Propagación de ONDAS en el Atlántico 2014
Boom Urueta, Carlos
Campo Ternera, Lilia
Domínguez Haydar, Yamileth
Olivero Vega, Enohemit
Álvarez Anaya, Leidy
Torres Venera, Sergio
Díaz Pitalúa, Dilmadis
Arreola Galvis, Ruby
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
El propósito de esta investigación fue
analizar las propiedades psicométricas
de la escala de capacidades emprendedoras
en la población juvenil con miras
al reconocimiento y fortalecimiento de
potencialidades en los diversos contextos
sociales, en una muestra aleatoria de
1783 jóvenes en procesos de formación
en emprendimiento y adultos emprendedores.
Se aplicó el análisis factorial
exploratorio (ejes principales) y confirmatorio
(libre distribución asintótica)
ajustado a datos sin distribución normal
multivariante (test de Doornik-Hansen
de p < .001). El Alfa Cronbach arrojó un
valor inicial de 0.90 lo cual indica un nivel
de confiabilidad elevada. El análisis
KMO de 0,96, y una varianza explicada
fue del 48,8%. El mayor valorde puntuación
lo presentó Autoconfianza con
una media de 18,15 puntos, seguido de
las característica compromiso con 18,13,
mientras que Adaptación al cambio registró
el valor más bajo con una media
de 14,7 puntos. El análisis de componentes
principales arrojo dos grandes grupos
que separan los factores, siendo la
creatividad, la autonomía, la innovación,
el pensamiento crítico, la visión, la adaptación
al cambio y el trabajo en equipo,
los que presentan mayor independencia
con el resto de los factores evaluados.
Las conclusiones confirman los buenos
indicadores psicométricos que apoyan
el uso de la escala en el área de la investigación
y el desarrollo de capacidades
The purpose of this research was to analyze the psychometric properties of the scale of entrepreneurial skills in the youth population with a view to the recognition and strengthening of potentialities in the different social contexts, in a random sample of 467 young people in processes of entrepreneurship training and enterprising adults. The exploratory factor analysis (main axes) and confirmatory (free asymptotic distribution) adjusted to data without normal multivariate distribution (Doornik-Hansen test of p <.001) was applied. The Alfa Cronbach showed an initial value of 0.90 which indicates a high level of reliability. The KMO analysis of 0.92, and an explained variance was 48.8%. The highest score values were presented for Self-confidence with an average of 19 points, followed by the characteristic commitment, Motivation and Vision. The analysis of main components yields two large groups that separate the factors, being creativity, autonomy, innovation, critical thinking, vision, adaptation to change and teamwork, which are more independent with the rest of the factors evaluated. The conclusions confirm the good psychometric indicators that support the use of scale in the area of research and the development of entrepreneurial skills.
The purpose of this research was to analyze the psychometric properties of the scale of entrepreneurial skills in the youth population with a view to the recognition and strengthening of potentialities in the different social contexts, in a random sample of 467 young people in processes of entrepreneurship training and enterprising adults. The exploratory factor analysis (main axes) and confirmatory (free asymptotic distribution) adjusted to data without normal multivariate distribution (Doornik-Hansen test of p <.001) was applied. The Alfa Cronbach showed an initial value of 0.90 which indicates a high level of reliability. The KMO analysis of 0.92, and an explained variance was 48.8%. The highest score values were presented for Self-confidence with an average of 19 points, followed by the characteristic commitment, Motivation and Vision. The analysis of main components yields two large groups that separate the factors, being creativity, autonomy, innovation, critical thinking, vision, adaptation to change and teamwork, which are more independent with the rest of the factors evaluated. The conclusions confirm the good psychometric indicators that support the use of scale in the area of research and the development of entrepreneurial skills.
Palabras clave
Educación, Investigaciones, Innovaciones tecnológicas, Desarrollo científico y tecnológico, Formación científica