Acciones jurídico-administrativas en el tratamiento de la drogadicción en los jóvenes de la ciudad de Barranquilla en el periodo de 2015 a 2019
Rodríguez Rodríguez, Enilse Yulieth
Bravo Echeverry, Jorge Mario
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente trabajo de grado aborda las acciones jurídico-administrativas en el
tratamiento de la drogadicción en los jóvenes en la ciudad de Barranquilla durante
el período 2015 a 2019. Toma como punto de partida, la finalidad social del Estado
establecida en el artículo 2º superior. En los propósitos, ámbitos de aplicación y
principios estipulados en el artículo 1º del CPACA, en los que debe prevalecer el
interés general. El análisis, necesariamente aborda el cumulo de legislaciones
promulgadas desde la ley 30 de 1986, hasta el decreto 1844 de 2018. De igual
manera toca los pronunciamientos de la Honorable Corte Constitucional, a partir de
la icónica sentencia C-221 de 1994, sobre la despenalización de la dosis personal.
En el mismo sentido considera la postura actual del el gobierno colombiano, que
pareciera ir por orillas diferentes, en el que mira el problema solo desde la
perspectiva punible, desconociendo por el otro, los desarrollos jurisprudenciales que
ha dado un manejo y tratamiento más integral al abordaje del consumo de drogas
El trabajo de investigación pretende demostrar que durante el lapso comprendido
entre los años 2015 a 2019, el porcentaje de jóvenes imbuidos en el mundo de las
drogas alucinógenas en la ciudad de Barranquilla, ha ido en un desproporcionado
aumento. Lo anterior, a pesar de la expedición de normativas encaminadas,
precisamente a penalizar su consumo. La última de tales disposiciones como el
decreto 1844 de 2018, que penaliza el porte y tenencia de la dosis mínima, que
según el gobierno fue precisamente promulgado, para atacar el consumo de drogas
en los jóvenes especialmente. Ante ello, el gobierno nacional deja de lado la
percepción generalizada de que el problema de la drogadicción en los jóvenes, debe
ser abordado desde una perspectiva integral, que involucre todos los estamentos
de la sociedad.
The present work of degree deals with the legal-administrative actions in the treatment of drug addiction in young people in the city of Barranquilla during the period 2015 to 2019. It takes as a starting point, the social purpose of the State established in article 2 above. In the purposes, areas of application and principles stipulated in Article 1 of the CPACA, in which the general interest must prevail. The analysis necessarily addresses the accumulation of laws enacted since Law 30 of 1986, until Decree 1844 of 2018. In the same way, it touches on the pronouncements of the Honorable Constitutional Court, based on the iconic judgment C-221 of 1994, on the decriminalization of the personal dose. Despite this, it seems that the Colombian government was, on different sides, looking at the problem only from a punishable perspective, ignoring on the other hand, the jurisprudential developments that have given more comprehensive management and treatment to the approach to drug use. prohibited. The research work aims to demonstrate that during the period between the years 2015 to 2019, the percentage of young people imbued in the world of hallucinogenic drugs in the city of Barranquilla, has been in a disproportionate increase. This, despite the issuance of regulations aimed precisely at penalizing their consumption. The last of such provisions such as Decree 1844 of 2018, which penalizes the carrying and possession of the minimum dose, which according to the government was precisely enacted, to attack drug use in young people especially. With this, the national government ignores the general perception that the problem of drug addiction in young people must be approached from a comprehensive perspective, involving all levels of society.
The present work of degree deals with the legal-administrative actions in the treatment of drug addiction in young people in the city of Barranquilla during the period 2015 to 2019. It takes as a starting point, the social purpose of the State established in article 2 above. In the purposes, areas of application and principles stipulated in Article 1 of the CPACA, in which the general interest must prevail. The analysis necessarily addresses the accumulation of laws enacted since Law 30 of 1986, until Decree 1844 of 2018. In the same way, it touches on the pronouncements of the Honorable Constitutional Court, based on the iconic judgment C-221 of 1994, on the decriminalization of the personal dose. Despite this, it seems that the Colombian government was, on different sides, looking at the problem only from a punishable perspective, ignoring on the other hand, the jurisprudential developments that have given more comprehensive management and treatment to the approach to drug use. prohibited. The research work aims to demonstrate that during the period between the years 2015 to 2019, the percentage of young people imbued in the world of hallucinogenic drugs in the city of Barranquilla, has been in a disproportionate increase. This, despite the issuance of regulations aimed precisely at penalizing their consumption. The last of such provisions such as Decree 1844 of 2018, which penalizes the carrying and possession of the minimum dose, which according to the government was precisely enacted, to attack drug use in young people especially. With this, the national government ignores the general perception that the problem of drug addiction in young people must be approached from a comprehensive perspective, involving all levels of society.
Palabras clave
Drogadicción, Psicoactivas, Legislaciones, Distribución, Consumo, Abuso, Salud, Drug addiction, Psychoactive, Legislation, Distribution, Consumption, Abuse, Possession, Health