Responsabilidad social empresarial en el sector financiero durante el Covid 19: una revisión bibliográfica
De la Hoz Ospino, María Bernarda
Morales Torrejano, Lile
Picón Calixto, Laura María
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Facultad Administración y Negocios
El propósito del presente trabajo de investigación consistió en revisar las medidas implementadas por el sector financiero para la proposición de estrategias, las cuales permitan a las organizaciones del sector financiero en el departamento del Atlántico establecer programas integrales de responsabilidad social. En este orden de ideas, metodológicamente la investigación desarrolló un enfoque cualitativo, para ello, fueron revisados 60 documentos de alto impacto encaminados a profundizar el conocimiento y la solución de la problemática través del cual se establecieron los lineamientos para la construcción de resultados y las posteriores conclusiones. En cuanto a los resultados se refiere, se encontraron iniciativas realizadas por las organizaciones, tales como políticas de gestión humana, mecanismos de protección al usuario, nuevos modelos de negocio enmarcados en la sostenibilidad y un foco dirigido hacia la protección del medio ambiente, programas de auxilios económicos y alianzas con otros grupos de interés. Dentro de las medidas implementadas por el sector financiero en respuesta a la pandemia COVID19, se encontraron casos como el del Banco de Guayaquil, el cual reforzó sus estrategias de responsabilidad y de acercamiento con las comunidades cambiando su paradigma y desarrollando el frente de agente de cambio, al cual están llamadas las organizaciones del sector. Concluyendo que las empresas del sector deben adoptar modelos flexibles, debido a que una de las varias consecuencias de la cuarentena ha sido los despidos masivos, esto ha llamado la atención de los clientes y resulta vital para ellos conocer cuales organizaciones dentro del sector están actuando de esta manera, es decir, eliminando puestos de trabajo. Por otra parte, la participación de empresarios generaría confianza dentro de todos los grupos de interés, lo cual traerá consigo un incremento de ventas, ventajas competitivas y mayor oportunidad de permanencia en el mercado.
The purpose of this research work consisted in reviewing the measures implemented by the financial sector for the proposal of strategies, which would allow the organizations of the financial sector in the department of Atlántico to establish integral programs of social responsibility. In this order of ideas, methodologically the research developed a qualitative approach, for this purpose, 60 high impact documents were reviewed to deepen the knowledge and the solution of the problem through which the guidelines for the construction of results and the subsequent conclusions were established. As far as the results are concerned, initiatives carried out by the organizations were found, such as human management policies, user protection mechanisms, new business models framed in sustainability and a focus on environmental protection, economic aid programs and alliances with other stakeholders. Among the measures implemented by the financial sector in response to the COVID19 pandemic, there were cases such as that of Banco de Guayaquil, which reinforced its responsibility and community outreach strategies by changing its paradigm and developing the change agent front, to which organizations in the sector are called. Concluding that companies in the sector must adopt flexible models, because one of the consequences of the quarantine has been the massive layoffs, this has drawn the attention of customers and it is vital for them to know which organizations within the sector are acting in this way, i.e., eliminating jobs. On the other hand, the participation of entrepreneurs would generate confidence within all stakeholders, which will bring with it an increase in sales, competitive advantages, and greater opportunity to remain in the market.
The purpose of this research work consisted in reviewing the measures implemented by the financial sector for the proposal of strategies, which would allow the organizations of the financial sector in the department of Atlántico to establish integral programs of social responsibility. In this order of ideas, methodologically the research developed a qualitative approach, for this purpose, 60 high impact documents were reviewed to deepen the knowledge and the solution of the problem through which the guidelines for the construction of results and the subsequent conclusions were established. As far as the results are concerned, initiatives carried out by the organizations were found, such as human management policies, user protection mechanisms, new business models framed in sustainability and a focus on environmental protection, economic aid programs and alliances with other stakeholders. Among the measures implemented by the financial sector in response to the COVID19 pandemic, there were cases such as that of Banco de Guayaquil, which reinforced its responsibility and community outreach strategies by changing its paradigm and developing the change agent front, to which organizations in the sector are called. Concluding that companies in the sector must adopt flexible models, because one of the consequences of the quarantine has been the massive layoffs, this has drawn the attention of customers and it is vital for them to know which organizations within the sector are acting in this way, i.e., eliminating jobs. On the other hand, the participation of entrepreneurs would generate confidence within all stakeholders, which will bring with it an increase in sales, competitive advantages, and greater opportunity to remain in the market.
Palabras clave
Responsabilidad social empresarial, Revisión documental, Sector financiero, COVID19, Corporate social responsibility, Documentary review, Financial sector, COVID 19