Religación escuela - familia en procesos resilientes en adolescentes escolarizados procedentes de familias víctimas de desplazamiento forzado en escuela del municipio de Soledad departamento del Atlántico.
Pedroza Pedroza, Arturo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En el contexto del conflicto armado colombiano, el departamento del Atlántico
es uno de los territorios de la Región Caribe que ha recibido más víctimas de
desplazamiento forzado. Según las estadísticas de la Red Nacional de
InformaciónRNI en lo corrido de 2023, la suma alcanza más de 246.128 personas
que declararon su condición de víctimas en este territorio. Retomando los
postulados teóricos de Grotberg (2006), se entiende por resiliencia, la capacidad
para superar, enfrentar y sobreponerse ante las experiencias de adversidad, en esta
línea, propone una nueva mirada al desarrollo humano, argumentando, que no
todas las personas que enfrentan condiciones de adversidad, que han vivido hechos
traumáticos, o viven en pobreza o desigualdad, fracasaran, por el contrario, la
resiliencia hace énfasis, en el desarrollo del potencial humano. Esta investigación,
desarrollada desde el paradigma Hermenéutico, se propone develar los factores
generadores de resiliencia en estudiantes provenientes de familias víctimas de
desplazamiento forzado, siguiendo una línea metodológica que se religa el enfoque
emergente, mediante el cual se integran epistemológicamente elementos de la
complejidad que nos llevan a comprender que la resiliencia, es un proceso que se
construye a partir de la religación de acciones entre la familia, el estudiante y los
principios inclusivos de la comunidad educativa. Para este propósito se utilizan
técnicas como la entrevista a directivos, docentes y estudiantes, el análisis
documental y la triangulación de conceptos. Aportando a partir de los hallazgos, al
diseño de estrategias pedagógicas, que 10 permitan comprender y dinamizar el
desarrollo humano del estudiante que enfrenta las consecuencias de la adversidad.
In the context of the Colombian armed conflict, the department of Atlántico is one of the territories of the Caribbean Region that has received the most victims of forced displacement. According to the statistics of the RNI National Information Network so far in 2023, the sum reaches more than 246,128 people who declared their status as victims in this territory. Returning to the theoretical postulates of Grotberg (2006), resilience is understood as the ability to overcome, face and overcome adversity experiences, in this line, he proposes a new look at human development, arguing that not all people who face conditions of adversity, who have experienced traumatic events, or live in poverty or inequality, will fail, on the contrary, resilience emphasizes the development of human potential. This research, developed from the Hermeneutic paradigm, aims to reveal the factors that generate resilience in students from families who are victims of forced displacement, following a methodological line that re-links the emerging approach, through which elements of the complexity that we face are epistemologically integrated. They lead to understand that resilience is a process that is built from the reconnection of actions between the family, the student and the inclusive principles of the educational community. For this purpose, techniques such as interviews with managers, teachers and students, documentary analysis and triangulation of concepts are used. Contributing from the findings, to the design of pedagogical strategies, which allow them to understand and stimulate the human development of the student who faces the consequences of adversity.
In the context of the Colombian armed conflict, the department of Atlántico is one of the territories of the Caribbean Region that has received the most victims of forced displacement. According to the statistics of the RNI National Information Network so far in 2023, the sum reaches more than 246,128 people who declared their status as victims in this territory. Returning to the theoretical postulates of Grotberg (2006), resilience is understood as the ability to overcome, face and overcome adversity experiences, in this line, he proposes a new look at human development, arguing that not all people who face conditions of adversity, who have experienced traumatic events, or live in poverty or inequality, will fail, on the contrary, resilience emphasizes the development of human potential. This research, developed from the Hermeneutic paradigm, aims to reveal the factors that generate resilience in students from families who are victims of forced displacement, following a methodological line that re-links the emerging approach, through which elements of the complexity that we face are epistemologically integrated. They lead to understand that resilience is a process that is built from the reconnection of actions between the family, the student and the inclusive principles of the educational community. For this purpose, techniques such as interviews with managers, teachers and students, documentary analysis and triangulation of concepts are used. Contributing from the findings, to the design of pedagogical strategies, which allow them to understand and stimulate the human development of the student who faces the consequences of adversity.
Palabras clave
Familia, Inclusión, Resiliencia, Complejo, Education, Family, Inclusion, Resilience, Complex