UESPORT: una revisión general
Castellanos Arámbula , Mario Alejandro
Chaparro Bautista , Cristian Yessid
Alba Navarro , Jhonatan David
Marín Caicedo , Sebastian
Rodríguez Celis , Carlos Yulian Andrés
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
Una de las modalidades actualmente utilizadas para competir en entornos universitarios no se refiere a deportes tradicionales como fútbol, voleibol o tenis, comunes en las facultades de bienestar académico. Nos referimos a los deportes electrónicos, también conocidos como esports, una forma de competición que ha cobrado gran relevancia en el siglo XXI. Estas nuevas modalidades no solo se emplean como medio de competición, sino también como una estrategia para reducir los niveles de estrés en los estudiantes. Por lo tanto, se busca aprovechar estos espacios donde los jóvenes puedan participar en estos nuevos mecanismos deportivos que han revolucionado el panorama de las competiciones a nivel nacional e internacional. Este artículo de revisión explora el impacto de los esports en el entorno académico, centrándose en su influencia en el rendimiento y bienestar de los estudiantes. Utilizando una metodología integrativa que combina revisión bibliográfica, recopilación de datos y análisis detallado, se examinan los beneficios cognitivos y emocionales derivados de la participación en esports en instituciones educativas
One of the modalities currently used for competition in university settings does not refer to traditional sports such as football, volleyball, or tennis, common in academic well-being faculties. We are referring to esports, also known as electronic sports, a form of competition that has gained great relevance in the 21st century. These new modalities are not only used as a means of competition but also as a strategy to reduce stress levels in students. Therefore, the aim is to take advantage of these spaces where young people can participate in these new sports mechanisms that have revolutionized the landscape of competitions at the national and international levels. This review article explores the impact of esports in the academic environment, focusing on its influence on the performance and well-being of students. Using an integrative methodology that combines literature review, data collection, and detailed analysis, the cognitive and emotional benefits of participating in esports in educational institutions are examined
One of the modalities currently used for competition in university settings does not refer to traditional sports such as football, volleyball, or tennis, common in academic well-being faculties. We are referring to esports, also known as electronic sports, a form of competition that has gained great relevance in the 21st century. These new modalities are not only used as a means of competition but also as a strategy to reduce stress levels in students. Therefore, the aim is to take advantage of these spaces where young people can participate in these new sports mechanisms that have revolutionized the landscape of competitions at the national and international levels. This review article explores the impact of esports in the academic environment, focusing on its influence on the performance and well-being of students. Using an integrative methodology that combines literature review, data collection, and detailed analysis, the cognitive and emotional benefits of participating in esports in educational institutions are examined
Palabras clave
Esports, Competitividad, Desarrollo tecnológico