aplicación de encuestas por medio de la herramienta web Google Forms, seguidamente se realiza tabulación de los datos obteniendo tablas y gráficos de acuerdo con las variables identificadas en la investigación, para finalmente analizar los resultados sobre el grado de conocimiento que tienen los estudiantes sobre estos elementos a través de los cuales se lleva a cabo la democracia.
Obteniendo como resultados que el 84,5 % de la población tiene un concepto claro de que es la participación ciudadana, que solo el 48,8 % conoce la iniciativa legislativa como mecanismo de participación ciudadana, que el 29,8 % no tiene conocimiento que en Colombia la ley prevé que los jóvenes desde los 14 años pueden votar para la escogencia de los miembros de los Consejos de Juventud, que el 13,1% no conoce cuales son los ámbitos de participación ciudadana del distrito de Barranquilla para los Jóvenes. Podemos concluir, que la población de estudio a nivel general posee conocimientos aceptables sobre el tema estudiado, lo que nos abre una oportunidad de intervenir educativamente en esta población para aumentar este conocimiento.
Establishing how much knowledge young students between fourteen—14— and twenty-eight —28— have about the mechanisms of citizen participation, is the theme of this academic document, whose general objective tends to demonstrate the knowledge that young high school students possess. and University of Barranquilla about these in Colombia. Hand in hand with the methodology with a mixed descriptive approach, data collection is started by means of documentary analysis and application of surveys through the Google Forms web tool, then tabulation of the data is carried out, obtaining tables and graphs according to the variables identified in the research, to finally analyze the results on the degree of knowledge that students have about these elements through which democracy is carried out. Obtaining as results that 84.5% of the population has a clear concept of what citizen participation is, that only 48.8% know the legislative initiative as a mechanism for citizen participation, that 29.8% have no knowledge that In Colombia, the law provides that young people from the age of 14 can vote for the selection of the members of the Youth Councils, that 13.1% do not know which are the areas of citizen participation in the district of Barranquilla for Youth. We can conclude that the study population at a general level has acceptable knowledge on the subject studied, which opens up an opportunity to intervene educationally in this population to increase this knowledge.
Establishing how much knowledge young students between fourteen—14— and twenty-eight —28— have about the mechanisms of citizen participation, is the theme of this academic document, whose general objective tends to demonstrate the knowledge that young high school students possess. and University of Barranquilla about these in Colombia. Hand in hand with the methodology with a mixed descriptive approach, data collection is started by means of documentary analysis and application of surveys through the Google Forms web tool, then tabulation of the data is carried out, obtaining tables and graphs according to the variables identified in the research, to finally analyze the results on the degree of knowledge that students have about these elements through which democracy is carried out. Obtaining as results that 84.5% of the population has a clear concept of what citizen participation is, that only 48.8% know the legislative initiative as a mechanism for citizen participation, that 29.8% have no knowledge that In Colombia, the law provides that young people from the age of 14 can vote for the selection of the members of the Youth Councils, that 13.1% do not know which are the areas of citizen participation in the district of Barranquilla for Youth. We can conclude that the study population at a general level has acceptable knowledge on the subject studied, which opens up an opportunity to intervene educationally in this population to increase this knowledge.
Palabras clave
Democracia, Participación ciudadana, Eficacia, Abstencionismo, Joven, Democracy, Citizen participation, Efficiency, Abstentionism, Young