Estrategia pedagógica mediada por TIC para la promoción de habilidades socioemocionales en estudiantes de diferentes ciclos de formación en instituciones educativas de la región del Caribe colombiano. Estudiantes de tercer semestre de diferentes facultades de pre-grado de la Universidad Simón Bolívar, sede Barranquilla/Atlántico
Siado Castañeda, Liceth Patricia
Forero Hernández, Ana María
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente proyecto se realizó con el propósito de conocer y promover las habilidades
socioemocionales de los estudiantes en tiempos de pandemia y cómo esta había incidido en su
proceso de aprendizaje. De igual forma, conocer las estrategias pedagógicas utilizadas por los
profesores y si estas estaban encaminadas en fortalecer esas habilidades blandas de los
estudiantes. Puesto que fue un suceso para el cual como sociedad no se estaba preparada y el
ámbito académico fue uno de los más afectados, fue un cambio abrupto pasar de la presencialidad
a la virtualidad total, de modo tal que la forma en que se interactuaba y como se transmitía la
información cambió drásticamente.
Es por ello, que el objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar los elementos inmersos en la
estrategia pedagógica mediada por TIC para la promoción de habilidades socioemocionales en
estudiantes de tercer semestre de La Universidad Simón Bolívar– sede Barranquilla – del
departamento del Atlántico. Previo a realización del trabajo se hizo una revisión de múltiples
estudios relacionados con la temática, se revisaron investigaciones llevadas a cabo en el ámbito
internacional, nacional y local, para tener referencia y un espectro más amplio de cómo se ha
manejado en otros contextos dicha problemática.
El paradigma bajo el cual se trabajó fue crítico-social, con un tipo de investigación acción
educativa y de enfoque cualitativo. La población y muestra estuvo conformada por 10 profesores
y 100 estudiantes de III semestre de diferentes facultades de pregrado de la Universidad Simón
Bolívar sede Barranquilla Atlántico. La muestra estuvo conformada por hombres y mujeres en un
rango que va de los 18 a los 56 años de edad. Para la recolección de la información se aplicó un Cuestionario De Habilidades Socioemocionales En La Práctica Pedagógica y se realizó un grupo
focal a la muestra tanto de profesores como de estudiantes. Para ello, se utilizó la herramienta
Google Forms, debido a que, por la contingencia sanitaria, no se podía aplicar instrumentos a la
población de manera presencial.
Dentro de los resultados obtenidos se puede apreciar que, aunque la mayoría de los
participantes consideran sus habilidades socioemocionales como parte fundamental de su diario
vivir, les resulta difícil o incomodo expresarlas con sus familiares y/o amigos y más aún a través
de plataformas virtuales debido a que los tiempos son reducidos y tienen más actividades por
realizar. Además, se lograron identificar elementos de las estrategias pedagógicas mediadas por
las TIC, que facilitan la interacción entre profesores y estudiantes.
The goal of the present project was to know and promote socioemotional skills of students in pandemic times and how this affected the learning process. Furthermore, to know the pedagogical strategies used by the professors and if they were pointing to strengthen the soft skills of students. Because it was an event for which as society was not prepared and the academic community was one of the most affected, it was an abrupt change to go virtual form in person classes, in a way that drastically changed how interactions were held and how information was transmitted. For this reason, the objective of this work was to determine the elements used in the pedagogic strategy dictated by TIC for the promotion of socioemotional skills in students of third semester of Universidad Simon Bolivar, Barranquilla’s campus, in the department of Atlantic. A revision of multiple studies was done before the development of this project, research carried out internationally, nationally, and locally were reviewed to have a reference and a broader knowledge of how this subject has been handled. The work was done under the social-critic paradigm, with a type of investigative action education and a qualitative approach. The sample was composed by 10 professors and 100 students of third semester of different undergraduate colleges of the Universidad Simon Bolivar, Barranquilla campus. The sample was formed for men and women between 18 and 56 years old. The data was collected by applying a questionnaire of socioemotional skills in pedagogical practice keeping a focus group of professors and students. Because of sanitary conditions and confinement the questionnaire could not be applied person to person a Google Forms tool was developed. Among the results found it can be seen that, although most participants consider their socioemotional skills as a fundamental part of their daily lives, it is difficult for them to express them with family or friends, this becomes more prominent when using virtual platforms because they have less time and more activities to perform. Besides, different elements of the pedagogical strategies as dictated by TIC were identified, that facilitates the professor student interaction.
The goal of the present project was to know and promote socioemotional skills of students in pandemic times and how this affected the learning process. Furthermore, to know the pedagogical strategies used by the professors and if they were pointing to strengthen the soft skills of students. Because it was an event for which as society was not prepared and the academic community was one of the most affected, it was an abrupt change to go virtual form in person classes, in a way that drastically changed how interactions were held and how information was transmitted. For this reason, the objective of this work was to determine the elements used in the pedagogic strategy dictated by TIC for the promotion of socioemotional skills in students of third semester of Universidad Simon Bolivar, Barranquilla’s campus, in the department of Atlantic. A revision of multiple studies was done before the development of this project, research carried out internationally, nationally, and locally were reviewed to have a reference and a broader knowledge of how this subject has been handled. The work was done under the social-critic paradigm, with a type of investigative action education and a qualitative approach. The sample was composed by 10 professors and 100 students of third semester of different undergraduate colleges of the Universidad Simon Bolivar, Barranquilla campus. The sample was formed for men and women between 18 and 56 years old. The data was collected by applying a questionnaire of socioemotional skills in pedagogical practice keeping a focus group of professors and students. Because of sanitary conditions and confinement the questionnaire could not be applied person to person a Google Forms tool was developed. Among the results found it can be seen that, although most participants consider their socioemotional skills as a fundamental part of their daily lives, it is difficult for them to express them with family or friends, this becomes more prominent when using virtual platforms because they have less time and more activities to perform. Besides, different elements of the pedagogical strategies as dictated by TIC were identified, that facilitates the professor student interaction.
Palabras clave
Estrategia pedagógica, TIC, Habilidades socioemocionales, Pedagogical strategy, Mediated by ICTs, Social and emotional abilities