Impacto de la presencia del COVID-19 en las actitudes y comportamientos psicosociales en sujetos post COVID-19 en Barranquilla
Almeida, Miguel Ángel
Bayona, Claudia
Barraza, Shannon
Cuellar, Keinner
De la Hoz, María Fernanda
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Antecedentes: La enfermedad por COVID-19 o coronavirus, es una pandemia
global de enfermedad respiratoria aguda causada por este virus, que está
estrechamente relacionado con SARS-CoV. COVID-19 se transmite de persona a
persona vía gotas de origen respiratorio que produce una persona infectada
cuando tose o estornuda. Con el avance que presento el COVID 19 en Colombia,
se realizó un simulacro de aislamiento obligatorio por una semana, al finalizar se
fue extendiendo cada vez más hasta que cerraron las fronteras terrestres,
marítimas y áreas. Desde entonces Colombia se ha enfrentado a varias amenazas
como la crisis económica, propagación del COVID 19 y malestar social. con todo
esto del aislamiento preventivo los comportamientos que han presentado las
personas pueden ser positivos ya que aprendieron a valorar más a las personas
que por algún motivo antes de la pandemia no lo hacían por trabajo y todo eso,
pero si se presentan comportamientos negativos como la culpa, frustración,
Objetivos: Como objetivo tenemos Determinar las actitudes y comportamientos
de los sujetos POST COVID-19 en la ciudad de Barranquilla.
Materiales y Métodos: Se realizará un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, en
la que se pretende identificar el origen de esta enfermedad, sus inicios, su
trayectoria y comparar estadísticas del comportamiento. Para la recolección de la
información se tendrá en cuenta la base de datos de sujetos Post- Covid-19 registrado en la secretaria de Salud Distrital de Barranquilla. Donde se tendrá en cuenta una población de referencia de 511 sujetos mayores de 18 años del Distrito de Barranquilla.
Con los datos de los sujetos, es decir nombres y apellidos completos y teléfonos registrado en la base de dato COVID-19, se procederá a realizar las llamadas para aplicar un cuestionario mediante plataforma digital, a fin de recopilar datos que evidencien como la enfermedad puede influir en las actividades de la vida diaria, así también como en el ámbito laboral, psicosocial y físico de los sujetos.
Background: COVID-19 disease or coronavirus, is a global pandemic of acute respiratory disease caused by this virus, which is closely related to SARS-CoV. COVID-19 is transmitted from person to person via respiratory droplets produced by an infected person when they coughor sneeze. With the progress that covid 19 presented in Colombia, a mandatory isolation drill was carried out for a week, at the end it was extended more and more until the land, maritime and area borders were closed. Since then, Colombia has faced several threats such as the economic crisis, the spread of COVID-19, and social unrest. With all this preventive isolation, the behaviors that people have presented can be positive since they learned to value people more than for some reason before the pandemic they did not do it for work and all that, but if negative behaviors such as guilt, frustration, depression. Objective: As an objective we have Determine the attitudes and behaviors of the subjects POST COVID-19 in the city of Barranquilla. Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study will be carried out, in which it is intended to identify the origin of this disease, its beginnings, its trajectory and compare behavioral statistics. For the collection of the information, the database of post- Covid-19 subjects registered with the Barranquilla District Health Secretariat will be taken into account. Where a reference population of 511 subjects over 18 years of age in the District of Barranquilla will be taken into account. With the data of the subjects, i.e full names and surnames and telephone numbers registered in the COVID-19 database, calls will be made to apply a questionnaire through a digital platform, in order to collect data that show how the disease can influence the activities of daily life, as well as in the workplace, psychosocial and physical of the subjects.
Background: COVID-19 disease or coronavirus, is a global pandemic of acute respiratory disease caused by this virus, which is closely related to SARS-CoV. COVID-19 is transmitted from person to person via respiratory droplets produced by an infected person when they coughor sneeze. With the progress that covid 19 presented in Colombia, a mandatory isolation drill was carried out for a week, at the end it was extended more and more until the land, maritime and area borders were closed. Since then, Colombia has faced several threats such as the economic crisis, the spread of COVID-19, and social unrest. With all this preventive isolation, the behaviors that people have presented can be positive since they learned to value people more than for some reason before the pandemic they did not do it for work and all that, but if negative behaviors such as guilt, frustration, depression. Objective: As an objective we have Determine the attitudes and behaviors of the subjects POST COVID-19 in the city of Barranquilla. Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study will be carried out, in which it is intended to identify the origin of this disease, its beginnings, its trajectory and compare behavioral statistics. For the collection of the information, the database of post- Covid-19 subjects registered with the Barranquilla District Health Secretariat will be taken into account. Where a reference population of 511 subjects over 18 years of age in the District of Barranquilla will be taken into account. With the data of the subjects, i.e full names and surnames and telephone numbers registered in the COVID-19 database, calls will be made to apply a questionnaire through a digital platform, in order to collect data that show how the disease can influence the activities of daily life, as well as in the workplace, psychosocial and physical of the subjects.
Palabras clave
COVID-19, Pandemia, Aislamiento, Protocolo