Impacto de la economía naranja: Un análisis bibliométrico
Ranauro Hoyer, Rose
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Las industrias creativas y culturales (ICC) tienen un impacto positivo en el desarrollo de sociedades inclusivas, afianzan la identidad y valores culturales, contribuyen con fortalecer la cohesión social, promoviendo un desarrollo social inclusivo y sostenible.
Entre las aproximaciones teóricas, se sustenta que las ICC “son reconocidas como uno de los sectores de la economía con más perspectivas, con alto potencial para contribuir a la prosperidad local y regional y la generación de empleo” (Monika, 2021)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo general determinar el impacto de la economía naranja a través de un análisis bibliométrico que permita especificar las principales contribuciones de la industria creativa al crecimiento económico.
Esta investigación se efectuó bajo la metodología de revisión sistemática, abordando el tema Impacto de la Economía Naranja a través de un análisis bibliométrico, seleccionando artículos científicos de base de datos especializadas Scopus y Google Académico.
La principal conclusión radica en que las industrias creativas o economía naranja “son ampliamente reconocidas como importantes contribuyentes al crecimiento económico y la creación de empleo” (Montalto et al., 2020). De igual modo, ciertas investigaciones ofrecen evidencia de que las ICC son consideradas más innovadoras que otros sectores altamente innovadores.
The creative and cultural industries (CCI) have a positive impact on the development of inclusive societies, strengthen identity and cultural values, contribute to strengthening social cohesion, promoting inclusive and sustainable social development. Among the theoretical approaches, it is argued that CCIs "are recognized as one of the sectors of the economy with the most prospects, with high potential to contribute to local and regional prosperity and job creation" (Monika, 2021). The general objective of this research is to determine the impact of the orange economy through a bibliometric analysis that allows specifying the main contributions of the creative industry to economic growth. This research was carried out under the systematic review methodology, addressing the Impact of the Orange Economy issue through a bibliometric analysis, selecting scientific articles from specialized Scopus and Google Scholar databases. The main conclusion is that the creative industries or orange economy "are widely recognized as important contributors to economic growth and job creation" (Montalto et al., 2020). Similarly, some research offers evidence that CCIs are considered more innovative than other highly innovative sectors.
The creative and cultural industries (CCI) have a positive impact on the development of inclusive societies, strengthen identity and cultural values, contribute to strengthening social cohesion, promoting inclusive and sustainable social development. Among the theoretical approaches, it is argued that CCIs "are recognized as one of the sectors of the economy with the most prospects, with high potential to contribute to local and regional prosperity and job creation" (Monika, 2021). The general objective of this research is to determine the impact of the orange economy through a bibliometric analysis that allows specifying the main contributions of the creative industry to economic growth. This research was carried out under the systematic review methodology, addressing the Impact of the Orange Economy issue through a bibliometric analysis, selecting scientific articles from specialized Scopus and Google Scholar databases. The main conclusion is that the creative industries or orange economy "are widely recognized as important contributors to economic growth and job creation" (Montalto et al., 2020). Similarly, some research offers evidence that CCIs are considered more innovative than other highly innovative sectors.
Palabras clave
Industrias Creativas y Culturales (ICC), Economía Naranja, Creatividad, Innovación, Creative and Cultural Industries (ICC), Orange Economy, Creativity, Innovation