Perspectiva socio-jurídica de los derechos laborales de las mujeres en Colombia durante la pandemia del COVID 19 En el año 2020
Garcés Charris, Edwin Arturo
Mercado Beltrán, Ronaldo Luiz
Monsalvo Castro, Ivanna Lucía
Romero De La Hoz, Melanie Sofía
Vásquez Pérez, Paola Andrea
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El Proyecto de Investigación tiene como foco central los sucesos que fueron dados en Colombia en el transcurso de la Pandemia del Covid-19 en el año 2020, en donde los derechos laborales de las mujeres se vieron mayormente vulnerados, trayendo consigo aspectos fundamentales que se investigaron, tales como el desempleo, la violencia intrafamiliar, el aumento del trabajo informal, la precariedad de condiciones laborales a las que dichas mujeres fueron sometidas durante esta primera etapa de la emergencia sanitaria que se estaba viviendo mundialmente.
El propósito de este proyecto fue la investigación y recaudo de todos aquellos datos y hechos fácticos que demostraran que dicha violación de los derechos existió, tomar diferentes posturas que evidenciaran la falta de compromiso que tuvo el gobierno colombiano por garantizar el derecho al trabajo a una gran parte de la población femenina colombiana que se encontraba en búsqueda de una mejor calidad de vida en tiempos alarmantes como lo fue la cuarentena debido a dicha pandemia.
Después de la investigación de los hechos y datos que demostraron los sucesos de la vulneración de los derechos laborales de las mujeres se quiso basar el proyecto de investigación en la identificación de los derechos laborales de las mujeres colombianas tras consultar a través de la leyes colombianas e internacionales cuáles eran a toda aquellas que eran vulneradas, desde el proyecto se quiso analizar la categorización de la evolución de los derechos laborales de las mujeres investigando a través de la herramientas que nos ofrecía la universidad por medio de los libros llegando así mismo a un punto crítico personal donde se quería examinar las perspectivas sociales de los derechos laborales de las mujeres.
Después de realizar todo lo anterior fue mucho más fácil poder distinguir las perspectivas jurídicas se tiene de los derechos laborales de las mujeres a través del análisis socio jurídico o con lo aprendido tras la investigación por lo que se pudo argumentar el por qué se han visto las mujeres afectadas en mayor magnitud por la pandemia COVID-19.
La crisis económica desencadenada por la pandemia ha llevado a despidos masivos, precariedad laboral y pérdida de empleo, afectando especialmente a las mujeres en sectores informales y de bajos ingresos. Además, persisten la discriminación salarial y la falta de oportunidades de desarrollo profesional, lo que limita el crecimiento laboral y económico de las mujeres.
La carga de trabajo doméstico y la falta de conciliación entre el trabajo remunerado y las responsabilidades familiares han sido desafíos adicionales para las mujeres en Colombia durante la pandemia. El cierre de escuelas y guarderías ha aumentado su carga de trabajo no remunerado, afectando su participación plena en el ámbito laboral.
Es fundamental que Colombia implemente políticas y medidas específicas para abordar estas problemáticas. Esto implica fortalecer la protección laboral de las mujeres, promover la igualdad salarial, eliminar las barreras para el desarrollo profesional, prevenir y abordar la violencia de género, y promover la conciliación entre el trabajo y la vida personal. Además, se deben garantizar el acceso a la seguridad social y los servicios de apoyo necesarios para las mujeres trabajadoras.
The central focus of the Research Project is the events that occurred in Colombia during the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020, where women's labor rights were mostly violated, bringing with it fundamental aspects that were investigated, such as unemployment, domestic violence, the increase of informal work, the precariousness of working conditions to which these women were subjected during this first stage of the health emergency that was being experienced worldwide. The purpose of this project was the investigation and collection of all those data and facts that demonstrated that such violation of rights existed, to take different positions that showed the lack of commitment of the Colombian government to guarantee the right to work to a large part of the Colombian female population that was in search of a better quality of life in alarming times such as the quarantine due to the pandemic. After the investigation of the facts and data that demonstrated the events of the violation of the labor rights of women, the research project was based on the identification of the labor rights of Colombian women after consulting through the Colombian and international laws which were all those that were violated, from the project we wanted to analyze the categorization of the evolution of the labor rights of women investigating through the tools that the university offered us by means of books, reaching a personal critical point where we wanted to examine the social perspectives of the labor rights of women. After carrying out all of the above, it was much easier to distinguish the legal perspectives of women's labor rights through the socio-legal analysis or with what was learned after the research, so it was possible to argue why women have been affected to a greater extent by the COVID-19 pandemic. The economic crisis triggered by the pandemic has led to massive layoffs, job insecurity and job loss, especially affecting women in informal and low-income sectors. In addition, wage discrimination and lack of career development opportunities persist, limiting women's job and economic growth. The burden of domestic work and the lack of reconciliation between paid work and family responsibilities have been additional challenges for women in Colombia during the pandemic. The closure of schools and day care centers has increased their unpaid workload, affecting their full participation in the labor force. It is essential that Colombia implements specific policies and measures to address these issues. This involves strengthening labor protection for women, promoting equal pay, eliminating barriers to professional development, preventing and addressing gender-based violence, and promoting work-life balance. In addition, access to social security and the necessary support services for working women must be guaranteed.
The central focus of the Research Project is the events that occurred in Colombia during the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020, where women's labor rights were mostly violated, bringing with it fundamental aspects that were investigated, such as unemployment, domestic violence, the increase of informal work, the precariousness of working conditions to which these women were subjected during this first stage of the health emergency that was being experienced worldwide. The purpose of this project was the investigation and collection of all those data and facts that demonstrated that such violation of rights existed, to take different positions that showed the lack of commitment of the Colombian government to guarantee the right to work to a large part of the Colombian female population that was in search of a better quality of life in alarming times such as the quarantine due to the pandemic. After the investigation of the facts and data that demonstrated the events of the violation of the labor rights of women, the research project was based on the identification of the labor rights of Colombian women after consulting through the Colombian and international laws which were all those that were violated, from the project we wanted to analyze the categorization of the evolution of the labor rights of women investigating through the tools that the university offered us by means of books, reaching a personal critical point where we wanted to examine the social perspectives of the labor rights of women. After carrying out all of the above, it was much easier to distinguish the legal perspectives of women's labor rights through the socio-legal analysis or with what was learned after the research, so it was possible to argue why women have been affected to a greater extent by the COVID-19 pandemic. The economic crisis triggered by the pandemic has led to massive layoffs, job insecurity and job loss, especially affecting women in informal and low-income sectors. In addition, wage discrimination and lack of career development opportunities persist, limiting women's job and economic growth. The burden of domestic work and the lack of reconciliation between paid work and family responsibilities have been additional challenges for women in Colombia during the pandemic. The closure of schools and day care centers has increased their unpaid workload, affecting their full participation in the labor force. It is essential that Colombia implements specific policies and measures to address these issues. This involves strengthening labor protection for women, promoting equal pay, eliminating barriers to professional development, preventing and addressing gender-based violence, and promoting work-life balance. In addition, access to social security and the necessary support services for working women must be guaranteed.
Palabras clave
Perspectiva, Socio jurídica, Derechos laborales, Ámbito laboral, Protección a la Mujer, Condiciones laborales, Labor Rights, Labor Environment