Educación sexual en la era digital: urdimbre para la transformación de la didáctica en instituciones educativas de básica secundaria
Arenales Méndez, Yerly Magaly
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La investigación se constituye en una respuesta transformadora de la
didáctica de la educación sexual en la era digital, teniendo en cuenta las
metodologías de enseñanza aprendizaje moralistas, biológicas, patológicas,
preventivas y represivas que han permeado las instituciones educativas y que han
constituido un fracaso en la escuela del siglo XXI.
Los distintos problemas asociados a la reproductividad, al erotismo, el género
y los vínculos afectivos, representados en cifras alarmantes de embarazo
adolescente, accesos violentos y no consentidos, pornografía infantil,
discriminación, abortos, Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual (ITS), baja autoestima,
problemas de acoso escolar, sexting, grooming, ciberbullying, entre otros; afectan
directamente a los niños y niñas que reclaman una educación sexual acorde a las
exigencias y el momento histórico permeado grandemente por la tecnología.
El objetivo de la investigación incita a construir una didáctica emergente
desde la acción colectiva, que transforme el abordaje de la educación sexual en la
era digital para la educación básica secundaria. Para ello, se orienta la investigación
desde la metodología de investigación acción educativa (IAE), posibilitando la
participación activa de los actores educativos, reconocimiento de las voces de la
comunidad en el surgimiento de acciones democráticas, autónomas que propicien
el desarrollo sexual del individuo en amor, libertad, salud y bienestar.
Acorde a la naturaleza y el contexto del problema, la fundamentación teórica
de la investigación se realiza bajo los postulados didácticos expuestos en el Acto
Didáctico Metacomplejo por González (2019), en la categoría educación sexual de
acuerdo a la teoría de los holones sexuales propuesta por Rubio-Aurioles (1994) y
en la comprensión de la era digital basada en la teoría del conectivismo de Siemens
y Downes (2005), ya que estos se relacionan con el tipo de proceso formativo
interdisciplinar, autónomo, sociocrítico que demanda el estudiante de la escuela
inmersa en la era digital.
The research constitutes a transformative response to the didactics of sex education in the digital age, taking into account the moralistic, biological, pathological and risk teaching-learning methodologies that have permeated educational institutions and that have constituted a failure in the 21st century school. The different problems associated with reproductivity, eroticism, gender and emotional ties, represented in alarming numbers of teenage pregnancy, violent and non-consensual access, child pornography, discrimination, abortions, Sexually Transmitted Infections (ITS), low self-esteem, problems of bullying, sexting, grooming, cyberbullying, among others; They directly affect boys and girls who demand sexual education according to the demands and the historical moment greatly permeated by technology. The objective of the research encourages the construction of an emergent didactic from collective action, which transforms the approach of sexual education in the digital age for basic secondary education. For this, the research is oriented from the educational action research methodology (IAE), enabling the active participation of educational actors, recognition of the voices of the community in the emergence of democratic, autonomous actions that promote the sexual development of the individual in love, freedom, health and well-being. According to the nature and context of the problem, the theoretical foundation of the research is carried out under the didactic postulates exposed in the Metacomplex Didactic Act by González (2019), in the category sexual education according to the theory of sexual holons proposed by Rubio-Aurioles (1994) and in the understanding of the digital age based on the connectivism theory of Siemens and Downes (2005), since these are related to the type of interdisciplinary, autonomous, socio-critical training process that the student of the school immersed in the digital age.
The research constitutes a transformative response to the didactics of sex education in the digital age, taking into account the moralistic, biological, pathological and risk teaching-learning methodologies that have permeated educational institutions and that have constituted a failure in the 21st century school. The different problems associated with reproductivity, eroticism, gender and emotional ties, represented in alarming numbers of teenage pregnancy, violent and non-consensual access, child pornography, discrimination, abortions, Sexually Transmitted Infections (ITS), low self-esteem, problems of bullying, sexting, grooming, cyberbullying, among others; They directly affect boys and girls who demand sexual education according to the demands and the historical moment greatly permeated by technology. The objective of the research encourages the construction of an emergent didactic from collective action, which transforms the approach of sexual education in the digital age for basic secondary education. For this, the research is oriented from the educational action research methodology (IAE), enabling the active participation of educational actors, recognition of the voices of the community in the emergence of democratic, autonomous actions that promote the sexual development of the individual in love, freedom, health and well-being. According to the nature and context of the problem, the theoretical foundation of the research is carried out under the didactic postulates exposed in the Metacomplex Didactic Act by González (2019), in the category sexual education according to the theory of sexual holons proposed by Rubio-Aurioles (1994) and in the understanding of the digital age based on the connectivism theory of Siemens and Downes (2005), since these are related to the type of interdisciplinary, autonomous, socio-critical training process that the student of the school immersed in the digital age.
Palabras clave
Educación sexual, Era digital, Investigación acción educativa, Didáctica de la educación sexual, TIC, Sex education, Digital age, Educational action research, Didactics of sex education, TIC