Estudio de factibilidad de emprendimiento de reciclaje de tapabocas en la ciudad de Barranquilla
Varela Santiago, Carlos Alberto
Uribe Donado, Gilberto Mario
Menahem Garzón, Joseph
Peralta García, Luis Eduardo
Ospina Márquez, Luis Ángel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
Por la pandemia del COVID 19 se han generado muchos desechos de tapabocas y
esto ha ocasionado que la tasa de contaminación aumente, la ONU (2020) ha
alertado que “la mala disposición podría llevar a que el 70% de estos implementos
terminen en los océanos y hasta un 12% de ellos, sea quemado, causando en
ambos casos, graves impactos por contaminación”. Cada minuto se desechan 3
millones de cubrebocas en el mundo y desde que empezó la pandemia el consumo
de plásticos desechables aumentó un 300%. Por esta razón, se propone una
empresa que fomente el reciclaje y la reutilización de los tapabocas para un uso
mejor. En este trabajo hacemos un estudio de factibilidad de un emprendimiento
para reciclar las grandes cantidades de desechos de tapabocas que se generaron
y se continúan generando con la pandemia del COVID-19.
Nosotros planteamos una solución para ayudar al planeta tierra, por eso, nuestro
proyecto quiere brindar una idea innovadora y llamativa, el cual va siendo la
reutilización y el reciclaje de los desechos de los tapabocas, con esto queremos
crear accesorios para que las personas lo usen, tales como gafas, collares,
pulseras, entre otros. Por otro lado, para empezar esta iniciativa tendríamos unos
socios claves que serían los recicladores y las empresas recicladoras que nos
ayudarían con la recolección de los tapabocas. También se utilizarán las redes
sociales para darnos a conocer a nuestros futuros clientes, donde ellos también
serán una clave para el reciclaje, ya que pondremos un sitio en específico donde
ellos podrán llevar los tapabocas para ser reciclados y bajar la contaminación.
Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, a lot of face mask waste has been generated and this has caused the contamination rate to increase, the UN (2020) has warned that "poor disposal could lead to 70% of these implements ending up in the oceans and up to 12% of them, be burned, causing in both cases, serious impacts due to contamination”. Every minute 3 million face masks are discarded in the world and since the pandemic began the consumption of disposable plastics has increased by 300%. For this reason, a company is proposed that promotes the recycling and reuse of face masks for better use. In this work we carry out a feasibility study of a venture to recycle the large amounts of face mask waste that was generated and continues to be generated with the COVID-19 pandemic. We propose a solution to help planet earth, for this reason, our project wants to provide an innovative and striking idea, which is the reuse and recycling of waste from face masks, with this we want to create accessories for people to use. , such as glasses, necklaces, bracelets, among others. On the other hand, to start this initiative we would have some key partners that would be the recyclers and the recycling companies that would help us with the collection of face masks. Social networks will also be used to make us known to our future clients, where they will also be a key to recycling, since we will put a specific place where they can take the masks to be recycled and reduce pollution.
Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, a lot of face mask waste has been generated and this has caused the contamination rate to increase, the UN (2020) has warned that "poor disposal could lead to 70% of these implements ending up in the oceans and up to 12% of them, be burned, causing in both cases, serious impacts due to contamination”. Every minute 3 million face masks are discarded in the world and since the pandemic began the consumption of disposable plastics has increased by 300%. For this reason, a company is proposed that promotes the recycling and reuse of face masks for better use. In this work we carry out a feasibility study of a venture to recycle the large amounts of face mask waste that was generated and continues to be generated with the COVID-19 pandemic. We propose a solution to help planet earth, for this reason, our project wants to provide an innovative and striking idea, which is the reuse and recycling of waste from face masks, with this we want to create accessories for people to use. , such as glasses, necklaces, bracelets, among others. On the other hand, to start this initiative we would have some key partners that would be the recyclers and the recycling companies that would help us with the collection of face masks. Social networks will also be used to make us known to our future clients, where they will also be a key to recycling, since we will put a specific place where they can take the masks to be recycled and reduce pollution.
Palabras clave
Reciclaje, Contaminación, Reutilización, Tapabocas, Recycling, Pollution, Reuse, Face masks