Determinantes sociales de la salud asociados a pacientes sintomáticos en condición de hospitalización y unidad de cuidados intensivos (U.C.I) por covid-19: Una revisión sistemática
Molina Arteta, María Camila
Noriega Álvarez, Catalina
Orduz Tirado, Iván
Ospino Ordoñez, Martha Lía
Peralta Vega, Andrés Camilo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Introducción: El COVID-19 es una enfermedad infecciosa causada por el virus SARS-CoV 2, el cual se detectó por primera vez en la ciudad de Wuhan, provincia de Hubei, República popular de China en diciembre del 2019, fue declarada por la OMS como pandemia el 11 de marzo del 2020. El paso del Covid-19 por las diferentes regiones, países y ciudades del mundo genera una crisis sanitaria sin precedentes. Los países desarrollados poseen un mejor mecanismo de respuesta ante la pandemia, poseen hospitales y clínicas mejor equipadas y brechas de desigualdad mínimas, mientras que en los países en vía de desarrollo la crisis sanitaria producida por esta pandemia es más severa. Objetivo: Identificar los determinantes de la salud asociados a pacientes hospitalizados con Covid-19. Materiales y métodos: El diseño de esta investigación corresponde a una revisión sistemática orientada a
identificar los determinantes sociales de la salud asociados a pacientes sintomáticos con infección por covid-19 en Latinoamérica Las técnicas utilizadas fueron búsquedas especializadas en diferentes bases de datos bibliográficas tales como Scopus, Clinical Key y Pubmed. Resultados y conclusiones: El estudio concluyo que existe una relación evidente entre los determinantes sociales de la salud y la presencia de síntomas moderados y severos, la necesidad de hospitalización en UCI y aumento de la mortalidad; siendo los más importantes, aquellos que incluyen estilos de vida saludable y variables no modificables como el sexo, la raza y la edad.
Introduction: COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV 2 virus, which was first detected in Wuhan city, Hubei province, People's Republic of China in December 2019, was declared by WHO as a pandemic on March 11, 2020. The passage of Covid-19 through the different regions, countries and cities of the world generates an unprecedented health crisis. Developed countries have a better pandemic response mechanism, better equipped hospitals and clinics and minimal inequality gaps, while in developing countries the health crisis caused by this pandemic is more severe. Objective: To identify the health determinants associated with hospitalized patients with Covid-19. Materials and methods: The design of this research corresponds to a systematic review aimed at studying and comparing the social determinants of health associated with symptomatic patients with covid-19 infection in Latin America. The techniques used were specialized searches in different bibliographic databases such as Scopus, Clinical Key and Pubmed. Results: The subjects of the different studies were classified according to different sociodemographic variables, such as age, sex, race, and some clinical variables such as underlying chronic diseases and need for ICU. Conclusions: The usefulness of this work is to visualize in a more humanized way the person suffering from COVID-19 disease, allowing the health professional to broaden the field of vision he/she has about the patient.
Introduction: COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV 2 virus, which was first detected in Wuhan city, Hubei province, People's Republic of China in December 2019, was declared by WHO as a pandemic on March 11, 2020. The passage of Covid-19 through the different regions, countries and cities of the world generates an unprecedented health crisis. Developed countries have a better pandemic response mechanism, better equipped hospitals and clinics and minimal inequality gaps, while in developing countries the health crisis caused by this pandemic is more severe. Objective: To identify the health determinants associated with hospitalized patients with Covid-19. Materials and methods: The design of this research corresponds to a systematic review aimed at studying and comparing the social determinants of health associated with symptomatic patients with covid-19 infection in Latin America. The techniques used were specialized searches in different bibliographic databases such as Scopus, Clinical Key and Pubmed. Results: The subjects of the different studies were classified according to different sociodemographic variables, such as age, sex, race, and some clinical variables such as underlying chronic diseases and need for ICU. Conclusions: The usefulness of this work is to visualize in a more humanized way the person suffering from COVID-19 disease, allowing the health professional to broaden the field of vision he/she has about the patient.
Palabras clave
Revisión sistemática, Covid-19, Determinantes sociales, Sintomáticos, Hospitalización, Crisis sanitaria, Systematic review, Covid-19, Social determinants, Symptomatic, Hospitalization, Health crisis