Logística verde aplicada a la exportación de banano tradicional entre los años 2020-2021
Álvarez Álvarez, Aura Lucia
González Loaiza, Yeferson Siehyner
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El presente ensayo analiza y describe la forma en la que se aplica la logística verde en las compañías, orientada a la exportación de banano tradicional. Este documento inicia exponiendo la necesidad que se tiene por un desarrollo sostenible en el medio ambiente. Contextualiza el escenario Colombiano en la aplicación de dicha temática, y los beneficios económicos, sociales y ambientales que trae consigo. Se identifica que la cadena logística trae consigo los principales factores negativos para el deterioro de los ecosistemas, y se analiza ampliamente problemas convencionales que vive Colombia al momento de producir y exportar este producto. A partir de esta necesidad y ante la ausencia de mecanismos que promuevan mejorar el proceso de verificación de empresas bananeras de una forma sostenible, se quiere conocer con este trabajo de investigación cualitativa, utilizando como metodología, el estudio de caso. Así mismo, permite analizar cada uno de los factores que afectan este sector económico y que puede ser mejorado con la logística verde, uno de los puntos más esenciales para generar ese gran impacto ambiental en cada uno de sus procesos económicos, para el análisis de la información se hace a través de un análisis documental de recolección de datos. Por su parte, el propósito de este escrito tiene como finalidad reconocer tales objetivos, que se basan en analizar la relevancia de la logística verde, en la comercialización de uno de los productos nacionales más representativos, como lo es el banano.
This essay analyzes and describes the way in which green logistics is applied in companies, oriented to the export of traditional bananas. This document begins by exposing the need for sustainable development in the environment. It contextualizes the Colombian scenario in the application of said theme, and the economic, social and environmental benefits that it brings. It is identified that the logistics chain brings with it the main negative factors for the deterioration of ecosystems, and conventional problems that Colombia is experiencing at the time of producing and exporting this product are extensively analyzed. Based on this need and in the absence of mechanisms that promote improving the verification process of banana companies in a sustainable way, we want to know with this qualitative research work, using the case study as a methodology. Likewise, it allows analyzing each of the factors that affect this economic sector and that can be improved with green logistics, one of the most essential points to generate that great environmental impact in each of its economic processes, for the analysis of the information is made through a documentary analysis of data collection. For its part, the purpose of this paper is to recognize such objectives, which are based on analyzing the relevance of green logistics, in the marketing of one of the most representative national products, such as bananas.
This essay analyzes and describes the way in which green logistics is applied in companies, oriented to the export of traditional bananas. This document begins by exposing the need for sustainable development in the environment. It contextualizes the Colombian scenario in the application of said theme, and the economic, social and environmental benefits that it brings. It is identified that the logistics chain brings with it the main negative factors for the deterioration of ecosystems, and conventional problems that Colombia is experiencing at the time of producing and exporting this product are extensively analyzed. Based on this need and in the absence of mechanisms that promote improving the verification process of banana companies in a sustainable way, we want to know with this qualitative research work, using the case study as a methodology. Likewise, it allows analyzing each of the factors that affect this economic sector and that can be improved with green logistics, one of the most essential points to generate that great environmental impact in each of its economic processes, for the analysis of the information is made through a documentary analysis of data collection. For its part, the purpose of this paper is to recognize such objectives, which are based on analyzing the relevance of green logistics, in the marketing of one of the most representative national products, such as bananas.
Palabras clave
Logística verde, Sostenibilidad, Banano, Exportaciones, Green logistics, Sustainability, Banana, Exports