Nivel de actividad física y tiempo en pantalla en escolares con sobrepeso y obesidad: Una revisión sistemática
Amariz, Yislaynis
Lara, Yanis
Lugo, Andrés
Rangel, Tiffany
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
En estos últimos años el implemento de las NTICS ha modificado el estilo de vida de las personas sin discriminar en edad, género o nivel socioeconómico, gracias a que día a día el acceso a estas cada vez es más fácil y desde cada vez más temprana edad los niños y jóvenes cuentan con estas herramientas. Como aspecto positivo ha facilitado la comunicación, el acceso a contenido actualizado, noticias de último minuto, entre otros. Como aspecto negativo se observa que se ha incrementado su uso por parte de la población infantil con fines de entretenimiento en sus tiempos libres lo que se ha convertido en un problema dada a que el tiempo que se emplea en estos dispositivos electrónicos es restado a actividades relacionadas con el ejercicio físico. El objetivo de esta investigación fue realizar una revisión sistemática de la última evidencia disponible acerca de la relación entre el nivel de actividad física y tiempo en pantalla con el sobrepeso y la obesidad en escolares y adolescentes. La búsqueda se realizó mediante la base de datos PubMed, Clinicalkey, Scielo y Sciencedirect, y se escogieron los artículos con un intervalo entre 2015-2020. Los MeSH utilizados fueron Pediatric Obesity, Sedentary Behavior, Screen Time. Resultados: El comportamiento sedentario incrementa significativamente el riesgo de sobrepeso y obesidad en edad escolar (8). La Encuesta Nacional de Situación Nutricional de Colombia (ENSIN) 2015 mostró que los menores en edad escolar de 5 a 12 años tenían un exceso de peso que incrementó de 18,8% en 2010 a 24,4% en 2015 y que el tiempo excesivo frente a pantallas, aquel dedicado a actividades sedentarias como ver TV o jugar con videojuegos, afecta a siete de cada diez escolares de áreas urbanas, frente a cinco de cada diez de zonas rurales. Conclusión: La falta de actividad física y el comportamiento sedentario elevan el riesgo de obesidad en la edad escolar. Los hábitos alimenticios poco saludables están relacionados a la ingesta de alimentos mientras se está en frente a pantallas.(9) Es posible afirmar que un tiempo mayor a aproximadamente 2 horas frente a aparatos electrónicos está asociado con el sobrepeso en los niños. Controlar de manera más estrecha el tiempo que pasan los niños en etapa escolar frente a dispositivos electrónicos puede constituir una buena estrategia de salud pública para contrarrestar este factor de riesgo y prevenir el desarrollo de trastornos alimenticios tales como obesidad
In recent years, the implementation of the NTICS has modified the lifestyle of people without discriminating in age, gender or socioeconomic level, thanks to the fact that day by day access to them is becoming easier and from an early age. children and young people have these tools. As a positive aspect, it has facilitated communication, access to updated content, last minute news, among others. As a negative aspect, it is observed that its use by the child population for entertainment purposes in their free time has increased, which has become a problem given that the time spent on these electronic devices is subtracted from related activities with physical exercise. The objective of this research was to carry out a systematic review of the latest available evidence about the relationship between the level of physical activity and screen time with overweight and obesity in schoolchildren and adolescents. The search was carried out using the PubMed, Clinicalkey, Scielo and Sciencedirect databases, and the articles were chosen with an interval between 2015-2020. The MeSH used were Pediatric Obesity, Sedentary Behavior, Screen Time. Results: Sedentary behavior significantly increases the risk of overweight and obesity in school age (8). The National Survey of Nutritional Situation of Colombia (ENSIN) 2015 showed that minors of school age between 5 and 12 years old were overweight, which increased from 18.8% in 2010 to 24.4% in 2015 and that excessive time in front of screens, those dedicated to sedentary activities such as watching TV or playing video games, affects seven out of ten schoolchildren in urban areas, compared to five out of ten in rural areas. Conclusion: Lack of physical activity and sedentary behavior increase the risk of obesity at school age. Unhealthy eating habits are related to eating food while in front of screens. (9) It is possible to state that a time greater than approximately 2 hours in front of electronic devices is associated with being overweight in children. Closer control of the time children spend in school with electronic devices can be a good public health strategy to counteract this risk factor and prevent the development of eating disorders such as obesity
In recent years, the implementation of the NTICS has modified the lifestyle of people without discriminating in age, gender or socioeconomic level, thanks to the fact that day by day access to them is becoming easier and from an early age. children and young people have these tools. As a positive aspect, it has facilitated communication, access to updated content, last minute news, among others. As a negative aspect, it is observed that its use by the child population for entertainment purposes in their free time has increased, which has become a problem given that the time spent on these electronic devices is subtracted from related activities with physical exercise. The objective of this research was to carry out a systematic review of the latest available evidence about the relationship between the level of physical activity and screen time with overweight and obesity in schoolchildren and adolescents. The search was carried out using the PubMed, Clinicalkey, Scielo and Sciencedirect databases, and the articles were chosen with an interval between 2015-2020. The MeSH used were Pediatric Obesity, Sedentary Behavior, Screen Time. Results: Sedentary behavior significantly increases the risk of overweight and obesity in school age (8). The National Survey of Nutritional Situation of Colombia (ENSIN) 2015 showed that minors of school age between 5 and 12 years old were overweight, which increased from 18.8% in 2010 to 24.4% in 2015 and that excessive time in front of screens, those dedicated to sedentary activities such as watching TV or playing video games, affects seven out of ten schoolchildren in urban areas, compared to five out of ten in rural areas. Conclusion: Lack of physical activity and sedentary behavior increase the risk of obesity at school age. Unhealthy eating habits are related to eating food while in front of screens. (9) It is possible to state that a time greater than approximately 2 hours in front of electronic devices is associated with being overweight in children. Closer control of the time children spend in school with electronic devices can be a good public health strategy to counteract this risk factor and prevent the development of eating disorders such as obesity
Palabras clave
Obesidad infantil, Sedentarismo, Tiempo en pantalla, Pediatric obesity, Sedentary behavior, Screen time