La ansiedad postpandemia en estudiantes del programa de Psicología de la Universidad Simón Bolívar en la ciudad de Barranquilla
Morales Thomas, Michell
Arroyave Martínez, Nathaly
Orozco Cepeda, Jatín José
Zambrano Figueroa, Sandra
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Partiendo con el cierre de las instituciones educativas por el aislamiento social en tiempos de pandemia, se simboliza un gran estancamiento y un aplazamiento en el desarrollo de las habilidades sociales en los jóvenes, evidenciándose en el contexto actual dificultades después de la pandemia de COVID-19, lo cual se refleja en una variación de las dinámicas en las áreas de formación, que conlleva a cambiar todo el entramado de las relaciones postpandemia de jóvenes estudiantes. En el desarrollo del ser humano, la vida universitaria viene a ser un factor considerado primordial, que ejerce influencia en el estilo de vida, el cual si no es adecuado puede afectar la salud y un buen rendimiento académico (Jiménez y Ojeda, 2017). De cara a la pandemia se generaron nuevos métodos educativos en todos los niveles, ante esto, las redes sociales jugaron un papel primordial, incidiendo con un cambio de esquema de aprendizaje que puede generar estrés y/o ansiedad. Siguiendo un paradigma empírico analítico, el objetivo principal de la investigación fue conocer de manera descriptiva las manifestaciones relacionadas con la ansiedad postpandemia en estudiantes del programa de Psicología de la Universidad Simón Bolívar de la ciudad de Barranquilla, en donde se evaluaron criterios específicos, como las expectativas y la sensibilidad postpandemia. En los resultados es relevante la búsqueda del perfeccionismo en los estudiantes, evidenciando preocupación por su futuro; sin embargo, no tienden a buscar la aprobación de sus trabajos frente la opinión de las demás personas y no se sienten inquietos al trabajar con personas destacadas. Mientras que en el manejo emocional en menor medida suelen irritarse con facilidad, y no pretenden agradar o estar atados a las demandas de aprobación que desde la familia o las evaluaciones académicas pueden enfrentar.
Starting with the closure of educational institutions due to social isolation in times of pandemic, a great stagnation and postponement in the development of social skills in young people is symbolized, evident in the current context of difficulties after the COVID-19 pandemic. , which is reflected in a variation in the dynamics in the training areas, which leads to changing the entire framework of the post-pandemic relationships of young students. In the development of human beings, university life becomes a factor considered essential, which influences lifestyle, which if not adequate can affect health and good academic performance (Jiménez and Ojeda, 2017). In the face of the pandemic, new educational methods were generated at all levels. In light of this, social networks played a primary role, influencing a change in the learning scheme that can generate stress and/or anxiety. The search for perfectionism in students is relevant in the results, evidencing concern for their future; However, they do not tend to seek approval for their work in the opinion of other people and they do not feel uneasy when working with outstanding people. While in emotional management to a lesser extent they tend to get easily irritated, and do not try to please or be tied to the demands for approval that they may face from the family or academic evaluations.
Starting with the closure of educational institutions due to social isolation in times of pandemic, a great stagnation and postponement in the development of social skills in young people is symbolized, evident in the current context of difficulties after the COVID-19 pandemic. , which is reflected in a variation in the dynamics in the training areas, which leads to changing the entire framework of the post-pandemic relationships of young students. In the development of human beings, university life becomes a factor considered essential, which influences lifestyle, which if not adequate can affect health and good academic performance (Jiménez and Ojeda, 2017). In the face of the pandemic, new educational methods were generated at all levels. In light of this, social networks played a primary role, influencing a change in the learning scheme that can generate stress and/or anxiety. The search for perfectionism in students is relevant in the results, evidencing concern for their future; However, they do not tend to seek approval for their work in the opinion of other people and they do not feel uneasy when working with outstanding people. While in emotional management to a lesser extent they tend to get easily irritated, and do not try to please or be tied to the demands for approval that they may face from the family or academic evaluations.
Palabras clave
Estrés, Ansiedad, Expectativas, Sensibilidad, Juventud, Pandemia, Stress, Anxiety, Expectations, Sensitivity, Youth, Pandemic