Arquitectura de un software de financiamiento comercial inclusivo para Pymes basado en Blockchain
Ruiz García, Neider Alfonso
Aldana Silva, Cristian Camilo
Naranjo Mejía, Juan Camilo
Freile Bolaño, Byron Farid
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
El presente artículo de investigación
pretende la definición de una arquitectura
de software de financiamiento inclusivo
para las PYMES basado en blockchain,
para esto se aplicará una serie de fases
metodológicas las cuales permitirán definir
y evaluar la arquitectura propuesta, esto es
relevante debido a que el nivel actual de
comprensión de la aplicación blockchain es
insuficiente y los aspectos arquitectónicos
del sistema han permanecido en gran parte
inexplorados. La mayoría de las pequeñas y
medianas empresas de Colombia se
derrumban gracias a la ausencia de acceso
a planes financieros, créditos con entidades
bancarias, fondos de emprendimiento, entre
otros, lo cual provoca que los dueños de las
pequeñas y medianas empresas visualicen
el acceso al financiamiento como un intento
fallido de solidificar el proceso de
crecimiento de sus negocios. Para evitarlo,
se necesitan nuevos mecanismos y
estrategias de financiamiento, los cuales
sean eficientes y no presenten
complicaciones mayores para los dueños de
PYMES, como la ralentización del proceso
y el exceso en la cantidad de trámites que
deben ejecutar para acceder a un crédito, o
algún fondo.
This research article aims to define an inclusive financing software architecture for SMEs based on blockchain, for this a series of methodological phases will be applied which will allow defining and evaluating the proposed architecture, this is relevant because the level Current understanding of the blockchain application is insufficient and the architectural aspects of the system have remained largely unexplored. The majority of small and medium-sized companies in Colombia collapse thanks to the lack of access to financial plans, loans with banks, entrepreneurship funds, among others, which causes the owners of small and medium-sized companies to visualize access to the financing as a failed attempt to solidify their business growth process. To avoid this, new financing mechanisms are needed, which are efficient and do not present major complications for the owners of SMEs, such as the slowing down of the process and the excess in the number of procedures that must be carried out to access a loan, or some fund.
This research article aims to define an inclusive financing software architecture for SMEs based on blockchain, for this a series of methodological phases will be applied which will allow defining and evaluating the proposed architecture, this is relevant because the level Current understanding of the blockchain application is insufficient and the architectural aspects of the system have remained largely unexplored. The majority of small and medium-sized companies in Colombia collapse thanks to the lack of access to financial plans, loans with banks, entrepreneurship funds, among others, which causes the owners of small and medium-sized companies to visualize access to the financing as a failed attempt to solidify their business growth process. To avoid this, new financing mechanisms are needed, which are efficient and do not present major complications for the owners of SMEs, such as the slowing down of the process and the excess in the number of procedures that must be carried out to access a loan, or some fund.
Palabras clave
Blockchain, Arquitectura de software, Inclusión financiera, PYMES, Software architecture, Financial inclusion, SMEs